How stupid do they think we are?
Seriously funny...
i'd like to buy some of that stuff and put in the lunch room fridge at the cracker factory.
And the comment award of the day goes to Billy Pilgrim!
McRaven - Nice to hear from you. I'm washing my clothes in Barf, eating some Crap and drinking a little Ear juice.
Billy - Good idea, that's one way to get them to leave your stuff alone.
Thanks for the warning, I'll go stock up my double-ought.
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Seriously funny...
i'd like to buy some of that stuff and put in the lunch room fridge at the cracker factory.
And the comment award of the day goes to Billy Pilgrim!
McRaven - Nice to hear from you. I'm washing my clothes in Barf, eating some Crap and drinking a little Ear juice.
Billy - Good idea, that's one way to get them to leave your stuff alone.
Thanks for the warning, I'll go stock up my double-ought.
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