My plans to sleep late went out the window this morning. I woke up about 6:30 to the faint sound of a dog whimpering. I could tell by the sound that the dog was in distress. I thought "Did I leave Bob locked outside last night?" I grabbed my clothes, ran downstairs and saw Bob asleep on the couch, snug as a bug in a rug. So I went out back and followed the sound through the semi-darkness. Yoshi, our Alaskan Malamute had fallen in a hole that I had dug to get to the sewer line, it's about four feet deep. I guess she had been in there a long time because she looked exhausted. BTW she is at least thirteen years old, maybe older. I helped her get out but she wasn't able to walk, she just laid down. I got her some water followed by milk and a piece of meat lovers pizza. At first she wasn't moving her back legs but after resting for a while she crawled around a little. I think I'll just let her rest in the sunshine for a while. If she's not able to walk later I'll call the vet and try to talk her into making a house call. Not exactly how I expected my day off to start but at least I didn't have to call into work with a very strange excuse.
Yoshi is doing much better, she's able to walk around and is eating like a wolf (which is good because that's basically what she is).
everybody look what's going round..'sorry got off track with the title..
oh, poor yoshi..is she going to be ok?...she's such a beautiful dog...i see bob over there checking her out too...
YDG, I went ahead and called the vet, but she won't be in until 2:00. I think Yoshi hurt her back.
did you get ahold of her?..is she going to be ok?...hug her for me.
The vet came over and gave her some steroids, I don't know she seems to be in pretty bad shape right now.
hows' she doing?
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