Friday, February 18, 2011

Twilight Zone Friday Morning

I woke up this morning to the alarm clock's warning, stretched and cried out in pain.
My left calf had a charlie-horse from hell. I pulled back on my toes to try to make it stop, my calf felt like a rock. My little dog was worried, I got up and made my way to the kitchen. I told my wife I had a charlie-horse.

She says "Is it in your left calf?"

I said "Yeah, how did you know?"

She says "I didn't know, but when the alarm went off this morning (She gets up before I do) I must have stretched and got a cramp in my left calf."

I was like "What is this, the twilight zone?"

Isn't that bizarre?

What are the odds?

I'm feeling a little uneasy about what the rest of this day has in store for me.

(Sometimes on Fridays I dress like the Lone Ranger)
(Not really but this pic was there when I looked up "Charlie-Horse Images)


Travis Erwin said...

And I nearly wore a loin cloth today and went as Tonto.

texlahoma said...

Travis - You should have thrown caution to the wind and gone for it.

When I dress like the lone ranger I make a point of walking by "the working girl" named Silver just so I can say "Hi ho, Silver!"

yellowdoggranny said...

I am not making this up..I woke up with a cramp in my leg this morning..
yup. the left leg...that's why I got up so early..think this is a sign 0f something biblical?

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