Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Council on Foreign Relations: The Illuminati In the United States
According to the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of the conspiracy to take over the world and create a world government. The leaders of this group, as well as the leaders of the nation, are all members of the Illuminati and play integral roles in the groups' mission. The Council was founded in 1921 by President Woodrow Wilson's chief advisor, Edward Mandell House. He allegedly wielded a great deal of power during the Wilson Administration and as a Marxist, he hoped to create a socialist society in the United States.
The CFR allegedly was created by House and his associates to destroy freedom and independence in the United States. Key financing for the Council came from the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations in the 1920s, and in the 1940s, Roosevelt invited CFR members to take over important positions in the State Department. They allegedly have retained domination during the past 60 years.
Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University and a member of the CFR, claimed in his book "Tragedy & Hope":
"The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established."
Rear Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR for 16 years, explained:
"The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common -- they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government."
Dan Smoot, a former member of the FBI Headquarters staff in Washington D.C., explained the Council's purpose:
"The ultimate aim of the CFR is to create a one--world socialist system, and to make the U.S. an official part of it."
For decades, presidential candidates have been members of the Illuminati, making it virtually impossible for the country to elect a non-Illuminati leader. Allegedly, President Kennedy became disloyal to the CFR just before his assassination. The Illuminati have influence not only in the politics of the United States, but in popular culture as well. CFR members supposedly control NBC, CBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other important newspapers. Time, Newsweek, Fortune and Business Weekly allegedly are led by CFR members; these Illuminati also dominate academia, corporate America, tax-exempt foundations, labor unions and the military.
Though CFR members dominate almost all facets of American life, they are not a well-known group because the journalists and communications executives involved with the Council do not disclose its existence. The news media remains silent regarding the activities of the CFR, so the American people have no way to be informed about this menacing presence in their government and society. The Illuminati in the United States are protected by virtue of the types of people who claim membership. The CFR not only influences decisions made in the higher echelons of the U.S. government, but also finances interest groups which put appropriate pressure on government agencies and officials.
The main headquarters of the CFR is at the corner of Park Avenue and 68th Street in New York City. The building was donated to the Council by the Rockefeller family in 1929 and the organization's main goal remains to destroy the freedom and independence of the United States. David Rockefeller continues to act as the Chairman of its Board of Directors.
The CFR allegedly was created by House and his associates to destroy freedom and independence in the United States. Key financing for the Council came from the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations in the 1920s, and in the 1940s, Roosevelt invited CFR members to take over important positions in the State Department. They allegedly have retained domination during the past 60 years.
Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University and a member of the CFR, claimed in his book "Tragedy & Hope":
"The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established."
Rear Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR for 16 years, explained:
"The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common -- they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government."
Dan Smoot, a former member of the FBI Headquarters staff in Washington D.C., explained the Council's purpose:
"The ultimate aim of the CFR is to create a one--world socialist system, and to make the U.S. an official part of it."
For decades, presidential candidates have been members of the Illuminati, making it virtually impossible for the country to elect a non-Illuminati leader. Allegedly, President Kennedy became disloyal to the CFR just before his assassination. The Illuminati have influence not only in the politics of the United States, but in popular culture as well. CFR members supposedly control NBC, CBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other important newspapers. Time, Newsweek, Fortune and Business Weekly allegedly are led by CFR members; these Illuminati also dominate academia, corporate America, tax-exempt foundations, labor unions and the military.
Though CFR members dominate almost all facets of American life, they are not a well-known group because the journalists and communications executives involved with the Council do not disclose its existence. The news media remains silent regarding the activities of the CFR, so the American people have no way to be informed about this menacing presence in their government and society. The Illuminati in the United States are protected by virtue of the types of people who claim membership. The CFR not only influences decisions made in the higher echelons of the U.S. government, but also finances interest groups which put appropriate pressure on government agencies and officials.
The main headquarters of the CFR is at the corner of Park Avenue and 68th Street in New York City. The building was donated to the Council by the Rockefeller family in 1929 and the organization's main goal remains to destroy the freedom and independence of the United States. David Rockefeller continues to act as the Chairman of its Board of Directors.
It Takes a lot of Money to Enslave an Entire Planet
We, the global elite, were going to pass carbon taxes by tricking the world into believing that man made global warming was going to destroy the earth. Unfortunately leaked e-mails exposed that fraud. Then we thought we would make some world enslavement money by selling flu shots for a fake pandemic. Unfortunately the people of the world saw through that fraud too. Now BP, a company set up to make huge amounts of money if a cap and trade law is passed, just happened to have a giant oil leak at a fairly good time for us. Citizens of the Earth, unite and support legislation for a carbon tax. This will make your enslavement much easier and smoother. Also please support all laws that take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, this will save a lot of bloodshed, mainly ours.
Thank you for your cooperation in your own enslavement.
Thank you for your cooperation in your own enslavement.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Watch Matt Lauer try to shut this guy up - NBC Brainwashing
Watch Matt Lauer try to shut this guy up real fast as soon as he starts speaking negatively about Kagan.
Class, you may not be aware of it but you have just been subtly brainwashed.
First, can anyone tell me if NBC if for Kagan or against her. Not sure?
Let's try to figure it out. Approximately how long did they let the person against Kagan talk about her? About one minute. How long did they let the person FOR Kagan talk about her? Approximately two minutes and 26 seconds. Did Matt try to cut off the person FOR Kagan? No, he didn't did he? What about the person against Kagan did Matt try to cut him off? Yes he did didn't he. So considering these facts, I'd have to say NBC is FOR Kagan. Brainwashing doesn't hurt much does it? NO it doesn't, as a matter of fact we get so use to it that we don't even notice it do we? No we don't.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Let me talk down to you for a second, kind of like Glenn Beck seems to do.Class, you may not be aware of it but you have just been subtly brainwashed.
First, can anyone tell me if NBC if for Kagan or against her. Not sure?
Let's try to figure it out. Approximately how long did they let the person against Kagan talk about her? About one minute. How long did they let the person FOR Kagan talk about her? Approximately two minutes and 26 seconds. Did Matt try to cut off the person FOR Kagan? No, he didn't did he? What about the person against Kagan did Matt try to cut him off? Yes he did didn't he. So considering these facts, I'd have to say NBC is FOR Kagan. Brainwashing doesn't hurt much does it? NO it doesn't, as a matter of fact we get so use to it that we don't even notice it do we? No we don't.
The Mental Hospital Told Me A Secret
If someone were to ask me
"Tex, you use to work in a mental hospital, did you learn any great truths about human behavior while you were there?"
(People don't ask that as much as you would think.)
My answer would have to be
"Yes, yes I did."
I'll even expand on that a bit. The great truth that I found at the mental hospital was this
"You are free to do anything you want to do but there will be a price to pay for doing it."
"You have to decide if the thing you want to do is worth paying the price for it."
Yeah, everybody already knows this but most people don't embrace it.
They just say
"I can't do that!"
The mental hospital way of thinking says
"I CAN do that!"
Once you fully grasp that concept it never really goes away.
It makes you feel a little more free and lets you consider options that most people would never dream of.
The movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off touched on this concept just a little with the line
"There's a certain amount of freedom in being completely screwed."
Let's say you have a terminal disease, yeah that sucks and all, but you are one of the most free people on the planet.
You can do whatever, what are they going to take away from you?
Thank you for having a mentally healthy day.
"Tex, you use to work in a mental hospital, did you learn any great truths about human behavior while you were there?"
(People don't ask that as much as you would think.)
My answer would have to be
"Yes, yes I did."
I'll even expand on that a bit. The great truth that I found at the mental hospital was this
"You are free to do anything you want to do but there will be a price to pay for doing it."
"You have to decide if the thing you want to do is worth paying the price for it."
Yeah, everybody already knows this but most people don't embrace it.
They just say
"I can't do that!"
The mental hospital way of thinking says
"I CAN do that!"
Once you fully grasp that concept it never really goes away.
It makes you feel a little more free and lets you consider options that most people would never dream of.
The movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off touched on this concept just a little with the line
"There's a certain amount of freedom in being completely screwed."
Let's say you have a terminal disease, yeah that sucks and all, but you are one of the most free people on the planet.
You can do whatever, what are they going to take away from you?
Thank you for having a mentally healthy day.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Shooter Jennings & Hierophant "Summer of Rage" short film
As we inch ever closer to a one world totalitarian government, remember, these are the good ol' days.
Obama's 31 Flavors
Now that I think about it, even spell check has always known there was something wrong with Obama.
Friday, June 25, 2010
An impatient Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer leans on Obama again over illegal immigrants
President Obama was busy Thursday entertaining Russian President Dmitry Medvedev with local cheeseburgers. Obama paid the bill.
But in his White House mailbox the American chief executive should find a new letter from an impatient Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer about the illegal immigrant and unsecured federal border issues -- and laced with a little salsa.
The Republican governor is reminding the Democrat president that three weeks ago during their overdue Oval Office meeting he promised to send her more material within two weeks, especially regarding deployment of National Guard troops to fulfill the federal government's role of securing the nation's international borders.Arizona and Obama officials now have a June 28 meeting set.
Her letter comes the week before Obama's Justice Department is expected to sue Arizona over its tough new illegal immigrant law that seeks to enforce U.S. laws against illegal immigrants that the U.S. is not enforcing.
Citing recent reports of federal lands within Arizona being closed to Americans because they are infested with criminals and....
...potentially dangerous illegal immigrants, Brewer says: "This is unacceptable."
"Instead of warning Americans to stay out of parts of our own country," she adds, "we ought to be warning international lawbreakers that they will be detained and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." (As usual, the full text of her letter is below.)
The governor takes the opportunity to reiterate her own four-point border security surge strategy and to request overdue federal reimbursements of hundreds of millions of dollars ion state expenses for illegal immigrant costs.
Obama has maintained that securing the border with Mexico can only happen as part of a broader immigration reform package that he doesn't see happening for some time. Polls have shown, however, that about two-thirds of Americans agree with Arizona's stance on tightening immigrant law enforcement now.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Indian Children Blinded, Crippled By Fluoride In Water
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The controversy over adding sodium fluoride to water supplies in both the U.S. and the UK is intensifying as two separate stories out of India reveal that children are being blinded and crippled partly as a result of the neurotoxin being artificially added to drinking water.
In the Indian village of Gaudiyan, well over half of the population have bone deformities, making them physically handicapped. Children are born normally but after they start drinking the fluoridated water, they begin to develop crippling defects in their hands and feet.
“Due to the excess fluoride content in drinking water, the calcium intake is not absorbed in the body, causing disabilities and deformities,” said Dr Amit Shukla, a neurophysician.
“Sijara, a 35-year-old woman who is also afflicted, said the problem started around 30 years ago and gradually gripped the entire village,” reports Express India. “Now, you hardly find a person without the deformities. People in the village die at a relatively young age,” added Sijara whose three sons also have physical deformities.”
Government doctors have denied that fluoridation of drinking water is to blame, but have refused to test the water, insisting such tests are “not necessary”.
Meanwhile, in the village of Pavagada, 180 km from Bangalore, children are going blind after being diagnosed with Lamellar Congenital cataract — a condition wherein the eye lens are damaged.
“Alarmed by the pattern in eye diseases among children in Pavagada taluk and the increasing cases of blindness, Narayana Netralaya, in collaboration with Narayana Hrudalaya and Shree Sharada Devi Eye hospital and Research Centre in Pavagada, has begun one of the largest studies on eye disorders involving 29,800 children,” reports the Times of India in a piece entitled, Blinded by tradition and fluoride in water.
The doctors attribute the child blindness to two factors – consanguineous marriages and the “fluoride content” of the drinking water.
Christopher Bryson’s widely acclaimed book The Fluoride Deception includes dozens of peer-reviewed studies showing that sodium fluoride is a deadly neurotoxin that attacks the central nervous system and leads to a multitude of serious health problems. This fact has been covered up by a collusion of government and industry who have reaped financial windfalls while illegally mass medicating the public against their will.
Perhaps the most notable study was conducted by Dr. Phyllis Mullenix Ph.D., a highly respected pharmacologist and toxicologist, who in a 1995 Forsyth Research Institute study found that rats who had fluoride added to their diet exhibited abnormal behavioral traits.
A 2008 Scientific American report concluded that “Scientific attitudes toward fluoridation may be starting to shift” as new evidence emerged of the poison’s link to disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering IQ.
“Today almost 60 percent of the U.S. population drinks fluoridated water, including residents of 46 of the nation’s 50 largest cities,” reported Scientific American’s Dan Fagin, an award-wining environmental reporter and Director of New York University’s Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program.
The Scientific American study “Concluded that fluoride can subtly alter endocrine function, especially in the thyroid — the gland that produces hormones regulating growth and metabolism.”
The report also notes that “a series of epidemiological studies in China have associated high fluoride exposures with lower IQ.”
“Epidemiological studies and tests on lab animals suggest that high fluoride exposure increases the risk of bone fracture, especially in vulnerable populations such as the elderly and diabetics,” writes Fagin.
