Saturday, February 06, 2010

Bloggers Fighting Terrorism

Blogs and videos about Vancouver and the 2010 Olympics possibly being the next 9/11is a topic that I find to be very interesting. Assuming that 9/11 was an inside job, let us consider, if their were blogs and videos warning about it, at which point would they pull the plug? Could they even stop it? I'm sure there's a point of no return at some stage of the game. There are so many signs pointing to this thing, people just need to LOOK. If they were going to do something in Vancouver hopefully all this came out early enough for them to put the brakes on it. I know they'll just do it somewhere else though, when it serves them best.
Bloggers fighting terrorism, what a concept! There is another reason to keep the internet free from censorship.


yellowdoggranny said...

well, you know the minute someone tells me what I can't or can say on the internet..well...I'll show you what a real terrorist acts like.

texlahoma said...

YDG - I'm afraid it's on the way. I think China just blocks sites that they don't want people to see. I've heard a little about internet-2 and some kind of web-I.D., that way big brother can track ALL your internet activity and make sure they keep you away from sites that breed discontent. The nanny state says "It's for your own good".

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