Monday, March 28, 2011

Iranian Video Says Mahdi is 'Near'

I was struck by how very similar most all religions are and how the differences are played up and the similarities are played down.

I noticed something else in this video, it says
"The worst kind of people will become leaders." Prophet Mohammad.
It then shows a picture of Bush and Obama. I'm thinking man, he sure got that right!


Dion said...

There's many non-Muslims that also sense an end or paradigm shift fast approaching. I'm sensing something coming myself. I wouldn't be surprised if almost everyone feels something similar. Do you sense anything, tex?

texlahoma said...

Dion - Good question.
To use the Wizard of Oz, I'd say that there are hoards of people heading towards the curtain. The people in power keep saying "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"

I feel like the people in power are saying "If we can just keep the masses fooled for a couple of more years, it will be too late for them to do anything." But the masses are starting to see reality, it's like the race is on.

Dion said...

Tear down the wall!

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