Fagin interviewed Steven Levy, director of the Iowa Fluoride Study which tracked about 700 Iowa children for sixteen years. Nine-year-old “Iowa children who lived in communities where the water was fluoridated were 50 percent more likely to have mild fluorosis… than [nine-year-old] children living in nonfluoridated areas of the state,” writes Fagin.
The study adds to a growing literature of shocking scientific studies proving fluoride’s link with all manner of health defects, even as governments in the west, including the UK, make plans to mass medicate the population against their will with this deadly toxin. Most Americans already drink artificially fluoridated water.
In 2005, a study conducted at the Harvard School of Dental Health found that fluoride in tap water directly contributes to causing bone cancer in young boys.
“New American research suggests that boys exposed to fluoride between the ages of five and 10 will suffer an increased rate of osteosarcoma – bone cancer – between the ages of 10 and 19,” according to a London Observer article about the study.
Based on the findings of the study, the respected Environmental Working Group lobbied to have fluoride in tap water be added to the US government’s classified list of substances known or anticipated to cause cancer in humans.
So, if there is fluoride in your water, stop drinking it!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The controversy over adding sodium fluoride to water supplies in both the U.S. and the UK is intensifying as two separate stories out of India reveal that children are being blinded and crippled partly as a result of the neurotoxin being artificially added to drinking water.
In the Indian village of Gaudiyan, well over half of the population have bone deformities, making them physically handicapped. Children are born normally but after they start drinking the fluoridated water, they begin to develop crippling defects in their hands and feet.
“Due to the excess fluoride content in drinking water, the calcium intake is not absorbed in the body, causing disabilities and deformities,” said Dr Amit Shukla, a neurophysician.
“Sijara, a 35-year-old woman who is also afflicted, said the problem started around 30 years ago and gradually gripped the entire village,” reports Express India. “Now, you hardly find a person without the deformities. People in the village die at a relatively young age,” added Sijara whose three sons also have physical deformities.”
Government doctors have denied that fluoridation of drinking water is to blame, but have refused to test the water, insisting such tests are “not necessary”.
Meanwhile, in the village of Pavagada, 180 km from Bangalore, children are going blind after being diagnosed with Lamellar Congenital cataract — a condition wherein the eye lens are damaged.
“Alarmed by the pattern in eye diseases among children in Pavagada taluk and the increasing cases of blindness, Narayana Netralaya, in collaboration with Narayana Hrudalaya and Shree Sharada Devi Eye hospital and Research Centre in Pavagada, has begun one of the largest studies on eye disorders involving 29,800 children,” reports the Times of India in a piece entitled, Blinded by tradition and fluoride in water.
The doctors attribute the child blindness to two factors – consanguineous marriages and the “fluoride content” of the drinking water.
Christopher Bryson’s widely acclaimed book The Fluoride Deception includes dozens of peer-reviewed studies showing that sodium fluoride is a deadly neurotoxin that attacks the central nervous system and leads to a multitude of serious health problems. This fact has been covered up by a collusion of government and industry who have reaped financial windfalls while illegally mass medicating the public against their will.
Perhaps the most notable study was conducted by Dr. Phyllis Mullenix Ph.D., a highly respected pharmacologist and toxicologist, who in a 1995 Forsyth Research Institute study found that rats who had fluoride added to their diet exhibited abnormal behavioral traits.
A 2008 Scientific American report concluded that “Scientific attitudes toward fluoridation may be starting to shift” as new evidence emerged of the poison’s link to disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering IQ.
“Today almost 60 percent of the U.S. population drinks fluoridated water, including residents of 46 of the nation’s 50 largest cities,” reported Scientific American’s Dan Fagin, an award-wining environmental reporter and Director of New York University’s Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program.
The Scientific American study “Concluded that fluoride can subtly alter endocrine function, especially in the thyroid — the gland that produces hormones regulating growth and metabolism.”
The report also notes that “a series of epidemiological studies in China have associated high fluoride exposures with lower IQ.”
“Epidemiological studies and tests on lab animals suggest that high fluoride exposure increases the risk of bone fracture, especially in vulnerable populations such as the elderly and diabetics,” writes Fagin.
Fagin interviewed Steven Levy, director of the Iowa Fluoride Study which tracked about 700 Iowa children for sixteen years. Nine-year-old “Iowa children who lived in communities where the water was fluoridated were 50 percent more likely to have mild fluorosis… than [nine-year-old] children living in nonfluoridated areas of the state,” writes Fagin.
The study adds to a growing literature of shocking scientific studies proving fluoride’s link with all manner of health defects, even as governments in the west, including the UK, make plans to mass medicate the population against their will with this deadly toxin. Most Americans already drink artificially fluoridated water.
In 2005, a study conducted at the Harvard School of Dental Health found that fluoride in tap water directly contributes to causing bone cancer in young boys.
“New American research suggests that boys exposed to fluoride between the ages of five and 10 will suffer an increased rate of osteosarcoma – bone cancer – between the ages of 10 and 19,” according to a London Observer article about the study.
Based on the findings of the study, the respected Environmental Working Group lobbied to have fluoride in tap water be added to the US government’s classified list of substances known or anticipated to cause cancer in humans.
So, if there is fluoride in your water, stop drinking it!
Obama Told Sen. Kyl He Will Not Secure Border Until “Immigration Reform” Law is Passed
RS Redstate
June 21, 2010
On June 18, 2010, Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl told the audience at a North Tempe Tea Party town hall meeting that during a private, one-on-one meeting with President Obama in the Oval Office, the President told him, regarding securing the southern border with Mexico, “The problem is, . . . if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’” [Audible gasps were heard throughout the audience.] Sen. Kyl continued, “In other words, they’re holding it hostage. They don’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’”
Sen. Kyl also said he reminded President Obama that the President and the Congress have an obligation, a duty, to secure the border.
June 21, 2010
On June 18, 2010, Arizona Republican Senator Jon Kyl told the audience at a North Tempe Tea Party town hall meeting that during a private, one-on-one meeting with President Obama in the Oval Office, the President told him, regarding securing the southern border with Mexico, “The problem is, . . . if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’” [Audible gasps were heard throughout the audience.] Sen. Kyl continued, “In other words, they’re holding it hostage. They don’t want to secure the border unless and until it is combined with ‘comprehensive immigration reform.’”
Sen. Kyl also said he reminded President Obama that the President and the Congress have an obligation, a duty, to secure the border.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Armada of U.S. and Israeli Warships Head for Iran
Kurt Nimmo
June 19, 2010
More than twelve U.S. and Israeli warships, including an aircraft carrier, passed through the Suez Canal on Friday and are headed for the Red Sea. “According to eyewitnesses, the U.S. battleships were the largest to have crossed the Canal in many years,” reported the London-based newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi on Saturday.
Egyptians report the armada includes a U.S. aircraft carrier.
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported Egyptian opposition members criticized the government for cooperating with the U.S. and Israeli forces and allowing the passage of the ships through Egyptian territorial waters. The Red Sea is the most direct route to the Persian Gulf from the Mediterranean.
Retired Egyptian General Amin Radi, chairman of the national security affairs committee, told the paper that “the decision to declare war on Iran is not easy, and Israel, due to its wild nature, may start a war just to remain the sole nuclear power in the region,” according to Yedioth Internet, an Israeli news site.
The passage of a warship armada through the Suez Canal and headed for the Persian Gulf and Iran is apparently not deemed important enough to be reported by the corporate media in the United States.
...Also on Saturday, Iran accused the United States of “deception” and insisted its missile program is for self-defense after a top U.S. official claimed that Iran had the capacity to attack Europe. “The Islamic Republic’s missile capability has been designed and implemented to defend against any military aggression and it does not threaten any nation,” Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said in a statement carried by state media.
Vahidi announced on April 10 that Iran will use all available options to defend itself if the country comes under a military attack. “Americans have said they will use all options against Iran, we announce that we will use all options to defend ourselves,” Vahidi told the Tehran Times.
Entire Article with links
If I could tell some of the people in Iran how one American, (myself) feels about this, I would say:
"I don't think you are trying to make nuclear weapons, but even if you are, what gives the U.S. the right to try to stop you?"
"We have them, so why can't your country have them?"
"I wish our country would leave other countries alone."
"I wish our country would have never attacked Iraq and I wish we would have never sent troops to Afghanistan or Pakistan."
"The reason that we elected Obama was because he promised to end wars, he lied."
June 19, 2010
More than twelve U.S. and Israeli warships, including an aircraft carrier, passed through the Suez Canal on Friday and are headed for the Red Sea. “According to eyewitnesses, the U.S. battleships were the largest to have crossed the Canal in many years,” reported the London-based newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi on Saturday.
Egyptians report the armada includes a U.S. aircraft carrier.
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported Egyptian opposition members criticized the government for cooperating with the U.S. and Israeli forces and allowing the passage of the ships through Egyptian territorial waters. The Red Sea is the most direct route to the Persian Gulf from the Mediterranean.
Retired Egyptian General Amin Radi, chairman of the national security affairs committee, told the paper that “the decision to declare war on Iran is not easy, and Israel, due to its wild nature, may start a war just to remain the sole nuclear power in the region,” according to Yedioth Internet, an Israeli news site.
The passage of a warship armada through the Suez Canal and headed for the Persian Gulf and Iran is apparently not deemed important enough to be reported by the corporate media in the United States.
...Also on Saturday, Iran accused the United States of “deception” and insisted its missile program is for self-defense after a top U.S. official claimed that Iran had the capacity to attack Europe. “The Islamic Republic’s missile capability has been designed and implemented to defend against any military aggression and it does not threaten any nation,” Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said in a statement carried by state media.
Vahidi announced on April 10 that Iran will use all available options to defend itself if the country comes under a military attack. “Americans have said they will use all options against Iran, we announce that we will use all options to defend ourselves,” Vahidi told the Tehran Times.
Entire Article with links
If I could tell some of the people in Iran how one American, (myself) feels about this, I would say:
"I don't think you are trying to make nuclear weapons, but even if you are, what gives the U.S. the right to try to stop you?"
"We have them, so why can't your country have them?"
"I wish our country would leave other countries alone."
"I wish our country would have never attacked Iraq and I wish we would have never sent troops to Afghanistan or Pakistan."
"The reason that we elected Obama was because he promised to end wars, he lied."
Monday, June 21, 2010
Bill Clinton Liked Pot Brownies
And, Smith reports, in the memoir Hitchens offers this detail about the former President, who famously said he never inhaled marijuana.
"When I was in England I experimented with marijuana a time or two -- and didn't like it -- and didn't inhale and never tried inhaling again," he said while campaigning for the presidency in 1992.
Hitchens confirms that Clinton never inhaled; instead, he writes, he consumed pot brownies:
"He preferred, like many another marijuana enthusiast, to take his dope in the form of large handfuls of cookies and brownies," Hitchens writes
"When I was in England I experimented with marijuana a time or two -- and didn't like it -- and didn't inhale and never tried inhaling again," he said while campaigning for the presidency in 1992.
Hitchens confirms that Clinton never inhaled; instead, he writes, he consumed pot brownies:
"He preferred, like many another marijuana enthusiast, to take his dope in the form of large handfuls of cookies and brownies," Hitchens writes
Friday, June 18, 2010
I Must Be Getting Old
I was walking through the cemetery today and two guys with shovels started chasing me.
Mega Million Lotto Predictor
Please don't buy tickets from these numbers they are for entertainment purposes only.
Good Luck!
Winning Numbers: 11-36-37-41-55+7
Please don't buy tickets from these numbers they are for entertainment purposes only.
Good Luck!
Winning Numbers: 11-36-37-41-55+7
Earthquakes Reveal Archaeological Evidence That All Religious Doctrines Are Flawed
(Not Really, Yet)
How strong is your faith?
Could your faith be shattered by discoveries around the world that provided "absolute proof" that your religion and all religions of the world have been misunderstood?
I had a vivid dream a few years ago. I was outside, in the country with my wife and some of my closest friends. We saw something in the sky, something big. My wife and friends immediately believed that this was the end of the world, the second coming or the time of rapture, religious things like that. I was saying "This isn't what you think it is." "This is fake, it's man made!" But they weren't paying any attention to what I was saying because they were so freaked out.
I have come to believe that this dream was somewhat prophetic.
(Anyone that reads this blog knows that I think outside the box but this time the box isn't even in sight, I'm so far out of it.)
Remember the "UFO" or "Out of control rocket" that caused a spiral in the night sky over Europe around the same time that Obama received his Nobel Peace Prize?
Then the other night, over Australia there was one just like it. What if that wasn't an out of control rocket or a UFO?
Is it in the realm of possibility that the spiral was really a test? A test of technology that the masses are not even aware exists.
Does technology exist that can make images in the sky that look like religious figures or aliens or just about anything?
I'll cut to the chase and wrap this post up.
