Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Man’s Penis Chopped Off To Improve Harvest

by Earl Morningstarr
Man’s Penis 
Chopped Off To Improve Harvest thumbnail A traditional healer in Zimbabwe has admitted in court to cutting off a friends penis, grinding the organ up with some herbs and sprinkling it on a farmers field to increase his crop yield.


TheWayfarer said...

Wrong seed, Einstein!
Seriously though, is Loraina Bobbit out on bail and going into shamanism as a sideline?
Maybe this was her brother, Dick Bobbit.
Alright, yeah I know...I'm hitting below the belt.

texlahoma said...

Ted - I hope it doesn't work, my old lady is into gardening.

YDG - If vaginas could be grown in gardens, there would be a hell of a lot of single male farmers.

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