Thursday, July 01, 2010

Obama Wants The Oil Spill Crisis To Get Worse

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, July 1, 2010
Why has President Obama waited over two months into the BP oil spill crisis before accepting offers of international assistance that were there from the very start, seemingly waiting for hurricanes to hit the region which will only make the crisis worse?

Obama’s acceptance of international help is too little, too late – over two months late to be exact.

We now learn that he is starting the process of allowing international help, a process that will take weeks or months and will likely be strangled and restricted by the EPA anyway.

Foreign ships have been prevented from helping in the clean up process. Every effort has been made to stop outside involvement in the situation and almost everything we learn about the crisis comes directly from BP or the federal government. This strictly enforced cover-up shows that authorities are more concerned about protecting their information lock down than actually cleaning up the spill.

Obama initially blocked international help, citing the Jones Act, which forbids foreign ships from operating between U.S. ports, and thereby preventing the use of sophisticated technology which foreign firms insist could have sealed the leak.

The Jones Act can be waived in in cases of national emergencies or in cases of strategic interest. Belgian company DEME contends that it has the specialist vessels to fix the oil leak within two to four months, technology the U.S. does not have. By taking bids on a contract to fix the oil leak from international companies, Obama could have the problem solved within a matter of weeks, but he immediately refused the help of “thirteen entities that had offered the U.S. oil spill assistance within about two weeks of the Horizon rig explosion.” This is another clear example of the government’s motivation to allow the crisis to drag on indefinitely until they can use it to ram through their carbon tax agenda.
Article Continues

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