As usual I appreciate you sharing information I would not see otherwise. I honestly want to believe the US government is not this evil but then again history proves to me otherwise with some of the horrible stuff we have done to people foreign and domestic. Hope you have a great weekend.
Mr. Shife - I feel like whoever is in charge of HAARP is evil, logic suggests that it is the U.S. Government, otherwise we are under attack. What is sad to me is that this Tesla technology was meant to be used for good, not as a weapon.
Diane - I hope they aren't able to pull it off in California, but if they do I hope people are aware of what happened, what caused it.
Looks like they're not through with the North East United States either.
As usual I appreciate you sharing information I would not see otherwise. I honestly want to believe the US government is not this evil but then again history proves to me otherwise with some of the horrible stuff we have done to people foreign and domestic. Hope you have a great weekend.
That's scary. Pray for California.
Mr. Shife - I feel like whoever is in charge of HAARP is evil, logic suggests that it is the U.S. Government, otherwise we are under attack. What is sad to me is that this Tesla technology was meant to be used for good, not as a weapon.
Diane - I hope they aren't able to pull it off in California, but if they do I hope people are aware of what happened, what caused it.
Now New Orleans looks to be in their sights, boom boom, out go the lights.
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