Activist Post
America’s most convenient appliance – microwave ovens are an absolute necessity in today’s fast-paced world. Microwaves are currently present in at least 90% of homes in America. They offer a simple and extremely rapid way to cook or reheat food or liquids.
The majority of people use this kitchen appliance without question and think they are no more than a simple alternative to conventional ovens for when they don’t feel like cooking or need food fast.
However you may want to think twice before using your microwave, as it could be one of the worst things YOU do to your food.
The way in which microwaves work and affect health
In short, microwave ovens are kitchen appliances which are used to cook or reheat food. They do this by emitting microwaves.
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Magnetrons produce an electromagnetic field with a microwave frequency of approximate 2,450 megaHertz (MGz), which is the equivalent to 2.4 gigaHertz (GHz). Microwaves produced within the microwave oven cause dialectric heating – they bounce around the inside of the oven and are absorbed by whatever you put in it.
In order for something to heat in a microwave oven, water must be present within the substance. If water is not present, heating will not occur and it would remain cool. The reason for this is that water molecules within the food vibrate at an incredible speed, creating molecular friction which is responsible for the heating of the food. The structure of the water molecules are torn apart and vigorously deformed. This is much different than any other method of cooking, as other methods such as convection ovens heat up food by transferring heat convectionally from the outside inward.
Hans Hertel, a Swiss scientist, states:
There are no atoms, molecules or cells of any organic system able to withstand such a violent, destructive power for any extended period of time, not even in the low energy range of milliwatts… This is how microwave cooking heat is generated – friction from this violence in water molecules. Structures of molecules are torn apart, molecules are forcefully deformed (called structural isomerism) and thus become impaired in quality.You might wonder why when you take food out of the microwave it is unevenly heated. Food is often heated unevenly because microwaves work with whatever water molecules are present, and since not all areas of food contain the same amount of water, heating becomes uneven.
While microwave cooking does begin within the molecules where water is present, they don’t actually cook from “the inside out” like many people believe. They actually start with the outer layers, and the inner layers are mostly heated and cooked simply by transference of heat from the outer layers. This is why oftentimes you’ll find that the outside of the food is extremely hot while the inside seems to have been absent during your re-heating or cooking.
The Radiation Effects of Microwaves and Other Forms of Non-Ionizing Radiation
Microwaves are in fact radiation. They are classified as non-ionizing radiation – radiation which can change the position of atoms but is not strong enough to alter their structure, composition, or properties. Even though non-ionizing radiation is not strong enough to alter the structure of atoms, it is still able to cause physical alterations. A clear example of how non-ionizing radiation can harm you is the damage caused to your skin and eyes caused by the sun. When you use microwave cooking, you are exposing yourself to microwave radiation.
Other forms of ionizing radiation are visible light, ultraviolet and infrared waves, and waves emitted from televisions, cell phones, and electric blankets.
To learn more about radiation, click here to view our radiation page.
Today we live in a technologically advanced world. We could label the time we live in as the “technology age” as well as the “radiation age”. We are currently bombarded with radiation from almost everything around us: radio towers, televisions, cell phones, microwave ovens, computers, satellites, broadcast antennas, and so much more. Unfortunately, radiation doesn’t go away over time, in fact, it just accumulates.
Although we’ve conducted study after study concluding that no amount of radiation is safe, we don’t really know what all of this means in the long term. But here is what we do know:
- When any radiation waves resonate with a body part, the biological effect is intensified. For example, microwave frequencies are very similar to the frequencies of your brain. The effects microwaves have on your brain are greater than those same waves on any other part of the body.
- Although studies are done to view the effects of radiation, most of these studies are done for short exposure periods at higher intensities. There is an immense shortage of studies using long exposure periods with low-level radiation. More research simply needs to be done.
- Radiation accumulates over time and never goes away.
- Due to the amount of radiation everyone is exposed to every day, it is difficult to conduct studies using control groups. Radiation can’t really be controlled anymore due to the unavoidable invasion.
Who shouldn’t use microwave ovens and why?
No one should be using microwave ovens. This is especially true for babies, children, if you are pregnant, already suffer from illness & disease, or are already bombarded with more radiation than the average person.
