Thursday, July 01, 2010

FEC Attempts to Shut Down Campaign for Liberty

Campaign for Liberty
June 30, 2010

Dear Liberty Activist,

The FEC has launched a pair of investigations on Campaign for Liberty.

campaign for liberty

Both are meritless, but could seriously disrupt our growing program.

Please read Campaign for Liberty President John Tate’s letter below and stand with us.

This is exactly the type of government action to quell liberty that I have spent my life opposing.

Congressman Ron Paul

...They want to do one of two things: shut us up, or shut us down.

This battle is over a very fundamental idea – that Campaign for Liberty and our members should have a voice in lobbying their legislators and exposing the radical views of candidates for office.

Exposing what they’re up to – that’s what the powers that be can’t stand. That’s because they don’t want Americans to know:

** Congress is spending at a record pace and has now left us over 13 TRILLION dollars in debt, with no end in sight.

** The out of control FED has not accounted for nearly 2 trillion dollars and has doubled our monetary base, risking our entire economy.

** The federal government has imposed a mandate that every American either purchase a health care product the Feds approve of, costing tens of thousands of dollars, or risk fines and jail time.

** The federal government has attempted to take away your 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendment rights, all in the past year, with more certainly to come.

We’re exposing them – and holding them accountable as they come back home to seek reelection.

Of course, this may not sound like the end of the world. But just think: the FEC has an ARMY of lawyers and a budget of nearly $70 MILLION dollars.

That’s a lot of lawyers.

And add to it the fact that this group of people is adamantly against free speech under the First Amendment, and well, you have a recipe for trouble.

Subpeonas. Depositions. Fishing expeditions that cover tens of thousands of documents.

Legal fees just to defend our right to free speech.

Thousands of hours of staff time to comply with their demands.

You can see where this is going.

If FEC radicals succeed, I will not even be allowed to tell you and your neighbors how candidates for the House and Senate (or for President in the future) have voted on Liberty issues, so you can put the heat on them when they are most likely to listen.
Article Continues

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