I believe that 9-11 was an inside job, an illusion. Yes planes did hit the towers but the overall event was an illusion. Explosives were already in place and set off just as the planes hit. Building 7 was pre-wired with explosives too but something went wrong, I think another plane was suppose to hit it. They were sitting there with a building ready to be imploded, so they had to blow it or get caught in a big lie.
Anyway, let's say the seeds of doubt are planted by earthquakes revealing artifacts that "prove" that all religions are basically wrong. Now it's time for a grand illusion. Instead of spirals in the sky, now people see religious figures or aliens.
People will be made to believe through high tech means (that I don't want to go into) that (someone) is the true god and that we need to do as he says. He will probably say that we need a new world order, a one world government.
So, say what you want about my sanity, you can't say that I'm afraid to stick my neck out.
PS - If you were going to try to pull this off, when would you do it? I would do it on Dec 21st 2012.
How strong is your faith?
Could your faith be shattered by discoveries around the world that provided "absolute proof" that your religion and all religions of the world have been misunderstood?
I had a vivid dream a few years ago. I was outside, in the country with my wife and some of my closest friends. We saw something in the sky, something big. My wife and friends immediately believed that this was the end of the world, the second coming or the time of rapture, religious things like that. I was saying "This isn't what you think it is." "This is fake, it's man made!" But they weren't paying any attention to what I was saying because they were so freaked out.
I have come to believe that this dream was somewhat prophetic.
(Anyone that reads this blog knows that I think outside the box but this time the box isn't even in sight, I'm so far out of it.)
Remember the "UFO" or "Out of control rocket" that caused a spiral in the night sky over Europe around the same time that Obama received his Nobel Peace Prize?
Then the other night, over Australia there was one just like it. What if that wasn't an out of control rocket or a UFO?
Is it in the realm of possibility that the spiral was really a test? A test of technology that the masses are not even aware exists.
Does technology exist that can make images in the sky that look like religious figures or aliens or just about anything?
I'll cut to the chase and wrap this post up.
I believe that 9-11 was an inside job, an illusion. Yes planes did hit the towers but the overall event was an illusion. Explosives were already in place and set off just as the planes hit. Building 7 was pre-wired with explosives too but something went wrong, I think another plane was suppose to hit it. They were sitting there with a building ready to be imploded, so they had to blow it or get caught in a big lie.
Anyway, let's say the seeds of doubt are planted by earthquakes revealing artifacts that "prove" that all religions are basically wrong. Now it's time for a grand illusion. Instead of spirals in the sky, now people see religious figures or aliens.
People will be made to believe through high tech means (that I don't want to go into) that (someone) is the true god and that we need to do as he says. He will probably say that we need a new world order, a one world government.
So, say what you want about my sanity, you can't say that I'm afraid to stick my neck out.
PS - If you were going to try to pull this off, when would you do it? I would do it on Dec 21st 2012.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
ibuprofen linked to a 24% higher risk of heart attack
Study: 'Traditional' Painkillers May Carry Small but Serious Risk
By Daniel J. DeNoon
WebMD Health News
June 9, 2005 -- Ibuprofen, naproxen, and similar pain relievers raise a person's risk of heart attack, a new study suggests.WebMD Health News
Ibuprofen and naproxen - traditional anti-inflammatory pain relievers -- have been considered more heart friendly than the new Cox-2 type of pain drugs. Two of the Cox-2 drugs, Vioxx and Bextra, have been pulled from the market Vioxx and Bextra, have been pulled from the market because they increase a person's risk of heart attack.
The new study, led by Julia Hippisley-Cox, MD, MRCP, of the University of Nottingham, England, did show that Vioxx increased the risk of heart attack by 32% when taken in the previous three months. But it also linked ibuprofen -- brand names include Advil and Motrin -- to a 24% higher risk of heart attack compared with people who had not taken any anti-inflammatory in the last three years.
Diclofenac (brand names including Arthrotec, Cataflam, and Voltaren) increased heart attack risk by 55%. Naproxen (brand names include Aleve) was also linked to a higher heart attack risk, although the finding was not as strong.
I saw this mentioned briefly on the evening news. Can you imagine the media storm there would be if an herbal substance increased your odds of having a heart attack by 24%? It would be big news and there would be demands that the substance be banned. I'm just saying...this story was kind of, if not swept under the rug, then at least quietly swept into a corner.
How to Pick a Science Czar
Let's say you are a newly elected president and you have to choose a Science Czar.
You read some quotes from a book Ecoscience 1977 that a guy named John Holder wrote.
He writes about laws requiring abortions and requiring that all illegitimate babies be put up for adoption.
He writes about a world in which the government puts things in the water supply and in food that will sterilize the people who ingest it.
He has a vision of a one world government that tells the people how many children they can have, if any at all.
So what do you do as president after reading all of this?
Throw the book down in disgust and repulsion?
Try to find a way to keep this guy out of power?
No, you say "That's the man that I want for Science Czar!"
Too me the question shouldn't be "What country was Barack Obama born in?" It should be "What planet was Barack H. Obama born on?"
I can't answer that question but I'm very sure it wasn't Krypton.
Here are some quotes from the man Obama hand picked to be YOUR Science Czar.
“Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“One way to carry out this disapproval might be to insist that all illegitimate babies be put up for adoption—especially those born to minors, who generally are not capable of caring properly for a child alone.
If a single mother really wished to keep her baby, she might be obliged to go through adoption proceedings and demonstrate her ability to support and care for it.
Adoption proceedings probably should remain more difficult for single people than for married couples, in recognition of the relative difficulty of raising children alone.
It would even be possible to require pregnant single women to marry or have abortions, perhaps as an alternative to placement for adoption, depending on the society.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“A program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than trying to sterilize men.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission, for a limited number of births.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“In today’s world, however, the number of children in a family is a matter of profound public concern.
The law regulates other highly personal matters. For example, no one may lawfully have more than one spouse at a time.
Why should the law not be able to prevent a person from having more than two children?”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“Perhaps those agencies, combined with UNEP and the United Nations population agencies, might eventually be developed into a Planetary Regime—sort of an international superagency for population, resources, and environment.
Such a comprehensive Planetary Regime could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable, at least insofar as international implications exist.
Thus the Regime could have the power to control pollution not only in the atmosphere and oceans, but also in such freshwater bodies as rivers and lakes that cross international boundaries or that discharge into the oceans.
The Regime might also be a logical central agency for regulating all international trade, perhaps including assistance from DCs to LDCs, and including all food on the international market.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region and for arbitrating various countries’ shares within their regional limits. Control of population size might remain the responsibility of each government, but the Regime would have some power to enforce the agreed limits.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“To date, there has been no serious attempt in Western countries to use laws to control excessive population growth, although there exists ample authority under which population growth could be regulated.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
You read some quotes from a book Ecoscience 1977 that a guy named John Holder wrote.
He writes about laws requiring abortions and requiring that all illegitimate babies be put up for adoption.
He writes about a world in which the government puts things in the water supply and in food that will sterilize the people who ingest it.
He has a vision of a one world government that tells the people how many children they can have, if any at all.
So what do you do as president after reading all of this?
Throw the book down in disgust and repulsion?
Try to find a way to keep this guy out of power?
No, you say "That's the man that I want for Science Czar!"
Too me the question shouldn't be "What country was Barack Obama born in?" It should be "What planet was Barack H. Obama born on?"
I can't answer that question but I'm very sure it wasn't Krypton.
Here are some quotes from the man Obama hand picked to be YOUR Science Czar.
“Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“One way to carry out this disapproval might be to insist that all illegitimate babies be put up for adoption—especially those born to minors, who generally are not capable of caring properly for a child alone.
If a single mother really wished to keep her baby, she might be obliged to go through adoption proceedings and demonstrate her ability to support and care for it.
Adoption proceedings probably should remain more difficult for single people than for married couples, in recognition of the relative difficulty of raising children alone.
It would even be possible to require pregnant single women to marry or have abortions, perhaps as an alternative to placement for adoption, depending on the society.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“A program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than trying to sterilize men.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission, for a limited number of births.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“In today’s world, however, the number of children in a family is a matter of profound public concern.
The law regulates other highly personal matters. For example, no one may lawfully have more than one spouse at a time.
Why should the law not be able to prevent a person from having more than two children?”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“Perhaps those agencies, combined with UNEP and the United Nations population agencies, might eventually be developed into a Planetary Regime—sort of an international superagency for population, resources, and environment.
Such a comprehensive Planetary Regime could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable, at least insofar as international implications exist.
Thus the Regime could have the power to control pollution not only in the atmosphere and oceans, but also in such freshwater bodies as rivers and lakes that cross international boundaries or that discharge into the oceans.
The Regime might also be a logical central agency for regulating all international trade, perhaps including assistance from DCs to LDCs, and including all food on the international market.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region and for arbitrating various countries’ shares within their regional limits. Control of population size might remain the responsibility of each government, but the Regime would have some power to enforce the agreed limits.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
“To date, there has been no serious attempt in Western countries to use laws to control excessive population growth, although there exists ample authority under which population growth could be regulated.”
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science advisor, Ecoscience 1977.
House Democrats Drop Ron Paul’s Audit of Federal Reserve
My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.
Government should be transparent. Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing. Information maintained by the Federal Government is a national asset. My Administration will take appropriate action, consistent with law and policy, to disclose information rapidly in forms that the public can readily find and use. Executive departments and agencies should harness new technologies to put information about their operations and decisions online and readily available to the public. Executive departments and agencies should also solicit public feedback to identify information of greatest use to the public.
Barry Barack Husein Soetoro Obama.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Afghanistan Mineral Riches Story Is War Propaganda
Steve Watson
Tuesday, Jun 15th, 2010
News that the U.S. has suddenly discovered $1 trillion-worth of mineral deposits in Afghanistan, and descriptions of the bounty as a “game changer” by the corporate media, represent nothing more than crude war propaganda designed to reinvigorate public support for a failing and ever more pointless occupation.
The “liberal” New York Times, which previously brought us fantastical stories of WMD in Iraq and yellowcake from Niger, is at it once again, describing huge deposits of minerals in Afghanistan as “previously unknown”.
In a story the Times ran on Sunday, the newspaper pointed to an “internal Pentagon memo” as its source, noting that U.S. officials now believe Afghanistan could become the “Saudi Arabia of lithium”.
The article claims that “a small team of Pentagon officials and American geologists” has also recently discovered huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt and gold, that could transform Afghanistan into one of the most important mining centers in the world.
The idea that this information is new, however, is manifestly ludicrous.
In an interview with Politico, a retired senior U.S. official notes that anyone with a memory span longer than a goldfish will realise the supposedly “new discovery” is anything but that:
“When I was living in Kabul in the early 1970’s the [U.S. government], the Russians, the World Bank, the UN and others were all highly focused on the wide range of Afghan mineral deposits. Cheap ways of moving the ore to ocean ports has always been the limiting factor,” the official said.
Furthermore, in the mid 1980s, the chief engineer of the Afghan Geological Survey Department published a report pointing to vast reserves of mineral riches. The Afghan government was readying to work with the Soviets on extraction, before Russia pulled out of the country altogether as it’s empire began to crumble in 1989.
This is how stupid you are suppose to be:
"Wow, $1 trillion-worth of mineral deposits in Afghanistan!" "Now there's no way we should stop borrowing money from China in order to finance our occupation of Afghanistan!" "We should keep our military there from now on."
Tuesday, Jun 15th, 2010
News that the U.S. has suddenly discovered $1 trillion-worth of mineral deposits in Afghanistan, and descriptions of the bounty as a “game changer” by the corporate media, represent nothing more than crude war propaganda designed to reinvigorate public support for a failing and ever more pointless occupation.
The “liberal” New York Times, which previously brought us fantastical stories of WMD in Iraq and yellowcake from Niger, is at it once again, describing huge deposits of minerals in Afghanistan as “previously unknown”.
In a story the Times ran on Sunday, the newspaper pointed to an “internal Pentagon memo” as its source, noting that U.S. officials now believe Afghanistan could become the “Saudi Arabia of lithium”.
The article claims that “a small team of Pentagon officials and American geologists” has also recently discovered huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt and gold, that could transform Afghanistan into one of the most important mining centers in the world.
The idea that this information is new, however, is manifestly ludicrous.
In an interview with Politico, a retired senior U.S. official notes that anyone with a memory span longer than a goldfish will realise the supposedly “new discovery” is anything but that:
“When I was living in Kabul in the early 1970’s the [U.S. government], the Russians, the World Bank, the UN and others were all highly focused on the wide range of Afghan mineral deposits. Cheap ways of moving the ore to ocean ports has always been the limiting factor,” the official said.
Furthermore, in the mid 1980s, the chief engineer of the Afghan Geological Survey Department published a report pointing to vast reserves of mineral riches. The Afghan government was readying to work with the Soviets on extraction, before Russia pulled out of the country altogether as it’s empire began to crumble in 1989.
This is how stupid you are suppose to be:
"Wow, $1 trillion-worth of mineral deposits in Afghanistan!" "Now there's no way we should stop borrowing money from China in order to finance our occupation of Afghanistan!" "We should keep our military there from now on."
