Tuesday, May 27, 2008

McCain, he's a Chameleon

McCain took the opportunity of today's speech to belittle Sen. Barack Obama once again for the Democratic frontrunner's willingness to meet with the U.S.'s adversaries.

Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is calling for a new arms agreement with Russia that finds ways to reduce the number of nuclear missiles.

So basically McCain repeatedly belittled Sen. Barack Obama for his willingness to meet with the U.S.'s adversaries while calling for a meeting with one of the U.S.'s main adversaries.

To be fair this video was made in 1870 when McCain was just a young man.


billy pilgrim said...

has mccain joined this technorati deal?

i signed up but i'm having second thoughts. what if a bunch of narcs start reading my blog?

texlahoma said...

Billy, it depends.
If you like technorati, he did.
If you don't like technorati, he didn't. I've got him figured out!

Don't worry, a traveling constitution salesman told me that they can't use selective prosecution on you for exercising your right to free speech.
I have to exercise my right to free speech three times a day or it shits in the floor.

McRaven said...

Your not in Kansas anymore.

yellowdoggranny said...

every time i see mccain i have this over whelming urge to bip the fuck out of him...he's starting to make bush look smart..

Big Tex said...

McCain is so hilariously hypocritical and inconsistent sometimes, I often have to stop and wonder how he got the reputation of being a "straight talker." Then after a few moments, I remember that it's because he schmoozes the shit out of anyone with a TV show or newspaper column.

texlahoma said...

McRaven, I use to live in Kansas so you are quite right! YDG, he reminds me of Ronald RayGun, and not in a good way. Big Tex, McCain would have been a lot better candidate before video...and film and the written word.

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