Tuesday, September 07, 2010

“Burn Koran Day”

As usual, I'm not afraid to jump right in the middle of a "delicate situation".
As for burning the Koran on 9-11, this is one of the most stupid things ever conceived. Let's say the U.S. attacks a country for no good reason (Iraq, Afghanistan)
and the people there have a "Burn the Bible Day" what good could come from it? I'd have to say none.
Why not burn Bush and Cheney in effigy? There is so much evidence that 9-11 was an inside job I think anyone that doesn't know it was an inside job by now must just be in denial.
But I guess all that is way to complicated for simpleminded people. To them it is much easier to blame foreigners with different beliefs.
So I guess on 9-11 we will see a bunch of simpleminded, easily led, misguided people burning Korans. There's nothing I can do about it other than try to point out how incredibly stupid it is.


Jill said...

Amen! Thank you. I was thinking the same when I read about Burn the Koran day. The sad thing is, they're going to make us all look like bigoted racists. It's so stupid.

texlahoma said...

Jill - It is going to make us all look bad. If they were going to burn the Patriot Act, I could understand that.

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