Sunday, April 06, 2008

What's that kid playing with?

I was an odd child. I use to look at toys in a catalog and pick out the ones that I wanted to play with. Yeah pretty normal so far but then I would get someone that could use scissors to cut the pictures out of the catalog and then I would play with them as if they were the real thing. My parents saved a bundle on toys. Santa use to bring me pictures of the neatest toys!


yellowdoggranny said...

did you cut anything out of the sears women's underwear catalog?

texlahoma said...

YDG, no but while I'm telling on myself...I do remember getting a kind of perverted thrill when I realized that with my newly acquired reading skills that I could look in the index of the huge sears catalog and look up things like BRAS and PANTIES.
"Page 87 huh?."

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