Monday, January 05, 2009


TOBACCO ........................ 400,000
ALCOHOL ........................ 100,000
ALL LEGAL DRUGS ................ 20,000
ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS .............. 15,000
CAFFEINE ....................... 2,000
ASPIRIN ........................ 500
MARIJUANA ...................... 0
Source: United States government...
National Institute on Drug Abuse,
Bureau of Mortality Statistics


yellowdoggranny said...

roll roll roll your dope
gently down the stream

yellowdoggranny said...

i never heard of anny one being arrested for being stoned and disorderly..

Tina said...

caffeine? coca-cola should have killed me by now

billy pilgrim said...

these numbers might be wrong.

i'd bet some cop has killed a kid over a joint.

texlahoma said...

YDG, disorderly sounds like a catch all phrase.
"Your honor, the defendant was observed walking in a disorderly manner as he left Wal-Mart."
"He was observed later that evening speaking in a disorderly manner." "He was almost flaunting his disorderliness!"

Tina, I'm letting alcohol and caffeine have a race on me. Odds are on the alcohol but it would really be a Cinderella story if the caffeine got me.

texlahoma said...

Wow Billy you weren't there a minute ago!
You're probably right about the numbers. But weed has probably saved a lot of lives. You can be mad enough to kill someone and smoke a joint and realize it's not worth it...the effort I mean.
So maybe the marijuana number should be negative.

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