Saturday, June 12, 2010
2011: New York City is struck by a nuclear bomb; World War 3 begins.
2011 to early 2040: the first part of the tribulation, including the first Six Seals and the first Six Trumpets.
The Warning of Garabandal = The First Secret of Medjugorje = The Day of Repentance (on a Friday)
The Second Secret of Medjugorje = The Day of Consolation (on a Sunday)
Pope Benedict XVI suggests building a Church, a Temple, and a Mosque in Jerusalem (cf. Mark 9:4).
The Miracle of Garabandal = The Third Secret of Medjugorje = The Day of Healing (May 13th)
A small war among the Arab/Muslim nations consolidates power with extremist leaders. Iran and Iraq lead them.
Pope Benedict XVI dies.
The next Pope (Pope Pius XIII/Cardinal Arinze) enforces true doctrine and practice, resulting in the great apostasy.
The First Seal and First Horseman of the Apocalypse: World War 3
2011: New York City is struck by a nuclear bomb; World War 3 begins.
2012: Pope Pius XIII is captured during the war, tried, convicted, blinded, and imprisoned.
2012: Rome is captured by the Arab forces; they devastate Vatican City and the churches of Rome.
2012/2013: Two Popes are elected outside of Rome: one true Pope and one well-meaning antipope.
2013: Allied forces recapture Rome; the true Pope and the antipope both go to Rome.
July of 2013: Rome is struck by a nuclear missile; both the Pope and the antipope are killed.
2011 to 2018/2019: World War 3. The Arab forces conquer Europe, Scandinavia, parts of Eastern Europe, northern Africa.
The Second Seal and Second Horseman of the Apocalypse: Worldwide Civil Unrest and Violence
2011 to 2018/2019: the civil unrest is more widespread than World War 3, including rioting, street crimes, etc.
The Third Seal and Third Horseman of the Apocalypse: The Great Famine of the 21st Century
2013 to 2020 or so: Most severe in Europe, the great famine affects developed nations more than poor nations.
2013 to 2019: During the Famine, like the Prodigal Son, the Protestant Churches repent and seek unity with Catholicism.
The Fourth Seal and Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse: Death from a Variety of Causes
2014 to 2020 or so: Many others die from a variety of other causes (not directly from war, civil violence, and famine).
The Inter-war Period between World Wars 3 and 4
2020 to early 2030's: The Arab forces occupy and oppress a vast territory; Christians are persecuted.
2020 to 2023: Unification: the Church is restructured into seven parts: 5 for the formerly Protestant Churches, which have repented and joined the Catholic Church; one for the Latin Rite; one for the Eastern Churches.
2022: A Pope is elected who is not Roman Catholic; he is one of the converts from Protestantism.
late 2020's: The persecution of Christians in the occupied territories increases more and more.
2028 to 2032: An Ecumenical Council is held to deal with problems caused by Unification.
The Fifth Seal: The Great Martyrdom
early 2030's: Christians are massacred in the occupied territories. It will be more severe than the Jewish Holocaust.
The Sixth Seal: World War 4 - an all-out nuclear war
about 2033 to 2037: Spurred by the great massacre of Christians, with approval from the Angelic Shepherd, the U.S. and its Allies, and the great Catholic monarch, attack the occupied territories. The Allies call upon the help of Almighty God, and they win the war, but at great cost. Both sides use many nuclear weapons. Millions upon millions are killed.
about 2037: The most faithful Servants of God are given a visible Seal on their foreheads. They are protected by God.
The Seveth Seal is divided into Seven Trumpets - only Six of the Seven Trumpets are for this generation
First Trumpet (2038) Pieces of broken Comet Tempel 1 fall to earth and burn up 1/3 of the land.
Second Trumpet (2038) One large piece of the same comet falls into the ocean causing great destruction.
Third Trumpet (2038/2039) Nuclear fallout from the war, and ash from the fires of the comet, contaminate the waters.
Fourth Trumpet (2038/2039) Nuclear Winter, due to World War and the effects of the comet pieces.
Fifth Trumpet (Monday, Nov. 8th of 2038 to Saturday, April 9th of 2039, inclusive.) Something like locusts, but not natural, afflicts anyone without the Seal. Praying the Rosary temporarily spares you from this affliction, if you lack the Seal.
Sixth Trumpet (March 29, 30, 31 of 2040) Three Days of Darkness kills 1/3 of humanity, then the planet is healed by God.
2040's and 2050's: the reign of the great monarch and the Angelic Shepherd; a time of relative peace and holiness.
last part of the 21st century: the great monarch's kingdom is divided into four less holy kingdoms.
22nd century: The world continues to become more sinful. Russia becomes the dominent world power.
23rd century: Africa, India, and China become allies and the dominent world power, causing much harm.
24th century: The reign of the ten kings begins. Nine of the ten kingdoms reject Christianity very thoroughly. The one that includes Israel tolerates Christianity. There is very much sin in the world, and even in the Church.
25th century - the 2420's: The Antichrist rises to power in the kingdom of the North (Europe). He fights within that kingdom to increase his power to the point of dictatorship.
2430: The Antichrist defeats the Christian king of the South (Israel, Middle East, Northern Africa). The Pope of that time, the last true Pope before the return of Christ, is killed.
2430/2431: The Antichrist defeats the kings of Africa and of the East; he now controls two more kingdoms.
2431: The other six kingdoms submit to him. The symbolic beast with ten horns and seven heads is the ten kingdoms led by these seven leaders: the Antichrist plus the six remaining kings.
2431 to 2437: The nearly seven years of the reign of the Antichrist.
the first half of his reign: the Antichrist consolidates power worldwide by military force; he greatly exalts himself.
the second half of his reign: the Antichrist loses a battle to Christians. He then tries to destroy the Church by giving power and approval to apostates and heretics. The false prophet is a woman who is an antipope. The two prophets of Rev. 11 preach the truth. They are killed, raised from the dead, and assumed into Heaven.
2437: The Antichrist attempts a fake ascension into the sky. The Archangel Michael throws him down; he is broken but not dead. His reign ends. Faithful Christians go out and preach the Gospel, seeking repentant sinners.
2437: Jesus Christ returns with the Virgin Mary. More time for preaching and repentence is given.
2438/2439: The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath (i.e. the Seventh Trumpet) is given to the unrepentent wicked of the world.
about 2439/2440: The first Resurrection, for those who died as martyrs (and perhaps some Saints who lived as marytrs)
Thereafter: Then Jesus ascends to Heaven (Second Ascension) and Mary is assumed into Heaven (Second Assumption).
Next: Jesus sends the Holy Spirit (Second Pentecost), this time on the whole world.
Then, beginning in the 2440's: The Millennium of peace and holiness, when Christ reigns, not in the flesh, but in the Eucharist, and through the other Sacraments, and through Tradition, Scripture, Magisterium.
* * * * * * * * * * * * The Millennium continues for well over a thousand years * * * * * * * * * * * *
And then: The events of Revelation 20:7-9 occur: a rebellion against all that is holy; but the rebels are destroyed by God.
And sometime after that: The General Resurrection of the just and unjust.
And at that time: God takes away Heaven and Purgatory and Earth and Hell. And God makes a new Heaven and a new Earth and a new Hell. But Purgatory is no longer needed "...and death shall be no more." (Rev. 21:4).
And after that who knows?
Pope Benedict XVI will die prior to, or at the very beginning of, World War III. Therefore, he will die in either 2010 or early 2011. The destruction of Rome and Vatican City during World War 3.During the war of the Arabs against Europe (World War III), the Arab forces will attack Italy and Rome. At that time, in the year 2012, the Pope will be forced to flee the Vatican. He will have waited too long to flee successfully. The Pope and the clergy with him will be taken captive by the Arab forces. They will be taken to Syria (Riblah is an ancient city in Syria) and put on trial.
The successor to Peter the Roman will be elected sometime before July of 2013. He will be a validly elected Pope, the true Pope. However, about the same time, there will be an antipope, a man who falsely claims to be pope, who will have much support worldwide. When the Allies recapture Rome during World War 3 (in late 2012 or early 2013), both of these men will want to go to Rome, each to support his claim to be the true pope. In July of 2013, they will both be in Rome when the Arab forces strike the city with a nuclear missile. Both men shall be killed.
The Arabs forces will win World War III and will occupy a vast territory for many years. They will oppress and persecute Christians. In the 2030's, this persecution will become very severe. The Arab forces will massacre many Christians. They will hunt down priests and religious and devout Catholics to imprison, torture, and kill them. Millions of Catholic Christians will be killed. This massacre will take place over several years.
In the mid to late 2030's, in World War IV, the Allied nations will attack the lands occupied by the Arab forces. This war will be even more severe than World War III. Many nuclear weapons will be used. The Allies will win the war, at such great cost, and defeat the Arabs even in their own lands. One of the principle Allied leaders is called the great monarch. After the war is won, and after a series of extreme punishments from God upon the whole world, the great monarch will rule over a vast territory (over the lands previously occupied by the Arab forces). Beginning in A.D. 2040, the great monarch will rebuild this territory, and help rebuild the rest of the world, together with the Pope of that time, called the Angelic Shepherd.
In the year 2011 A.D.
* The Day of Repentance = the Warning of Garabandal = the First Secret of Medjugorje (Friday)
* The Day of Consolation = the Second Secret of Medjugorje (Sunday)
* The Day of Healing = the Miracle of Garabandal = the Third Secret of Medjugorje (Thursday, May 13th)
* It is a year of great success for the prolife cause
* Pope Benedict XVI suggests building three places in Jerusalem, a Temple, a Church, and a Mosque, so that the three religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, can worship in peace in the City of Peace. (But it does not happen soon; instead there is war.)
* The Jews decide to build the Third Temple of Jerusalem
* There is war, insurrection, and coups among the Arab/Muslim nations of the Middle East and northern Africa. Extremist leaders fight against more moderate leaders, and the extremists win. If they cannot win by coups and insurrections, then one Arab nation attacks another in outright war.
* The war and the insurrections and coups end within the same year that they began. Then the leader of Iran and the leader of Iraq will have much power and influence over the other Arab/Muslim nations, all of which will be led by extremists.
* the holy Pope Benedict XVI dies.
* the holy Pope called 'Peter the Roman' by St. Malachy is elected. I think that he will be Cardinal Arinze and that he will take the name Pope Pius XIII.
* New York City will be struck by a nuclear bomb (not a missile; not a dirty bomb) in 2011 (sometime after the Miracle, in the same calendar year)
You will make them like an oven of fire, in the time of your presence.
The Lord will stir them up with his wrath, and fire will devour them.
* World War 3 begins as a result of the nuclear attack on New York City
* World War 3 is the first horseman of the apocalypse and the first of the Seven Seals.
* World War 3 is a war in which the Arab/Muslim nations of the Middle East and northern Africa invade and conquer all of Europe, parts of Eastern Europe, parts of Scandinavia, and the northern part of Africa above the equator.
* The Arab forces will be unstoppable, except that they can be held above the equator.
* To the soldiers who will fight for the Allies in World War 3, I tell you sincerely:
The Arab forces can be stopped above the equator in Africa.
During the Reign of Pope Pius XIII (2011 to 2013)
* he will emphasize the authority of the Roman Pontiff
* he will emphasize the primacy of the Roman Catholic faith.
* he will use his temporal and spiritual authority against dissenters.
* he will require Catholics to believe and practice the Catholic faith in order to receive the Eucharist
* as a result, most Catholics will leave the Catholic faith during and soon after his reign (in the great apostasy)
* in the year 2012, during World War 3, he will flee the Vatican at night, he will flee to a location to hide, but then he will be captured by the Arab forces, he will be taken to Syria, he will put on trial and be given an unjust verdict and sentence, he will watch as they kill members of the clergy in front of him. Then they will blind him by putting out his eyes. They will bind him and send him to prison in Iraq. Soon he will die in that prison in Iraq; no one will be able to rescue him.
* for a time, the Popes after him will not reign from Rome, until the year 2040, when the papacy returns to Rome.
* he is NOT the last Pope ever; there will be many more Popes and many centuries before Christ Returns.
In 2011 and 2012 A.D.
* World War 3 continues.
* The Arab forces attack and begin to invade Europe
* The U.S. fights along with its European allies
* The civil unrest, rioting, and street violence increases. This civil violence accompanies the violence of the war, but is much more widespread than World War 3; the civil unrest and violence spreads to nearly the whole world. This civil unrest is the second horseman of the apocalypse and the second of the Seven Seals.
In the year 2012 A.D.
* World War 3 continues.
* The Arab forces advance toward Rome
* Pope Pius XIII flees Vatican City at night, carrying his own bag on his shoulder, with other members of the clergy; and with soldiers to guard them. They are able to get away from Vatican City, but are pursued by the Arab forces and then captured. The Pope and some clergy are brought to Syria. Other members of the clergy from Syria are also held captive there. The Pope is put on trial, unjustly found guilty, and given an unjust sentence. The members of the clergy are put to death as the Pope watches; then they cut out his eyes, so that it is the last thing that he sees. Then they bind the Pope and take him to a prison in Iraq.
