Saturday, March 27, 2010

Is That a Shark in Your Pants?

I was telling my grandchildren about the time Gram-ma put on her pants on and there was a scorpion in them and it stung her.
(I was telling it like a ghost story and trying to make it sound very scaryand like it was a big effin' deal.)
TJJ (Tex jr. jr.) (age2 and 1/3) caught up in the moment, said
"One time I put my pants on... and there was a shark in them!"
Egging him on, Gram-ma asked
"Did he bite you?"
TJJ says "Yes!"
"He bit me!"


yellowdoggranny said...

seems like the story teller doesn't fall far from the grandpa..ha

texlahoma said...

YDG - I think he's going to be a lot better at it than I am.

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