Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Mist

Maybe Obama had just watched this movie when he made his statement about guns and religion. It seems like it's about how fear effects people in our society. I watched it last night, not bad.


yellowdoggranny said...

i think they should quit apologizing about things cause it might hurt someone's feelings...don't call a spade a it a fucking shovel...
i watched in the valley of elah and no country for old men...tommy lee jones fucking rocks..

Big Tex said...

Tex, just checking your blog out - Jackiesue sent me. I'm her cousin, used to have a blog over at the old place under the name "Attack Macaque." I stopped blogging for a while, but started back up about a month ago at The Old Eighteen, and also post occasionally under the name "Big Tex" at Daily Kos.

I'd like to see that movie - I read the Stephen King story that it was based on and it was good. A lot of his stuff gets screwed up when it's turned into movies, either because it doesn't translate well or because it's mishandled - hopefully that wasn't the case with this movie.

billy pilgrim said...

i watched no country for old men last night. nice movie but crappy ending.

the mist looks good.

Big Pissy said...

Hey! checking your blog out 'cuz I do everything Jackiesue tells me to do. ;-)

I watched 'The Mist' recently....thought it was good...but hated the ending.

I also watched 'No Country for Old Men'....same thing.

texlahoma said...

YDG, I haven't seen them yet but I will.
Big Tex, thanks for stopping by. I think it translated pretty well but they screwed up the ending.
The old blog place to me, was good if you felt like butting heads with people of different opinions. I bet a bunch of those guys are still defending Bush and his policies. It's much more peaceful here.

texlahoma said...

Billy, watch out for the same kind of ending though.
Hi Big Pissy, doing everything Jackiesue tell you to is a good policy. I agree about the Mist ending, hadn't seen the other one yet. I don't know why they think we need messed up endings.

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