Friday, June 11, 2010

ACLU chief 'disgusted' with Obama

"I'm not disgusted at President Obama personally. It's President Obama's policies on civil liberties and national security issues I'm disgusted by. It's not a personal attack," Romero said.

Asked why he's so animated now, Romero said: "It’s 18 months and, if not now, when? ... Guantanamo is still not closed. Military commissions are still a mess. The administration still uses state secrets to shield themselves from litigation. There's no prosecution for criminal acts of the Bush administration. Surveillance powers put in place under the Patriot Act have been renewed. If there has been change in the civil liberties context, I frankly don't see it."



TheWayfarer said...

Like I said, this Administration would have to look to its right and use a telescope to see "liberal" (a term which indicates someone interested in genuine individual liberty - "pro choice" on everything).
Now that generations of pubic screw-ool dumbing-down has produced a bumper crop of complacent, useful idiot citizens, the old left, "those dirty fucking hippies" who were spot-on about the MIC-run Vietnam war, censorship and authoritarian fascism are "right-wing, nutjob teabaggers!"

The road down goes much faster than the road up.

texlahoma said...

Ted - Ha, ha things sure have changed. When Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama was saying that he wanted the price of electricity to go up threefold, I knew he was a different kind of socialist. With normal socialist at least there is some kind of good along with the bad. Like free electricity but higher taxes.

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