Sunday, June 26, 2011

INCOMING! Asteroid to Narrowly Miss Earth on Monday

Astronomer Mark Thompson reports on the large asteroid that will pass within 8,000 miles from Earth and why we were given such short notice.

By Mark Thompson
Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:20 PM ET

This may sound like late notice, but astronomers have just spotted a rather chunky asteroid heading our way, set to narrowly miss us on Monday.

In fact, it will be such a narrow miss that astronomers in the Southern Hemisphere should be able to spot the flyby with fairly modest telescopes.

Coincidentally, I was watching yet another re-run of Armageddon the other night when the heroic Bruce Willis and his motley crew of oil drillers-turned-astronauts saved Earth from certain asteroid doom. On arrival at the asteroid, and having sacrificed many of the team, Willis et al. succeeded in dropping a typical Hollywood-style uber-bomb into the depths of the incoming asteroid and blew it to bits, giving everyone on Earth a glitzy meteor shower.

Article continues at


Anonymous said...

There are over 200,000 asteroids charted since the 1800's. On at least one evening back in the 1960's, I witnessed a bombardment of small asteroid debris landing in a large field causing small brush fires.

Heff said...

"and remember to BUY SILVER", lol !!

texlahoma said...

Billy - It would be a good chance to test out any anti-asteroid technology.

Anon - Wow, made it all the way in. In the 1970's I saw one just before sundown as a bright flash. NASA came to our school trying to get help finding it. They were only going to give $25 to the person who found it.

Heff - That's right!

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