Monday, December 11, 2006

What's that?

I'm off today so I was wasting time looking at Google Earth. I was looking at New Mexico because I lived there in the mid 1960's. Anyway I was looking at Carlsbad, to see if you could tell that there was a huge cave there, I couldn't. (click on pics)

Just to the east of there I noticed that there was an "I" someone had a question about what this is, but he was mostly interested in the square things. What blows my mind is the circular symbol with the North to South and West to East lines through it! I've seen that symbol a million times. Oh yeah, I lined the Google Earth pointer up on it and it is exactly North and South and East to West. (There's a path or road that cuts across it but you can tell that it's seperate from the original.) It's in an interesting place too, Carlsbad Caverns to the west, springs nearby and some kind of depression(?) to the East. If you want to look for yourself, it's @ 32 degrees 11' N and 104 degrees 17' W


Nancy said...

I want whatever your taking to make your mind work the way it does. hehehehe

yellowdoggranny said...

have you ever been in the caverns...i went once when i was married to psycho jack and we were taking his aunts from calif there and it was me, jack, his 3 aunts and their husbands, jacks mom and dad...people that i tried to be have myself around...and had been watching my p's and q's and f' we're in the caverns and they say we're going to turn off all the lights so you can see how dark it really im thinking how dark can it get?....yeah, right..
so they turn off the light and (my voice is very it is very deep)...all of a sudden you here............'FUCK'...and eveyone in there cracked up laughing...i tried to say it was someone else..but no way...
i lived in roswell from 61-65...then again from 69-72 and then we moved to farmington...2 of my kids were born there..dave in roswell and mojo in farmington...
wonder who put the circle there?

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