Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Video Repost "No Guns for Negroes" Part 1


TheWayfarer said...

It hasn't worked with booze or dope, and it won't work with guns neither, it'll just provide excuse for the kakostocrats to throw you in jail and do whatever they want to you.
It will generate more interest in acquiring firearms, and profit from the underground sale of same!
I expect the early measures of gun confiscation/elimination to come in the form of excessive taxation for gun ownership: You don't fork over exorbitant jack to Der Holy Mother Schtaat, and they take your shit. High-priced licenses to own, carry or transport guns and ammo. Stupid-ass rules about storage. There are any number of ways to restrict freedom to the point where your rights are still on the books, "but"..."except"..."unless"..."only if in accordance with the Phlvkdlablia Act" etc.
Your rights are only your rights until the Papists/Khazakhs take them away "for reasons of national security/in the interest of public health and safety/for the common good".

billy pilgrim said...

would the fathers of confederation in included the right to bear arms if today's firepower was available way back when?

how about not having the right to bear arms until you're a high school grad.

TheWayfarer said...

It's part of the Canadian founding documents too: Self defense is a natural and God-given right. You guys got hosed in 2001 Billy, but hell...Didn't we all?

texlahoma said...

Ted - As usual, you can see reality clearly.

Billy - Yes, because the right to keep and bear arms was to keep the power in the peoples hands, with the ability to fight the government if need be.

I know someone who was arrested a while back for keeping and bearing arms even though our constitution clearly states "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." so that should make you happy. Oh, btw he was a high school grad with no criminal record.

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