You may suffer from “Microwave Sickness”
Tissues directly exposed to microwaves are subject to the same deformities molecules go through, and this can in turn cause you to experience “microwave sickness”. Remember, it isn’t just microwave ovens which emit this kind of radiation. Cell phone towers also emit this type of radiation.
People may experience any or all of the following after being exposed to high levels of microwave radiation.
- Impaired cognition
- Nausea
- Vision problems
- Depression and irritability
- Weakened immune system
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Insomnia and/or sleep disturbances
- Frequent urination and extreme thirst
It’s [Microwave sickness] first signs are low blood pressure and slow pulse. The later and most common manifestations are chronic excitation of the sympathetic nervous system [stress syndrome] and high blood pressure.
This phase also often includes headache, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, stomach pain, nervous tension, inability to concentrate, hair loss, plus an increased incidence of appendicitis, cataracts, reproductive problems, and cancer. The chronic symptoms are eventually succeeded by crisis of adrenal exhaustion and ischemic heart disease [the blockage of coronary arteries and heart attacks].In another book entitled Health Effects of Microwave Radiation, author Dr. Lita Lee also expressed his concern over the use of microwaves. Dr. Lee observed that the symptoms listed above could be caused by certain observations shown below.
- Lymphatic disorders were observed, leading to decreased ability to prevent certain types of cancers
- An elevated rate of cancer cell formation was observed in the blood
- Increased rates of stomach and intestinal cancers were observed
- Higher rates of digestive disorders and gradual breakdown of the systems of elimination were observed
Foods which haven’t been processed or cooked and are naturally occurring contain life energy which is transmitted from the sun. Biophotons are the smallest physical unit of light which are stored in all life forms. They contain bio-information and are partially responsible the feelings you get which signify well-being and vitality. Foods like naturally grown vegetables and especially sun-ripened fruits are the main source for these biophotons to humans.
Microwaving food, in effect, potentially destroys and depletes the life energy, rendering the food completely dead and lifeless. In addition, the food’s nutritional value is lost and it becomes nearly useless in terms of providing any real health benefit.
Fact: Russians Banned the Microwave Oven After Extensive Studies
Microwaves were first invented by the Nazis in order to provide a method of cooking for their troops during World War II. Seeing as though these microwave ovens have been experimental and new, the US War Department was assigned to research these new devices shortly after the war.
Turns out, the U.S. didn’t really perform the extensive research necessary for the new invention. Instead, the Russians decided to tackle the issue with extreme force.
Intrigued by this new device, the Russians conducted in-depth research to discover the biological effects they might possess. The results were staggering enough to lead to a ban of the new device in the Soviet Union. The ban, however, was later lifted during Perestroika, the political movement responsible for the restructuring of the Soviet Union.
The findings include:
- Carcinogenic substances were formed from the microwaving of nearly all foods tested
- Microwaving milk and grains resulted in carcinogenic substances being formed through the conversion of amino acids
- Microwaving prepared meats caused cancer-causing agents such as d-Nitrosodienthanolamines to form
- Microwaving fruits as a method of thawing resulted in the conversion of glucoside and galactoside fractions into carcinogenic substances
- Extremely short exposure of raw, cooked, or frozen vegetables converted their plant alkaloids into carcinogens
- Carcinogenic free radicals were formed in microwaved plants, especially root vegetables
- Structural degradation leading to decreased food value was found to be 60 to 90 percent overall for all foods tested, with significant decreases in bioavailability of B complex vitamins, vitamins C and E, essential minerals, and lipotropics
Say Goodbye to Your Foods Nutritional Value
Although there hasn’t been as many studies on microwaves as say, the importance of various vitamins and minerals, all of the studies generally agree on one thing: nutritional value is significantly reduced if you microwave food.
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i read an article where a group of plants were watered with normal water and another group of plants were watered with water that had been boiled in a microwave. the plants that received the microwaved water perished and died.
it might be time to toss the microwave.
Billy - Man, it will be hard to break the microwave addiction.
i had a doctor's appointment this morning and asked about microwave ovens and she told me to be more concerned about cell phones. i guess it's just a matter of which one will kill us quicker.
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