Monday, January 28, 2008

Johnny Quest


yellowdoggranny said...

uh....2 grown men flying around with two little would never be aired today..the far right would be down on them like a duck on a june bug..and i think that dog is a perv

texlahoma said...

It just reminded me of Saturday mornings in the 1960s. I never looked at the psycho-sexual side of it. Now that you mention it Hodgi and Bandit do seem to have a "special" friendship.

yellowdoggranny said...

when the boys were little i wouldn't let them watch speed racer as i thought it was too violent and one day when thom was about 25 he called me up and said 'guess what i'm watching?' and i said what?...he said.."speed racer and i'm going to watch it all day long and you can't stop me'...and hung up...that boy has issues..

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