* The Arab forces capture Rome. They desecrate, burn, and destroy the churches of Rome. They also partially destroy Vatican City.
In 2012 or 2013 A.D.
* The Allies recapture the City of Rome
* It will be hailed as a great victory, but it will soon turn into a great defeat.
* Pope Pius XIII dies in prison in Iraq
* Two groups of Cardinals and Bishops each elect a pope: one is the true Pope and the other is a well-meaning but misguided antipope.
In the year 2013 A.D.
* The Pope of that time (the one after Pius XIII) and a prominent antipope (both elected contrary to the rules of UDG) will both go to Rome, each to bolster his claim to be the true Pope.
* In July of 2013, the Arab forces strike Rome and Vatican City with a nuclear missile; Vatican City will be completely destroyed. Both the true Pope and the antipope will be killed.
* The Arab forces continue their successful attacks in Europe.
* The great famine of the 21st century begins during the year 2013 (after the nuclear missile strike against Rome). This famine will be more severe in wealthy developed nations and less severe in poorer nations. It will be most severe in Europe. The great famine is the third horseman of the apocalypse and the third of the Seven Seals. It will last from mid 2013 to mid 2020. It will not end until the Protestant Churches repent and convert and unite with the Catholic Church.
In the year 2014 A.D.
* World War 3 continues. The Arab forces are unstoppable. After the nuclear strike on Rome, some nations surrender without a major battle. They fear a nuclear strike. The Allies are determined not to use nuclear weapons.
* The civil unrest, rioting, and criminal violence continues.
* The great famine increases in severity and becomes more widespread. Not until 2014 A.D. is the famine generally acknowledged to be a famine.
* Some people begin living sinfully and self-indulgently, out of fear that their lives may be short.
* Death from a variety of different causes is the fourth horseman of the apocalypse and the fourth of the Seven Seals. The causes of death are mainly related to the war, the civil unrest, and the famine.
In the year 2015 A.D.
* This year is the 2000th anniversary of the start of the Ministry of Jesus Christ (which began in fall of 15 A.D.)
* The Catholic Church begins to teach with ever greater clarity.
* The great famine reaches its greatest severity and its widest extent in this year.
* World War 3 continues, as does the civil unrest and violence.
In the year 2016 A.D.
* The Catholic Church reaffirms its teaching: reinforcing old doctrines and affirming new doctrines. Membership in the Catholic Church, which declined severely during and after the reign of Pope Pius XIII, begins to recover. The Pope of this time will decide to permit women to be ordained as deaconesses (but certainly not as priests or Bishops). This will begin in January of 2016.
* The great famine continues to be severe and widespread. Nothing can end the famine except the unification of all Christians in one holy Catholic Apstolic Church. The famine will not end until the Protestant Churches repent and convert and unite with the Catholic Church.
* Just as the prodigal son began to contemplate returning to his family during a famine, so also will the Protestant Churches begin to contemplate returning to unity with the Catholic faith during this great famine.
* World War 3 continues, as does the civil unrest and violence.
* At some point in time (about 2015 to 2017) the Arab forces turn more of their attention to conquering Africa. They have some success above the equator, but they CAN be stopped above the equator in Africa. They cannot be stopped in Europe, nor in the regions adjacent to Europe.
In the year 2017 A.D.
* The Catholic Church continues to teach boldly and clearly. The resurgence in membership is now apparent.
* The Protestant Churches, which had been considering some form of unity or cooperation with the Catholic Church, finally realize that they must repent and convert and return to unity with the Catholic Church: one faith, one Lord, one baptism
* World War 3 begins to wind down; it is clear that the Arab forces are unstoppable.
* The civil unrest begins to decrease.
* The great famine begins to lessen.
In the year 2018 A.D.
* The Catholic Church continues to teach, to recover lapsed members, and to win new converts.
* More and more Protestants begin to realize the need to repent and convert and unite with the Catholic Church.
* The end of World War 3 takes place during the two year period of time 2018/2019.
* The civil unrest continues to decrease.
* The great famine continues to lessen.
In the year 2019 A.D.
* The year 2019 is the 2000th anniversary of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
* The Church continues to teach and its membership continues to grow.
* The desire for conversion among the Protestant Churches continues to spread throughout the world.
* The end of World War 3 takes place during the two year period of time 2018/2019.
* The civil unrest continues to decrease.
* The great famine continuesto lessen.
In the years 2020 to 2023 A.D.
* The unification of the Protestant Churches with the Catholic Church occurs, taking 3.5 years, from mid 2020 to late 2023. The Protestant Churches accept one Pope and one Church; they accept the seven Sacraments and all the teachings of the Church.
* During unification, in the year 2022, a new Pope is elected who is not a Roman Catholic: he will be from one of the new branches of the Catholic Church, a convert from Protestantism. The conservative Latin Rite Catholics will not be pleased with him, but he is a true and valid Pope.
* The Church is restructured. By the end of the 3.5 years, the Church will have seven divisions within unity: one part for the Latin Rite, one part for the Eastern Churches, and five parts for the formerly Protestant Churches.
* World War 3, the civil unrest, and the great famine are past.
* The Arab/Muslim nations of the Middle East have conquered and now control a vast territory: Europe, parts of eastern Europe, parts of Scandinavia, and the northern part of Africa above the equator. They consolidate their hold on the occupied territory.
* Comet Tempel 1 passes very close to Mars in mid November of 2021, and may break apart at that time.
In the years 2024 to 2029 A.D.
* The renewed holy Catholic Church wins many converts.
* The Arab/Muslims with authority over the occupation are upset with the unification of Christians in one Church. They begin to increase the persecution of Christians in the occupied territories.
* The Church thrives and grows amid this persecution.
* Some Catholics (not the new convert from Protestantism) are upset with the formerly Protestant Catholics. They are correct to apply the criticisms of the seven Churches of Asia to the seven parts of the renewed Church. But they are incorrect to argue against unification.
* This controversy about unification grows and is supported by some just complaints against the formerly Protestant Catholics, and other just complaints about overly conservative Latin Rite Catholics.
From the year 2028 to the year 2032 A.D.
* The Catholic Church holds an Ecumenical Council to reply to those who complain against the unification of the Protestant Churches with the Catholic Church. The Council decides that the unification is God's will. But it also corrects some abuses of doctrine and practice found within the seven branches of the Church.
In the years 2029 to 2033 A.D.
* The success of Christianity, even amid the persecution and hardships of the tribulation and the occupation, angers those who have power over the occupation.
* The fifth of the Seven Seals is the great martyrdom of the 2030's. The Arabs/Muslims who have power over the occupied territories increase their persecution of Christians until it is no longer a persecution, but a massacre. As the Holocaust was to the Jews, so also is this Great Martyrdom to the Christians. Clergy and religious will be hunted down and tortured. Millions of Christians in the occupied territories will be killed.
* The massacre of Christians spurs the United States and its Allies to undertake World War 4. This war is an all-out nuclear war, with the Allies making the first strike (using pure fusion weapons). The great Catholic monarch is the most prominent of the leaders among the Allies. The angelic shepherd, the very holy Pope of that time, also approves of this war.
* The Angelic Shepherd is Fr. Zlatko Sudac and he will take the name Pope Raphael (because the Church and the world need healing from God and His Angels).
In the years 2034 to 2037 A.D.
* The sixth of the Seven Seals is World War 4, an all-out nuclear war, which begins about 2034 and ends about 2037 A.D. The United States uses pure fusion weapons, but the Arab forces use fission-fusion weapons.
* The army of the great monarch is small, but they call upon the intercession of the Virgin Mary, and the help of the holy angels, so they are able to defeat a much larger force.
* The occupying forces are defeated in both the occupied lands and in their own lands.
* During or near the end of this war, the faithful are given the Seal of God on their foreheads; a visible sign of the favor of God.
* The great monarch and the angelic shepherd survive the war. The faithful want the great monarch to rule over the entire territory formerly held by the Arab/Muslim forces. But the politicians and the media oppose and ridicule this idea. They manage to convince people not to approve of this idea. But then ...
In the years 2038 A.D. to early 2040 A.D.
* The First Trumpet of the Seventh Seal - pieces of the broken Comet Tempel 1 fall to earth and burn up a third of the land area.
* The Second Trumpet of the Seventh Seal - one large piece of Comet Tempel 1 falls into the ocean and causes great destruction world wide.
* The Third Trumpet of the Seventh Seal - nuclear fall-out from World War 4 poisons one third of the waters on earth.
* The Fourth Trumpet of the Seventh Seal - nuclear winter, from World War 4 as well as from the fires caused by the broken Comet, reduces the light that reaches the earth, causing crop failure and freezing temperatures.
* The Fifth Trumpet of the Seventh Seal - something similar to locusts (probably supernatural in origin) torments for five months those who do not have the Seal of God on their foreheads.
* The Sixth Trumpet of the Seventh Seal - the Three Days of Darkness occurs on March 29, 30, 31 (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday) of 2040 A.D., during which one third of the world population will be killed supernaturally. Anyone caught outside or who goes outside, and anyone opening a window or door to the outside, during these three days will be killed. Some persons indoors will be killed by their own fear.
* But by the end of the three days of darkness, God will have miraculously healed the world of the lingering effects of the previous afflictions.
Beginning in the year 2040 A.D.
* After the Three Days of Darkness, those who survive will agree to allow the great Catholic monarch to rule over the entire territory formerly occupied by the Arab forces, including Europe, parts of Eastern Europe, part or all of Scandinavia, the entire Middle East, and northern Africa. Before the three days of darkness, the media and various prominent persons ridiculed the idea of the great monarch ruling over a vast territory, and the idea of the three days of darkness. And they had effectively convinced the nations not to allow it. But after the three days of darkness, those who survive agree to submit to the great monarch. The secular media have now utterly lost their power.
* The great monarch beings to rule over a vast territory. His kingdom places the Catholic faith above the government of the kingdom. His constitution and laws are based on the Catholic faith. His kingdom is not perfect, but it is the holiest kingdom that the world has yet seen.
* The angelic shepherd is the holy Pope of that time period. He will be able to work miracles through prayer and the intercession of the Virign Mary. He will teach the Faith with greater depth and insight than ever before. The Catholic Faith will hold great influence with all the nations of the world.
* The Church will rebuild a new Vatican City at Rome. The papacy returns to Rome in the year 2040 A.D. The center of authority in the Church will be Rome, and the center of worship in the Church will be Jerusalem.
The Warning of Garabandal = The First Secret of Medjugorje = The Day of Repentance (on a Friday)
The Second Secret of Medjugorje = The Day of Consolation (on a Sunday)
Pope Benedict XVI suggests building a Church, a Temple, and a Mosque in Jerusalem (cf. Mark 9:4).
The Miracle of Garabandal = The Third Secret of Medjugorje = The Day of Healing (May 13th)
A small war among the Arab/Muslim nations consolidates power with extremist leaders. Iran and Iraq lead them.
Pope Benedict XVI dies.
The next Pope (Pope Pius XIII/Cardinal Arinze) enforces true doctrine and practice, resulting in the great apostasy.
The First Seal and First Horseman of the Apocalypse: World War 3
2011: New York City is struck by a nuclear bomb; World War 3 begins.
2012: Pope Pius XIII is captured during the war, tried, convicted, blinded, and imprisoned.
2012: Rome is captured by the Arab forces; they devastate Vatican City and the churches of Rome.
2012/2013: Two Popes are elected outside of Rome: one true Pope and one well-meaning antipope.
2013: Allied forces recapture Rome; the true Pope and the antipope both go to Rome.
July of 2013: Rome is struck by a nuclear missile; both the Pope and the antipope are killed.
2011 to 2018/2019: World War 3. The Arab forces conquer Europe, Scandinavia, parts of Eastern Europe, northern Africa.
The Second Seal and Second Horseman of the Apocalypse: Worldwide Civil Unrest and Violence
2011 to 2018/2019: the civil unrest is more widespread than World War 3, including rioting, street crimes, etc.
The Third Seal and Third Horseman of the Apocalypse: The Great Famine of the 21st Century
2013 to 2020 or so: Most severe in Europe, the great famine affects developed nations more than poor nations.
2013 to 2019: During the Famine, like the Prodigal Son, the Protestant Churches repent and seek unity with Catholicism.
The Fourth Seal and Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse: Death from a Variety of Causes
2014 to 2020 or so: Many others die from a variety of other causes (not directly from war, civil violence, and famine).
The Inter-war Period between World Wars 3 and 4
2020 to early 2030's: The Arab forces occupy and oppress a vast territory; Christians are persecuted.
2020 to 2023: Unification: the Church is restructured into seven parts: 5 for the formerly Protestant Churches, which have repented and joined the Catholic Church; one for the Latin Rite; one for the Eastern Churches.
