Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Government Think Tank Calls For Infiltrating Conspiracy Websites

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 30, 2010

...In other words, the fact that the overwhelming amount of evidence indicates that both 7/7 and 9/11 were “inside jobs” of one form or another, and that huge numbers of people are now aware of this via the increasing influence of the Internet, is hampering efforts to commit more acts of terror, therefore the government needs to change its strategy.

In the report, Demos, “Recommends the Government fight back by infiltrating internet sites to dispute these theories.” One of the tools Demos already employs to “fight back” against conspiracy theories is by labeling anyone who challenges the government’s official story as an extremist or a terrorist recruiter.

The strategy mirrors that advocated by White House information czar Cass Sunstein, who in a 2008 white paper similarly called for conspiracy websites to be infiltrated and undermined in order to dilute their influence. In the same report, Sunstein also called for taxing conspiracy theories (any viewpoint that differs with the official version) and outright banning free speech that the authorities disapproved of.


Jill said...

It seems pretty clear when somebody is a plant, however. The comments have a certain tone to them that makes little warning bells go off in my head. It's the same on sites such as Earth Clinic, which has nothing to do with govt or politics, but is a natural health/remedies site. Some of the commenters just make me suspicious, you know?

texlahoma said...

Jill - I know what you mean. Most people don't like to go to sites that have a very different view point anyway.

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