Monday, December 06, 2010

Big Sis in Wally-World

On your next trip to Wal-Mart you might see the following message, please take it VERY seriously, apparently there are terrorists in the parking lot.

There I was in the Wal-Mart parking lot, surrounded by possible terrorists. One guy looked suspicious, something about the way he walked. There was this other guy that was wearing sunglasses, even though it was a mostly cloudy day. One woman bought some ammo, I saw her putting it in her mini-van! So I call 9-11, they told me to report it to a Wal-Mart manager, I ran in the store shouting "I need a manager!" "There are terrorists in the parking lot!" a cashier said that she would call one. I waited for about an hour then decided to go home. On the way home I saw some guys robbing a bank so I called Wal-Mart...

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