Published: 05 November, 2012, 23:38
New York City Mayor Michael
Bloomberg views damage in the Breezy Point area of Queens in New York
on October 30, 2012. (AFP Photo)
As New York City was just starting to assess the damage from Superstorm Sandy last week, Mayor Michael Bloomberg dismissed asking the National Guard for extra help because
“The NYPD is the only people we want on the street with guns.”
Bloomberg, the billionaire mayor of the most populated city in the United States, was speaking to the media on Wednesday when he unleashed a quip that wasn’t quite picked up by the press immediately besides a short New York Post article. Five days later on the one-week anniversary of Sandy’s arrival on the East Coast, the mayor’s comment is now being pounced on as the city continues to try and rebuild.
The mayor made the remarks on November 1 after Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz said the city needed more help from the US National Guard following a frankenstorm that left much of the city powerless and eventually caused the deaths of over 100 people across 10 states.
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1 comment:
Galt - Yeah, their reputation is horrible. Maybe that comes with disarmed citizens, no one (or few) on equal footing. Bloomberg doesn't want any guns that he's not in control of, no matter how much the National Guard could have helped.
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