Thursday, February 05, 2009


Major changes are happening at the cookie factory. I'm moving up to the top of quality control of the cookies. I'm inheriting a very large mess from my predecessor but hopefully, I can straighten things out before too long. Now's my time to shine or to sputter and crash to the ground, either way, I'm all in.


Tina said...

ah, wonder what your fortune cookies would read? :)

yellowdoggranny said...

far fucking out!
hope you got a big fat raise too..
ain't it cool that sooners back?
where did you get that header? i love always find the greatest pictures.

texlahoma said...

Tina - Maybe "Be careful what you wish for, you might get it." or "If life gives you doe, make cookies."

YDG - Thanks and Yep I'm glad that Sooner is back. I'm an image thief, I find 99% of them on the internet.

billy pilgrim said...

being the cookie king is and always has been your first best destiny.

i'm green with envy.

yellowdoggranny said...

can you figure out some way to make no carb cookies?

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