2022: A Pope is elected who is not Roman Catholic; he is one of the converts from Protestantism.
late 2020's: The persecution of Christians in the occupied territories increases more and more.
2028 to 2032: An Ecumenical Council is held to deal with problems caused by Unification.
The Fifth Seal: The Great Martyrdom
early 2030's: Christians are massacred in the occupied territories. It will be more severe than the Jewish Holocaust.
The Sixth Seal: World War 4 - an all-out nuclear war
about 2033 to 2037: Spurred by the great massacre of Christians, with approval from the Angelic Shepherd, the U.S. and its Allies, and the great Catholic monarch, attack the occupied territories. The Allies call upon the help of Almighty God, and they win the war, but at great cost. Both sides use many nuclear weapons. Millions upon millions are killed.
about 2037: The most faithful Servants of God are given a visible Seal on their foreheads. They are protected by God.
The Seveth Seal is divided into Seven Trumpets - only Six of the Seven Trumpets are for this generation
First Trumpet (2038) Pieces of broken Comet Tempel 1 fall to earth and burn up 1/3 of the land.
Second Trumpet (2038) One large piece of the same comet falls into the ocean causing great destruction.
Third Trumpet (2038/2039) Nuclear fallout from the war, and ash from the fires of the comet, contaminate the waters.
Fourth Trumpet (2038/2039) Nuclear Winter, due to World War and the effects of the comet pieces.
Fifth Trumpet (Monday, Nov. 8th of 2038 to Saturday, April 9th of 2039, inclusive.) Something like locusts, but not natural, afflicts anyone without the Seal. Praying the Rosary temporarily spares you from this affliction, if you lack the Seal.
Sixth Trumpet (March 29, 30, 31 of 2040) Three Days of Darkness kills 1/3 of humanity, then the planet is healed by God.
2040's and 2050's: the reign of the great monarch and the Angelic Shepherd; a time of relative peace and holiness.
last part of the 21st century: the great monarch's kingdom is divided into four less holy kingdoms.
22nd century: The world continues to become more sinful. Russia becomes the dominent world power.
23rd century: Africa, India, and China become allies and the dominent world power, causing much harm.
24th century: The reign of the ten kings begins. Nine of the ten kingdoms reject Christianity very thoroughly. The one that includes Israel tolerates Christianity. There is very much sin in the world, and even in the Church.
25th century - the 2420's: The Antichrist rises to power in the kingdom of the North (Europe). He fights within that kingdom to increase his power to the point of dictatorship.
2430: The Antichrist defeats the Christian king of the South (Israel, Middle East, Northern Africa). The Pope of that time, the last true Pope before the return of Christ, is killed.
2430/2431: The Antichrist defeats the kings of Africa and of the East; he now controls two more kingdoms.
2431: The other six kingdoms submit to him. The symbolic beast with ten horns and seven heads is the ten kingdoms led by these seven leaders: the Antichrist plus the six remaining kings.
2431 to 2437: The nearly seven years of the reign of the Antichrist.
the first half of his reign: the Antichrist consolidates power worldwide by military force; he greatly exalts himself.
the second half of his reign: the Antichrist loses a battle to Christians. He then tries to destroy the Church by giving power and approval to apostates and heretics. The false prophet is a woman who is an antipope. The two prophets of Rev. 11 preach the truth. They are killed, raised from the dead, and assumed into Heaven.
2437: The Antichrist attempts a fake ascension into the sky. The Archangel Michael throws him down; he is broken but not dead. His reign ends. Faithful Christians go out and preach the Gospel, seeking repentant sinners.
2437: Jesus Christ returns with the Virgin Mary. More time for preaching and repentence is given.
2438/2439: The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath (i.e. the Seventh Trumpet) is given to the unrepentent wicked of the world.
about 2439/2440: The first Resurrection, for those who died as martyrs (and perhaps some Saints who lived as marytrs)
Thereafter: Then Jesus ascends to Heaven (Second Ascension) and Mary is assumed into Heaven (Second Assumption).
Next: Jesus sends the Holy Spirit (Second Pentecost), this time on the whole world.
Then, beginning in the 2440's: The Millennium of peace and holiness, when Christ reigns, not in the flesh, but in the Eucharist, and through the other Sacraments, and through Tradition, Scripture, Magisterium.
* * * * * * * * * * * * The Millennium continues for well over a thousand years * * * * * * * * * * * *
And then: The events of Revelation 20:7-9 occur: a rebellion against all that is holy; but the rebels are destroyed by God.
And sometime after that: The General Resurrection of the just and unjust.
And at that time: God takes away Heaven and Purgatory and Earth and Hell. And God makes a new Heaven and a new Earth and a new Hell. But Purgatory is no longer needed "...and death shall be no more." (Rev. 21:4).
And after that who knows?
Pope Benedict XVI will die prior to, or at the very beginning of, World War III. Therefore, he will die in either 2010 or early 2011. The destruction of Rome and Vatican City during World War 3.During the war of the Arabs against Europe (World War III), the Arab forces will attack Italy and Rome. At that time, in the year 2012, the Pope will be forced to flee the Vatican. He will have waited too long to flee successfully. The Pope and the clergy with him will be taken captive by the Arab forces. They will be taken to Syria (Riblah is an ancient city in Syria) and put on trial.
The successor to Peter the Roman will be elected sometime before July of 2013. He will be a validly elected Pope, the true Pope. However, about the same time, there will be an antipope, a man who falsely claims to be pope, who will have much support worldwide. When the Allies recapture Rome during World War 3 (in late 2012 or early 2013), both of these men will want to go to Rome, each to support his claim to be the true pope. In July of 2013, they will both be in Rome when the Arab forces strike the city with a nuclear missile. Both men shall be killed.
The Arabs forces will win World War III and will occupy a vast territory for many years. They will oppress and persecute Christians. In the 2030's, this persecution will become very severe. The Arab forces will massacre many Christians. They will hunt down priests and religious and devout Catholics to imprison, torture, and kill them. Millions of Catholic Christians will be killed. This massacre will take place over several years.
In the mid to late 2030's, in World War IV, the Allied nations will attack the lands occupied by the Arab forces. This war will be even more severe than World War III. Many nuclear weapons will be used. The Allies will win the war, at such great cost, and defeat the Arabs even in their own lands. One of the principle Allied leaders is called the great monarch. After the war is won, and after a series of extreme punishments from God upon the whole world, the great monarch will rule over a vast territory (over the lands previously occupied by the Arab forces). Beginning in A.D. 2040, the great monarch will rebuild this territory, and help rebuild the rest of the world, together with the Pope of that time, called the Angelic Shepherd.
In the year 2011 A.D.
* The Day of Repentance = the Warning of Garabandal = the First Secret of Medjugorje (Friday)
* The Day of Consolation = the Second Secret of Medjugorje (Sunday)
* The Day of Healing = the Miracle of Garabandal = the Third Secret of Medjugorje (Thursday, May 13th)
* It is a year of great success for the prolife cause
* Pope Benedict XVI suggests building three places in Jerusalem, a Temple, a Church, and a Mosque, so that the three religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, can worship in peace in the City of Peace. (But it does not happen soon; instead there is war.)
* The Jews decide to build the Third Temple of Jerusalem
* There is war, insurrection, and coups among the Arab/Muslim nations of the Middle East and northern Africa. Extremist leaders fight against more moderate leaders, and the extremists win. If they cannot win by coups and insurrections, then one Arab nation attacks another in outright war.
* The war and the insurrections and coups end within the same year that they began. Then the leader of Iran and the leader of Iraq will have much power and influence over the other Arab/Muslim nations, all of which will be led by extremists.
* the holy Pope Benedict XVI dies.
* the holy Pope called 'Peter the Roman' by St. Malachy is elected. I think that he will be Cardinal Arinze and that he will take the name Pope Pius XIII.
* New York City will be struck by a nuclear bomb (not a missile; not a dirty bomb) in 2011 (sometime after the Miracle, in the same calendar year)
You will make them like an oven of fire, in the time of your presence.
The Lord will stir them up with his wrath, and fire will devour them.
* World War 3 begins as a result of the nuclear attack on New York City
* World War 3 is the first horseman of the apocalypse and the first of the Seven Seals.
* World War 3 is a war in which the Arab/Muslim nations of the Middle East and northern Africa invade and conquer all of Europe, parts of Eastern Europe, parts of Scandinavia, and the northern part of Africa above the equator.
* The Arab forces will be unstoppable, except that they can be held above the equator.
* To the soldiers who will fight for the Allies in World War 3, I tell you sincerely:
The Arab forces can be stopped above the equator in Africa.
During the Reign of Pope Pius XIII (2011 to 2013)
* he will emphasize the authority of the Roman Pontiff
* he will emphasize the primacy of the Roman Catholic faith.
* he will use his temporal and spiritual authority against dissenters.
* he will require Catholics to believe and practice the Catholic faith in order to receive the Eucharist
* as a result, most Catholics will leave the Catholic faith during and soon after his reign (in the great apostasy)
* in the year 2012, during World War 3, he will flee the Vatican at night, he will flee to a location to hide, but then he will be captured by the Arab forces, he will be taken to Syria, he will put on trial and be given an unjust verdict and sentence, he will watch as they kill members of the clergy in front of him. Then they will blind him by putting out his eyes. They will bind him and send him to prison in Iraq. Soon he will die in that prison in Iraq; no one will be able to rescue him.
* for a time, the Popes after him will not reign from Rome, until the year 2040, when the papacy returns to Rome.
* he is NOT the last Pope ever; there will be many more Popes and many centuries before Christ Returns.
In 2011 and 2012 A.D.
* World War 3 continues.
* The Arab forces attack and begin to invade Europe
* The U.S. fights along with its European allies
* The civil unrest, rioting, and street violence increases. This civil violence accompanies the violence of the war, but is much more widespread than World War 3; the civil unrest and violence spreads to nearly the whole world. This civil unrest is the second horseman of the apocalypse and the second of the Seven Seals.
In the year 2012 A.D.
* World War 3 continues.
* The Arab forces advance toward Rome
* Pope Pius XIII flees Vatican City at night, carrying his own bag on his shoulder, with other members of the clergy; and with soldiers to guard them. They are able to get away from Vatican City, but are pursued by the Arab forces and then captured. The Pope and some clergy are brought to Syria. Other members of the clergy from Syria are also held captive there. The Pope is put on trial, unjustly found guilty, and given an unjust sentence. The members of the clergy are put to death as the Pope watches; then they cut out his eyes, so that it is the last thing that he sees. Then they bind the Pope and take him to a prison in Iraq.
* The Arab forces capture Rome. They desecrate, burn, and destroy the churches of Rome. They also partially destroy Vatican City.
In 2012 or 2013 A.D.
* The Allies recapture the City of Rome
* It will be hailed as a great victory, but it will soon turn into a great defeat.
* Pope Pius XIII dies in prison in Iraq
* Two groups of Cardinals and Bishops each elect a pope: one is the true Pope and the other is a well-meaning but misguided antipope.
In the year 2013 A.D.
* The Pope of that time (the one after Pius XIII) and a prominent antipope (both elected contrary to the rules of UDG) will both go to Rome, each to bolster his claim to be the true Pope.
* In July of 2013, the Arab forces strike Rome and Vatican City with a nuclear missile; Vatican City will be completely destroyed. Both the true Pope and the antipope will be killed.
* The Arab forces continue their successful attacks in Europe.
* The great famine of the 21st century begins during the year 2013 (after the nuclear missile strike against Rome). This famine will be more severe in wealthy developed nations and less severe in poorer nations. It will be most severe in Europe. The great famine is the third horseman of the apocalypse and the third of the Seven Seals. It will last from mid 2013 to mid 2020. It will not end until the Protestant Churches repent and convert and unite with the Catholic Church.
In the year 2014 A.D.
* World War 3 continues. The Arab forces are unstoppable. After the nuclear strike on Rome, some nations surrender without a major battle. They fear a nuclear strike. The Allies are determined not to use nuclear weapons.
* The civil unrest, rioting, and criminal violence continues.
* The great famine increases in severity and becomes more widespread. Not until 2014 A.D. is the famine generally acknowledged to be a famine.
* Some people begin living sinfully and self-indulgently, out of fear that their lives may be short.
* Death from a variety of different causes is the fourth horseman of the apocalypse and the fourth of the Seven Seals. The causes of death are mainly related to the war, the civil unrest, and the famine.
In the year 2015 A.D.
* This year is the 2000th anniversary of the start of the Ministry of Jesus Christ (which began in fall of 15 A.D.)
* The Catholic Church begins to teach with ever greater clarity.
* The great famine reaches its greatest severity and its widest extent in this year.
* World War 3 continues, as does the civil unrest and violence.
In the year 2016 A.D.
* The Catholic Church reaffirms its teaching: reinforcing old doctrines and affirming new doctrines. Membership in the Catholic Church, which declined severely during and after the reign of Pope Pius XIII, begins to recover. The Pope of this time will decide to permit women to be ordained as deaconesses (but certainly not as priests or Bishops). This will begin in January of 2016.
