Friday, October 15, 2010

Obama's half brother in Kenya says he married teen

By TOM ODULA, Associated Press Writer Tom Odula, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 3 mins ago
NAIROBI, Kenya – President Barack Obama's polygamist half brother in Kenya has married a woman who is more than 30 years younger than him.

The 19-year-old's mother told The Associated Press on Friday she is furious that her daughter quit high school and married the 52-year-old.

Mary Aoko Ouma says her daughter tried to marry Malik Obama two years ago, but the mother says she wouldn't give permission.

Malik Obama, who is Muslim, has two other wives. Polygamy is legal in Kenya if it falls under religious or cultural traditions.

In an interview broadcast by Kenya's NTV that was filmed without his knowledge, Malik Obama says he married the 19-year-old but didn't say when.


Mr. Charleston said...

Hell, my half-cousin in Louisiana ran off to Mexico and married a 13-yr-old-girl and won a Grammy for lifetime achievement. Great balls of fire.

texlahoma said...

Mr. C - Are you referring to the movie or his balls?

texlahoma said...

Mr. C - I couldn't remember that guys name, Jerry Lee Lewis. Is that your half cousin? Cool.

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