Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"We need to blame them for the next horrible thing that we are going to do."

I always thought the MIAC Report was just stupid, saying that Libertarians, Gun Owners, 9/11 Truthers and Ron Paul supporters were potential terrorist. I was being naive, they aren't stupid, they were planting a seed in the public's mind. That's who they are going to blame for the next false flag attack. They thought, "Who are the smartest people?" "Who will stand in our way?" The answer? Libertarians, Gun Owners, 9/11 Truthers and Ron Paul supporters. "We need to blame them for the next horrible thing that we are going to do." Maybe it will be an assassination attempt, maybe it will be something else, but the FOR SURE thing will be who they blame.


Mr. Shife said...

Using fear is what W did best, and I don't think that tactic is going away anytime soon. It certainly has been working well for Fox News.

texlahoma said...

Yeah, Glenn Beck on Fox is such a weasel. He sure doesn't want the truth (or what I consider to be the truth.) to come out about 9/11. He thinks that anyone that even questions the governments story as to what happened on that day is a dangerous radical that is hellbent on killing the president. I actually feel kind of sorry for Obama. The puppet has lost his popularity and now they want a new puppet. I don't think he wants to go to war with Iran but he may forced to by his puppet masters.

billy pilgrim said...

maybe we should blame them first!

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