Friday, June 10, 2011

U.S. Government Secretly Flooded Mexico With Weapons

This makes me wonder if these guns were really sold just to be tracked.
Maybe they were sold for a much more sinister purpose.
If no whistle-blower had come forward we might have never known about this operation.
Maybe the plan was to sell an enormous amount of American guns to Mexican drug cartels.
The guns would then be used in murders and other crimes.
Then the anti-gun Obama administration and Democrats could trace these guns back to the U.S. and use them as an excuse to pass stricter gun control laws.
(Not that Obama would ever try to deceive!)


TheWayfarer said...

You go to the head of the class, Tex.
"Under the radar" can mean anything: There's a gun ban treaty HITLERy Clit supports clanking it's way thru UN, SCOTUS is an effective way of nullifying individual liberty, as we've seen with the Fourth Amendment, and Operation Gunwalker would do wonders for the 0bammunist if it hadn't been hyped by his newskikes beforehand.
This admin has an atrocious inability to time & coordinate...Thank God!

texlahoma said...

Ted - I'm surprised American guns weren't found in Osama's hideout in Pakistan.
Yeah, Hilary is trying to get our guns through international treaty.

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