Friday, December 03, 2010

Possum Kingdom - The Toadies

Let's go down behind the boathouse, I want to show you something.


diane said...

I made it up to 2:13 before being too creeped out.

texlahoma said...

Diane - You should have watched it all the way, surprise ending.

diane said...

What? That was it? An ice sculpt of Jesus. Tex, you made me watch the other 2 1/2 minutes for a glimpse of ice. I've got enough of that in my back yard. brrrr.

Mr. Charleston said...

Maybe there's a deeper message here. Like global warming and Jesus wept? Or maybe it's just another garage band in front of Marshall stacks. Either way, it was fun.

texlahoma said...

Diane - Sorry about that, I think they just threw that in for the video anyway.

Mr. C - You were having deep thoughts on that video, deeper than mine anyway.

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