Here is wisdom, Let he who has understanding calculate the number of The Beast, for his number is that of a Man and his number is six hundred and sixty six (666). (Rev:13:16-18).
Maitreya appears miraculously before large groups of people all over the world. In most cases, he magnetizes water in the vicinity before his appearance. Many people report healings from this water. In Tlacote (Mexico), Nordenau (Germany) and Nadana (India) healing wells charged by Maitreya attract growing numbers of visitors.
By means of these and other 'miracles,' Maitreya seeks to create a climate of hope and expectancy into which he can emerge as the Teacher for all humanity.
Maitreya will be invited by the international media to speak directly to the entire world through the television networks linked together by satellites.
On this Day of Declaration, we will see his face on the television screen wherever we have access. The biblical statement, "All eyes will see him," will be fulfilled, in the only way in which it can be fulfilled. We will see his face, but he will not speak. His thoughts, his ideas, his call to humanity for justice, sharing, right relationships and peace, will take place silently, telepathically. Each of us will hear him inwardly in our own language. In this way, he will re-enact on a worldwide scale the true happenings of Pentecost 2,000 years ago.
At the same time, the energy which he embodies ― the Christ Principle, the energy of love ― will flow out in tremendous potency through the hearts of all humanity. He has said: "It will be as if I embrace the world. People will feel it even physically." This will evoke an intuitive, heartfelt response to his message. Simultaneously, on the outer, physical plane, there will be hundreds of thousands of miracle healings throughout the planet. In these three ways we will know that Maitreya is the World Teacher, come for all groups, religious and non-religious alike.
the Goddess says she smells snake oil..
Me too. This guy fits the biblical Antichrist description pretty well. If he starts doing miracles, it's him!
As a devout atheist, he seems pretty amusing. How exactly do you magnetize water? What does it attract after it's magnetized...more water?
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