* The great famine continues to be severe and widespread. Nothing can end the famine except the unification of all Christians in one holy Catholic Apstolic Church. The famine will not end until the Protestant Churches repent and convert and unite with the Catholic Church.
* Just as the prodigal son began to contemplate returning to his family during a famine, so also will the Protestant Churches begin to contemplate returning to unity with the Catholic faith during this great famine.
* World War 3 continues, as does the civil unrest and violence.
* At some point in time (about 2015 to 2017) the Arab forces turn more of their attention to conquering Africa. They have some success above the equator, but they CAN be stopped above the equator in Africa. They cannot be stopped in Europe, nor in the regions adjacent to Europe.
In the year 2017 A.D.
* The Catholic Church continues to teach boldly and clearly. The resurgence in membership is now apparent.
* The Protestant Churches, which had been considering some form of unity or cooperation with the Catholic Church, finally realize that they must repent and convert and return to unity with the Catholic Church: one faith, one Lord, one baptism
* World War 3 begins to wind down; it is clear that the Arab forces are unstoppable.
* The civil unrest begins to decrease.
* The great famine begins to lessen.
In the year 2018 A.D.
* The Catholic Church continues to teach, to recover lapsed members, and to win new converts.
* More and more Protestants begin to realize the need to repent and convert and unite with the Catholic Church.
* The end of World War 3 takes place during the two year period of time 2018/2019.
* The civil unrest continues to decrease.
* The great famine continues to lessen.
In the year 2019 A.D.
* The year 2019 is the 2000th anniversary of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
* The Church continues to teach and its membership continues to grow.
* The desire for conversion among the Protestant Churches continues to spread throughout the world.
* The end of World War 3 takes place during the two year period of time 2018/2019.
* The civil unrest continues to decrease.
* The great famine continuesto lessen.
In the years 2020 to 2023 A.D.
* The unification of the Protestant Churches with the Catholic Church occurs, taking 3.5 years, from mid 2020 to late 2023. The Protestant Churches accept one Pope and one Church; they accept the seven Sacraments and all the teachings of the Church.
* During unification, in the year 2022, a new Pope is elected who is not a Roman Catholic: he will be from one of the new branches of the Catholic Church, a convert from Protestantism. The conservative Latin Rite Catholics will not be pleased with him, but he is a true and valid Pope.
* The Church is restructured. By the end of the 3.5 years, the Church will have seven divisions within unity: one part for the Latin Rite, one part for the Eastern Churches, and five parts for the formerly Protestant Churches.
* World War 3, the civil unrest, and the great famine are past.
* The Arab/Muslim nations of the Middle East have conquered and now control a vast territory: Europe, parts of eastern Europe, parts of Scandinavia, and the northern part of Africa above the equator. They consolidate their hold on the occupied territory.
* Comet Tempel 1 passes very close to Mars in mid November of 2021, and may break apart at that time.
In the years 2024 to 2029 A.D.
* The renewed holy Catholic Church wins many converts.
* The Arab/Muslims with authority over the occupation are upset with the unification of Christians in one Church. They begin to increase the persecution of Christians in the occupied territories.
* The Church thrives and grows amid this persecution.
* Some Catholics (not the new convert from Protestantism) are upset with the formerly Protestant Catholics. They are correct to apply the criticisms of the seven Churches of Asia to the seven parts of the renewed Church. But they are incorrect to argue against unification.
* This controversy about unification grows and is supported by some just complaints against the formerly Protestant Catholics, and other just complaints about overly conservative Latin Rite Catholics.
From the year 2028 to the year 2032 A.D.
* The Catholic Church holds an Ecumenical Council to reply to those who complain against the unification of the Protestant Churches with the Catholic Church. The Council decides that the unification is God's will. But it also corrects some abuses of doctrine and practice found within the seven branches of the Church.
In the years 2029 to 2033 A.D.
* The success of Christianity, even amid the persecution and hardships of the tribulation and the occupation, angers those who have power over the occupation.
* The fifth of the Seven Seals is the great martyrdom of the 2030's. The Arabs/Muslims who have power over the occupied territories increase their persecution of Christians until it is no longer a persecution, but a massacre. As the Holocaust was to the Jews, so also is this Great Martyrdom to the Christians. Clergy and religious will be hunted down and tortured. Millions of Christians in the occupied territories will be killed.
* The massacre of Christians spurs the United States and its Allies to undertake World War 4. This war is an all-out nuclear war, with the Allies making the first strike (using pure fusion weapons). The great Catholic monarch is the most prominent of the leaders among the Allies. The angelic shepherd, the very holy Pope of that time, also approves of this war.
* The Angelic Shepherd is Fr. Zlatko Sudac and he will take the name Pope Raphael (because the Church and the world need healing from God and His Angels).
In the years 2034 to 2037 A.D.
* The sixth of the Seven Seals is World War 4, an all-out nuclear war, which begins about 2034 and ends about 2037 A.D. The United States uses pure fusion weapons, but the Arab forces use fission-fusion weapons.
* The army of the great monarch is small, but they call upon the intercession of the Virgin Mary, and the help of the holy angels, so they are able to defeat a much larger force.
* The occupying forces are defeated in both the occupied lands and in their own lands.
* During or near the end of this war, the faithful are given the Seal of God on their foreheads; a visible sign of the favor of God.
* The great monarch and the angelic shepherd survive the war. The faithful want the great monarch to rule over the entire territory formerly held by the Arab/Muslim forces. But the politicians and the media oppose and ridicule this idea. They manage to convince people not to approve of this idea. But then ...
In the years 2038 A.D. to early 2040 A.D.
* The First Trumpet of the Seventh Seal - pieces of the broken Comet Tempel 1 fall to earth and burn up a third of the land area.
* The Second Trumpet of the Seventh Seal - one large piece of Comet Tempel 1 falls into the ocean and causes great destruction world wide.
* The Third Trumpet of the Seventh Seal - nuclear fall-out from World War 4 poisons one third of the waters on earth.
* The Fourth Trumpet of the Seventh Seal - nuclear winter, from World War 4 as well as from the fires caused by the broken Comet, reduces the light that reaches the earth, causing crop failure and freezing temperatures.
* The Fifth Trumpet of the Seventh Seal - something similar to locusts (probably supernatural in origin) torments for five months those who do not have the Seal of God on their foreheads.
* The Sixth Trumpet of the Seventh Seal - the Three Days of Darkness occurs on March 29, 30, 31 (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday) of 2040 A.D., during which one third of the world population will be killed supernaturally. Anyone caught outside or who goes outside, and anyone opening a window or door to the outside, during these three days will be killed. Some persons indoors will be killed by their own fear.
* But by the end of the three days of darkness, God will have miraculously healed the world of the lingering effects of the previous afflictions.
Beginning in the year 2040 A.D.
* After the Three Days of Darkness, those who survive will agree to allow the great Catholic monarch to rule over the entire territory formerly occupied by the Arab forces, including Europe, parts of Eastern Europe, part or all of Scandinavia, the entire Middle East, and northern Africa. Before the three days of darkness, the media and various prominent persons ridiculed the idea of the great monarch ruling over a vast territory, and the idea of the three days of darkness. And they had effectively convinced the nations not to allow it. But after the three days of darkness, those who survive agree to submit to the great monarch. The secular media have now utterly lost their power.
* The great monarch beings to rule over a vast territory. His kingdom places the Catholic faith above the government of the kingdom. His constitution and laws are based on the Catholic faith. His kingdom is not perfect, but it is the holiest kingdom that the world has yet seen.
* The angelic shepherd is the holy Pope of that time period. He will be able to work miracles through prayer and the intercession of the Virign Mary. He will teach the Faith with greater depth and insight than ever before. The Catholic Faith will hold great influence with all the nations of the world.
* The Church will rebuild a new Vatican City at Rome. The papacy returns to Rome in the year 2040 A.D. The center of authority in the Church will be Rome, and the center of worship in the Church will be Jerusalem.
Friday, June 11, 2010
ACLU chief 'disgusted' with Obama
"I'm not disgusted at President Obama personally. It's President Obama's policies on civil liberties and national security issues I'm disgusted by. It's not a personal attack," Romero said.
Asked why he's so animated now, Romero said: "It’s 18 months and, if not now, when? ... Guantanamo is still not closed. Military commissions are still a mess. The administration still uses state secrets to shield themselves from litigation. There's no prosecution for criminal acts of the Bush administration. Surveillance powers put in place under the Patriot Act have been renewed. If there has been change in the civil liberties context, I frankly don't see it."
Asked why he's so animated now, Romero said: "It’s 18 months and, if not now, when? ... Guantanamo is still not closed. Military commissions are still a mess. The administration still uses state secrets to shield themselves from litigation. There's no prosecution for criminal acts of the Bush administration. Surveillance powers put in place under the Patriot Act have been renewed. If there has been change in the civil liberties context, I frankly don't see it."
Thursday, June 10, 2010
BP Well Super High Pressure?
BP well pressures of 20,000 to 70,000 PSI
Hydrogen Sulfide at 1200 ppb Safe level 0-10ppb
Benzine at 3000ppb Safe level 0-4ppb
Methylene Chloride at 3000 - 3400ppb Safe level 0-61ppb
Hydrogen Sulfide at 1200 ppb Safe level 0-10ppb
Benzine at 3000ppb Safe level 0-4ppb
Methylene Chloride at 3000 - 3400ppb Safe level 0-61ppb
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
No letup in Marine attempted suicides
By Gregg Zoroya, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Marines are trying to kill themselves at a record pace this year despite a 2009 program aimed at stemming the problem, according to Marine Corps data.
Eighty-nine Marines tried to commit suicide through May, most commonly by overdose or lacerations, according to statistics and the Marine Corps suicide prevention program officer, Navy Cmdr. Aaron Werbel. At that rate, there could be more than 210 attempted suicides this year.
There were a record 164 attempted suicides in 2009.
With 21 confirmed or suspected suicides by Marines this year, the Corps is on track to near last year's record number of 52, Werbel says. The Marine Corps suicide rate in 2009 was 24-per-100,000, the highest in the military, Marine records show. The latest demographically adjusted suicide rate among civilians in 2006 was 20 per 100,000, federal records show.
The Marines introduced a training program for sergeants and corporals last year aimed at suicide education and urging them to become more knowledgeable about the lives of their younger Marines.
"We continue to maintain that this is an issue of leadership and getting our Marines who need help to the care they deserve," says Marine Lt. Gen. Richard Zilmer, deputy commandant of Manpower and Reserve Affairs. "In every case, there is a unique life to understand behind the statistics."
Werbel says there is some hint of progress — the proportion of suicides committed by Marines who are sergeants or lower ranking has declined from a high of 93% to 79% this year
WASHINGTON — Marines are trying to kill themselves at a record pace this year despite a 2009 program aimed at stemming the problem, according to Marine Corps data.
Eighty-nine Marines tried to commit suicide through May, most commonly by overdose or lacerations, according to statistics and the Marine Corps suicide prevention program officer, Navy Cmdr. Aaron Werbel. At that rate, there could be more than 210 attempted suicides this year.
There were a record 164 attempted suicides in 2009.
With 21 confirmed or suspected suicides by Marines this year, the Corps is on track to near last year's record number of 52, Werbel says. The Marine Corps suicide rate in 2009 was 24-per-100,000, the highest in the military, Marine records show. The latest demographically adjusted suicide rate among civilians in 2006 was 20 per 100,000, federal records show.
The Marines introduced a training program for sergeants and corporals last year aimed at suicide education and urging them to become more knowledgeable about the lives of their younger Marines.
"We continue to maintain that this is an issue of leadership and getting our Marines who need help to the care they deserve," says Marine Lt. Gen. Richard Zilmer, deputy commandant of Manpower and Reserve Affairs. "In every case, there is a unique life to understand behind the statistics."
Werbel says there is some hint of progress — the proportion of suicides committed by Marines who are sergeants or lower ranking has declined from a high of 93% to 79% this year
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Evidence Points To BP Oil Spill False Flag

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Tuesday, Jun 8th, 2010
Evidence Points To BP Oil Spill False Flag 080610oil- Sales of shares and stocks in days and weeks beforehand
- Halliburton link, acquisition of cleanup company days before explosion
- BP report cites undocumented tampering with well sealing equipment
- Government uses disaster to push for Carbon Tax, Nationalization talk
Troubling evidence surrounding the Deepwater Horizon explosion on April 20th suggests that the incident could have been manufactured.
On April 12th, just over one week before the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, Halliburton, the world’s second largest oilfield services corporation, surprised some by acquiring Boots & Coots, a relatively small but vastly experienced oil
well control companies.
The company deals with fires and blowouts on oil rigs and oil wells. It was responsible for putting out roughly one third of the more than 700 oil well fires set in Kuwait by retreating Iraqi soldiers during the Gulf War.
