Thursday, January 20, 2011

Unsolicited Advice

The U.S. Dollar is going down.

If you can, buy now.
Buy food that can be stored.
If you can afford it at all, buy gold or silver.

If you save change, go through it and save all nickels, dimes and quarters that are 1964 or older.

Try to get your hands on non-GMO non-hybrid seeds, even if you don't plan to grow a garden theses seeds may become very valuable for trade.

Get guns, get ammo, get clips. Even if you don't believe in guns, you should get some to trade later, when your money is worthless.

If you are saving cash, trade in $100 bills for 100 $1 dollar bills.

Buy toilet paper.

Buy medicine.

(I give this advise because I really want to help.)

You might be saying "Oh that's just crazy talk Tex!"

Ok, good, don't do any of these things, that just leaves more for the smart people.
The tone of this post might make it seem like it's an emergency, that's not what I meant. As you know the U.S. Dollar is the world reserve currency, so we can just print more when ever we want. I think that might change soon, like this year or next, when it does, everything will change, for the worse. I think we will be looking at hyper-inflation. This isn't just my opinion, I listen to people that have been right in the past. Hey, like I said, it's just free advise, you can take it or leave it, I'm not trying to sell anything. BTW, I think gasoline will be $5 a gallon soon. Why? Because our dollar is getting weaker and weaker.


billy pilgrim said...

i think i mentioned buying physical gold a while back on one of your posts. not only will it go up as the dollar sinks you'll have an asset the government can't touch as they look for more stuff to tax.

texlahoma said...

I guess I should have said that you don't have to do this in a rush, just gradually, as you can afford it.

But whatever, I'm giving good free advice, I don't care if people take it. People will reap as they have sown.

Billy - Yes, you understand.

Mr. Shife said...

Well I know why I haven't heard from you in awhile because you have been busy stockpiling. Me and the wife always have a stash of these things on hand just in case. You just never know. Hope all is well. Take care.

texlahoma said...

Mr. Shife - Hi, good to hear from you. I'm too broke to stockpile much, but I'm always on the lookout for old coins.
I'm glad y'all are realistic about having things, if the dollar doesn't go down it won't hurt to have them anyway.
I'll try to stop by your blog soon, sometimes I like to give people a break from me.

yellowdoggranny said...

check out my last post..i did it just for back later..going to go stock up on canned goods, and batteries.

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