Thursday, September 02, 2010

That Dog Doesn't Smell Too Good

There's a little game the cops play around here and probably everywhere. They run the drug dog around your car and say "Oh he hit on something!" and then they search your car.

I think the cops should have to keep a video record of every time a drug dog "hits" on a car. They should have to identify exactly when the dog signals when it smells drugs. The drug dogs around here have very many false positives. The false positive hits should have to be reviewed monthly (or how ever often)  and if the ratio of false positives ever gets to50% then it should no longer give probable cause to search.

After watching this, I realize a video of when a dog hits would do no good, because they just train the dogs to act like they smell drugs.


yellowdoggranny said...

they probably are trained to act like rubber is a hit..sniff a tire and set them off..

texlahoma said...

YDG - They really use them around here to skirt the constitutional right against unreasonable searches.
I'd like to know what percentage of the dog's hits are right, probably about 10% or less.

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