Article Continues
Obama becomes the first U.S. President to hold press conference without any American Flags present
Fire Andrea Mitchell
June 7, 2010
Here is yet another first for the “historic President.” One thing that few people noticed while Obama gave his press conference at the White House last week was missing. The American Flag! Progressive liberal’s can’t use the excuse of “lack of time in planning” because this press conference was known about nearly a week before it occured. Look at this picture

Behind him was just yellow curtains, and a couple of gold columns with chandeliers, but no American flag! A poster at Free Republic researched and looked at all photos of many press conferences (not press briefings) of past presidents. What the poster found was Obama is the only President to not have an American Flag or flags standing proudly behind or off to the side.
So, maybe there was another motive for the flags absence. We know Obama (or his handlers) carefully choreograph his image, his appearances… It’s why he’s so teleprompter-dependent. Surely he and his advisers know that flag issues have been a lightning rod — even before he was elected. I think this was deliberate. Could it be that Obama really is ashamed of America? Could it be that he thinks he is the citizen of the world which has no flag? Ladies and gentlemen this is very disturbing coming from the office of the Presidency. This is not normal to not have the symbol of the United States and its government in the east room of the White House and it is not very Presidential either. Many patriotic brave men and women have died under the stars and stripes called old glory. This fiasco coupled with the President skipping the laying of the Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetary this Memorial Day speaks volumes of the man (or Usurper) that sits in the Oval Office. What say you?IW
June 7, 2010
Here is yet another first for the “historic President.” One thing that few people noticed while Obama gave his press conference at the White House last week was missing. The American Flag! Progressive liberal’s can’t use the excuse of “lack of time in planning” because this press conference was known about nearly a week before it occured. Look at this picture

Behind him was just yellow curtains, and a couple of gold columns with chandeliers, but no American flag! A poster at Free Republic researched and looked at all photos of many press conferences (not press briefings) of past presidents. What the poster found was Obama is the only President to not have an American Flag or flags standing proudly behind or off to the side.
So, maybe there was another motive for the flags absence. We know Obama (or his handlers) carefully choreograph his image, his appearances… It’s why he’s so teleprompter-dependent. Surely he and his advisers know that flag issues have been a lightning rod — even before he was elected. I think this was deliberate. Could it be that Obama really is ashamed of America? Could it be that he thinks he is the citizen of the world which has no flag? Ladies and gentlemen this is very disturbing coming from the office of the Presidency. This is not normal to not have the symbol of the United States and its government in the east room of the White House and it is not very Presidential either. Many patriotic brave men and women have died under the stars and stripes called old glory. This fiasco coupled with the President skipping the laying of the Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington Cemetary this Memorial Day speaks volumes of the man (or Usurper) that sits in the Oval Office. What say you?IW
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Bilderberg - Deciding Today What Will Happen Tomorrow

Most Bilderberg members are in favor of U.S. air strikes on Iran and are “leaning towards war.”
An attack on Iran would provide a welcome distraction to the globalists’ failings in other areas and would also allow them to war profiteer.
“The euro is important because it’s part of their world government program, they’re very downbeat because they’ve fallen so far behind,” said Tucker, explaining that the globalists had planned by now to have the European Union, the American Union and the Asia-Pacific Union already up and running.
With regard to the climate change agenda, on which subject Microsoft founder Bill Gates was personally invited to the conference to discuss, Tucker said that Bilderberg were still intent on pushing it in pursuit of a carbon tax despite the fact that the whole move was massively eviscerated in the aftermath of the Climategate scandal.
Tucker quoted one Bilderberg member as all but admitting defeat on the mission to hoodwink the public into paying taxes in the name of fighting global warming.
“On climate change, we’re about whipped,” said one of the elitists in attendance.
However, Tucker said that the globalists were working on putting out more climate change propaganda “even as we speak”.
On the issue of the BP oil spill, the Bilderbergers made it clear that President Obama’s apparent “outrage” at BP and his threat of criminal procedures against the company was an little more than an act and that British Petroleum, who have been represented at Bilderberg meetings in the past by people like Peter Sutherland, former non-executive chairman of BP, were still “one of our brothers,” according to the elitists.
“Gas prices are going to be nice and cheap this summer,” said Tucker, adding that they would start to rise again to the $4 a gallon level around November when artificial scarcity is created.
On the march towards anti-democratic global government, Bilderberg members stated that America must be “Europeanized” and turned into a giant socialist welfare state with health rationing and higher income taxes.
Tucker said that Bilderberg were intent on mandating a bank tax paid directly to the IMF to fund global governance and a global treasury department under the IMF, and that this would then merely be passed on to the consumer.
In summary, Tucker said that this year’s conference was the most downbeat and pessimistic Bilderberg meeting in history, with massive exposure of their agenda acting as a roadblock to the ultimate goal of an authoritarian world government run by the elite, for the elite.
UPDATE: 6/9/10 The United Nations votes for stronger sanctions against Iran. Two nations voted against the sanctions, Turkey & Brazil, the two countries that had worked out a way to take low level uranium from Iran, enrich it for nuclear power and give it back, but it appears that the decision to go to war with Iran has already been made and the trilateral agreement might stand in the way of air strikes on Iran that are sure to come in the future.
Friday, June 04, 2010
Ma, why can't I get pregnant? And why is there hair growing in my mouth?

Friday, June 4, 2010
A new study done by Russian scientists suggests that Genetically Modified Food may cause long term sterility, that is, sterility in second and third generations. The scientists used hamsters for this research and divided them into groups. One group of hamsters was fed a normal diet without any soy products, a second group was fed non-GMO (genetically modified organism) soy, the third ate GM soy and the fourth group was fed an even higher amount of GM soy than the third.
Each group produced about seven to eight litters of baby hamsters each without any problems. But when the researchers selected new breeding pairs from the offspring, the second generation had a slower growth rate and reached their sexual maturity later than normal. They also had a mortality rate, five times higher than the hamsters who didn’t eat soy. Even more shocking was the fact that nearly all of the third generation GM soy eating hamsters were sterile and also experienced hair growing inside their mouths.
Genetically modified food has received much criticism earlier too, with studies linking them to problems with birth weight and infant mortality.

I don't know, ask your grandma or great grandma but first finish drinking your fluoridated water and eat your aspartame laced food, then leave me alone, I'm laughing at Hal Lindsey, he thinks the New World order is trying to depopulate the earth! Is that stupid or what?
A Blogger Question
A Blogger Question:
Is anyone else having trouble saving posts?
I haven't been able to save posts for months now.
It's hard to raise too much hell about something that is free, but come on!
Any tips or advise would be greatly appreciated.
Is anyone else having trouble saving posts?
I haven't been able to save posts for months now.
It's hard to raise too much hell about something that is free, but come on!
Any tips or advise would be greatly appreciated.
Dumbed Down
When you're alone and not feeling to bright
it's because you have been
Dumbed Down
Why don't you worry or get in a hurry
I think I know
Dumbed Down
Just listen to the sirens of the
Nazis in your city
going through the scanners
they notice you are pretty
How can you lose?
The lights are so much brighter there
you can forget all your troubles
forget all your cares
cause you're
Dumbed down
Things seem great when you're
Dumbed Down
Thursday, June 03, 2010
What's so bad about Free Speech?
Kurt Nimmo
June 2, 2010
Outrage is rising over a Michigan lawmaker’s plan to introduce a bill to license bloggers and internet-based journalists.
“State Sen. Bruce Patterson is introducing legislation that will regulate reporters much as the state regulates hairdressers, auto mechanics and plumbers. Patterson, who also practices constitutional law, says the general public is being overwhelmed by an increasing number of media outlets — traditional, online and citizen generated — and an even greater amount of misinformation,” Fox News reported on May 28. “Legitimate media sources are critically important to our government,” he said.
This is just insane! Everybody that blogs, reads blogs or likes to surf the net should be outraged. What has changed? Not long ago any talk like this would be met with so much resistance and ridicule, the guy would be lucky not to be run out of town. I mean, I still have that in me, it makes me fighting mad. I wouldn't be for it even if the other side stated a good argument, but they don't even have that. Are you being overwhelmed by an increasing number of media outlets? Or do you think you should be able to decide for yourself who to listen to? We are big boys and girls, we know that there are blogs that are full of it. We also know that most blogs don't have people paying them to lie, omit or spin a story.
Obama’s man at the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Cass Sunstein, is on record as advocating holding blogs and alternative internet news media “responsible” for the information they publish. Sunstein penned a book entitled “On Rumors: How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, What Can Be Done.” Sunstein’s book is essentially a blueprint for imposing online censorship.
Now we have Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagen against free speech and the second amendment. BTW, did you see what happened in Chicago? An 80+ year old man shot and killed an intruder that broke into his home. Had the old man followed the gun ban law in Chicago, he and his wife would probably be dead right now. People shouldn't have to make a choice between following the law and defending themselves.
June 2, 2010
Outrage is rising over a Michigan lawmaker’s plan to introduce a bill to license bloggers and internet-based journalists.
“State Sen. Bruce Patterson is introducing legislation that will regulate reporters much as the state regulates hairdressers, auto mechanics and plumbers. Patterson, who also practices constitutional law, says the general public is being overwhelmed by an increasing number of media outlets — traditional, online and citizen generated — and an even greater amount of misinformation,” Fox News reported on May 28. “Legitimate media sources are critically important to our government,” he said.
This is just insane! Everybody that blogs, reads blogs or likes to surf the net should be outraged. What has changed? Not long ago any talk like this would be met with so much resistance and ridicule, the guy would be lucky not to be run out of town. I mean, I still have that in me, it makes me fighting mad. I wouldn't be for it even if the other side stated a good argument, but they don't even have that. Are you being overwhelmed by an increasing number of media outlets? Or do you think you should be able to decide for yourself who to listen to? We are big boys and girls, we know that there are blogs that are full of it. We also know that most blogs don't have people paying them to lie, omit or spin a story.
Obama’s man at the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Cass Sunstein, is on record as advocating holding blogs and alternative internet news media “responsible” for the information they publish. Sunstein penned a book entitled “On Rumors: How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, What Can Be Done.” Sunstein’s book is essentially a blueprint for imposing online censorship.
Now we have Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagen against free speech and the second amendment. BTW, did you see what happened in Chicago? An 80+ year old man shot and killed an intruder that broke into his home. Had the old man followed the gun ban law in Chicago, he and his wife would probably be dead right now. People shouldn't have to make a choice between following the law and defending themselves.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Man’s Penis Chopped Off To Improve Harvest
by Earl Morningstarr
A traditional healer in Zimbabwe has admitted in court to cutting off a friends penis, grinding the organ up with some herbs and sprinkling it on a farmers field to increase his crop yield.

Goldman Sachs sold $250 million of BP stock before spill
John Byrne
Raw Story
June 2, 2010
Firm’s stock sale nearly twice as large as any other institution; Represented 44 percent of total BP investment
The brokerage firm that’s faced the most scrutiny from regulators in the past year over the shorting of mortgage related securities seems to have had good timing when it came to something else: the stock of British oil giant BP.
According to regulatory filings, has found that Goldman Sachs sold 4,680,822 shares of BP in the first quarter of 2010. Goldman’s sales were the largest of any firm during that time. Goldman would have pocketed slightly more than $266 million if their holdings were sold at the average price of BP’s stock during the quarter.
If Goldman had sold these shares today, their investment would have lost 36 percent its value, or $96 million. The share sales represented 44 percent of Goldman’s holdings — meaning that Goldman’s remaining holdings have still lost tens of millions in value.
Raw Story
June 2, 2010
Firm’s stock sale nearly twice as large as any other institution; Represented 44 percent of total BP investment
The brokerage firm that’s faced the most scrutiny from regulators in the past year over the shorting of mortgage related securities seems to have had good timing when it came to something else: the stock of British oil giant BP.
According to regulatory filings, has found that Goldman Sachs sold 4,680,822 shares of BP in the first quarter of 2010. Goldman’s sales were the largest of any firm during that time. Goldman would have pocketed slightly more than $266 million if their holdings were sold at the average price of BP’s stock during the quarter.
If Goldman had sold these shares today, their investment would have lost 36 percent its value, or $96 million. The share sales represented 44 percent of Goldman’s holdings — meaning that Goldman’s remaining holdings have still lost tens of millions in value.
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- ACLU chief 'disgusted' with Obama
- BP Well Super High Pressure?
- U.S. Drones kill Innocent Civilians in Pakistan Wh...
- No letup in Marine attempted suicides
- Evidence Points To BP Oil Spill False Flag
- Obama becomes the first U.S. President to hold pre...
- Bilderberg - Deciding Today What Will Happen Tomorrow
- Ma, why can't I get pregnant? And why is there hai...
- A Blogger Question
- Dumbed Down
- What's so bad about Free Speech?
- Man’s Penis Chopped Off To Improve Harvest
- Goldman Sachs sold $250 million of BP stock before...
- How You Ended The War from PuppetGov on Vimeo.