Saturday, March 01, 2008

Busy Shaving

I've been too busy to blog. I decided to shave my beard since the writers strike is over, damn that was a long strike. I fell asleep watching tv yesterday and started having a dream. A lady was talking to me but when I listened to her I said "Lady you don't sound like you're talking to me, you sound like you're on a commercial!" I woke up right then and sure enough, she was on tv on a commercial. So that was kind of weird. I've got a couple of days off now so maybe I can catch up on the blogging thing.


yellowdoggranny said...

i feel asleep watching something one night and after about 2 hours an info commercial came on and after it becoming part of my dream and my dream being part of the commerical I woke up and had this urge to buy diet pills and a treadmill...
and no matter how many times i wake up and ask...elvis is still dead..

billy pilgrim said...

after 25 years i shaved my beard off.
i had forgot that you gotta shave every feckin day. what a colossal waste of my valuable time.

before you shave it off think twice, it's a lot of work.

texlahoma said...

YDG, I'm surprised that sleep learning thing never caught on.

BP, I already shaved it, boy is my face sensitive, I've got to get it use to a razor again.
I know what you mean, I look in the mirror and it's "Oh yea, got to shave again."

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