Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Isn't it Ironic

The drug dealers count on law enforcement to keep the price of the drugs that they sell, high.
The better job that the cops do, the higher the price of the drug.
The cops know this, the dealers know this, maybe we should just legalize drugs.
Legalize drugs?
Are you crazy?
Just think of what would happen!
Except that the tax payers could save a whole lot of money.

Wall Street Journal


TheWayfarer said...

Which is exactly why it will probably never happen.

yellowdoggranny said...

did u see where calif is going to vote on making possession of 1 ounce of reefer legal for adults?

texlahoma said...

Ted - You might be right.

YDG - Yes, (just today) I think that's great, I hope it passes.

crazy4coens said...

legalizing drugs would surely reduce the prison population. i think that the prison guard unions might have a thing or two to say about that!

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