Monday, May 10, 2010

The 4th horseman of the apocalypse

This horseman, on the grey horse, is a super governmental group who control the 4th horse of the apocalypse, which is the world's intelligence services - the grey horse (in our present understanding which may be wrong of course). They ferment conflict in order to get more power, then they pose as our saviours from a problem that they themselves created. An old trick. For intelligence services are redundant in face of the beauty queen goal of world peace. It is plainly not in their interest for world peace to prevail. So our secret 'services' are really the ugliness kings in opposition to all beauty queens! They will shatter the dreams of everyone who seeks beauty, but then Jesus Christ will shatter their ugliness by exposing it and its inevitable result. Finally he will indeed make world peace a reality not by having loads of lying murdering torturing spies playing with WMD information and ridiculing those who expose their 'political appointees' who have destroyed the freedom of the press in the west by their control of the media, but by introducing a set of laws which stop a society of free willed beings from destroying themselves (called Christianity 1.01) and by imprisoning in Hell people who will not even attempt to obey those laws.

For the enemy of global security is not the terrorist, it is the lawlessness that our security services are itching to indulge in under the pretext of protecting us from that terrorist. Terrorism cannot destroy a society. But a lawless allergic over-reaction to terrorism can. Lawfullness is our security, not lawless spies with licences to lie about WMDs, start wars under false pretexts and torture and kill without sanction. These intelligence services all suffer from Frankenstein syndrome. They funded and armed and supported Bin Laden against the Russians in Afghanistan, the funded and armed and supported Sadam Hussein against the Iranians and the Islamists in Iraq, they supported the Mullahs in Iran against the Shah when he raised the price of oil etc etc. Then they are amazed when these Frankensteins turn upon them. They do not understand the law of God which is that whatever a man or a group of men are sowing, this they will also reap. They use nasty people to get rid of disobedient people, then the nasty people turn on them and we all end up worse off than we were with the disobedient people - doh!truebiblecode
Kurt Nimmo
May 9, 2010
During a speech at Hampton University in Virginia, Obama griped about blogs and talk radio. The anointed one said “some of the craziest claims can quickly claim traction” on the internet. “All of this is not only putting new pressures on you, it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy.”


Obama made his comments during a speech at Hampton University in Virginia.

Crazy claims? Like UFOs and Big Foot? No, crazy claims like the fact a cartel of international bankers control the banking system, the corporate media (where real distractions such as perverted football players predominate), and the educational institution where Obama delivered his speech.

“With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations — none of which I know how to work — information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation,” Obama said.

Obama said the alternative media does not have the best interests of the people at heart. “What Jefferson recognized… that in the long run, their improbable experiment — called America — wouldn’t work if its citizens were uninformed, if its citizens were apathetic, if its citizens checked out, and left democracy to those who didn’t have the best interests of all the people at heart.”

Thomas Jefferson was opposed to democracy. “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine,” he said.

Obama understands America was established as a constitutional republic (he is after all supposedly a constitutional scholar). Democracy as defined by our rulers and the corporate media is preferred because it tricks citizens into voting for their own slavery and impoverishment. Obama urged students in Virginia to ignore the truth-seekers and embrace the corporate Borg collective.infowars


texlahoma said...

You guys might be thinking "Tex is getting crazier than ever." (You could be right, time will tell) but now I feel even more sure than ever that there will be a nuke set off in the U.S. very soon and maybe in the UK. To help bring on a world government. Who will be blamed for it? Whoever best helps bring on a world government.

TheWayfarer said...

Translation of Obama remark from the original horseshit is simply "Der Schtaat vill tell your dumbed-down ass vhat echt aczeptable to believe und think, through the false prophet of government indoctrination und ze lapdogs of ABCNNBCBS!!! Shat ze fack ap, schtop thinkink vor urselves und do das vill auf Der Schtaat!!!

Information/reality control is the classic tactic of tyrants.

texlahoma said...

Ted - Yeah, exactly!
"We've gone to a lot of trouble to brainwash you, so don't listen to opposing points of view."
"Soon only government sanctioned points of view will be allowed on the internet, until then you'd best steer clear of blogs that could lead to your discontent." "The New World Order is unstoppable, resistance is futile."

yellowdoggranny said...

holy shit..I didn't watch the news today was out in the yard playing tag your it with dexter didn't know anything about the tornados..that's scary..glad everyone is ok...

texlahoma said...

Billy - I think you've got him pegged.

YDG - They missed us, this time.

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