Friday, January 07, 2011

Chemtrails and Sweet Dreams

They are spraying us heavily today here in Oklahoma.
Chemtrails all over the sky.
Aluminum and barium slowly fall into our water, onto our crops, into our lungs and wind up in our perplexed brains.
When will they stop?
Will they ever stop?
If they continue, I think we'll all end up looking like we escaped from a Marilyn Manson video.

Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams


yellowdoggranny said...

I posted on facebook this article I found that said the guy that was killed and ended up on trash heap? had something to do with spraying a chemical in Ark. that killed all the birds..I'll find it and send it to you.

texlahoma said...

YDG - Wow! I heard he was very high up and had ultra top secret clearance. He worked on bio weapons I think. I wonder if he was under the influence of a new bio weapon when he was on tape acting weird.
Thanks for the info.

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