Thursday, March 03, 2011


Mr. Shife said...

Nice. I started playing this while the little man was eating lunch in his high chair and he started to do a little dance.

diane said...

Sorry I haven't been here for a while, been stupidly, mindlessly busy.
Love your post on "ants", wish more people would realize the truth about what's going on.
Also, the WTC 7 collapse report before it happened, good one.

texlahoma said...

Mr. Shife - I'm glad little Shife enjoyed it.

Diane - Being busy is underrated. I thought it was funny, the way the anchors tried to act like there was nothing unusual about reporting something before it happened.
I think bld 7 is the key to unlocking minds as to the truth about 9-11 but like they say
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink."

diane said...

Try zongongo's youtube channel through google search. All you have to type in is zongongo.

texlahoma said...

Diane - Thanks, interesting info there.

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