Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I always get those two mixed up

The English language is suppose to be a hard one for people from non-English speaking countries to learn. Just messing up on one word in a sentence can give it completely different meaning.
"I want a hot shower!"

"I want a golden shower!"

I mean if you just got those two words mixed up, well you might think that this is a very strange country indeed.


yellowdoggranny said...

i'd love to be a fly on the wall when the guy asks for a hot shower and gets the golden one...kinda like the debates tonight..

Big Tex said...

LOL! Well, technically a golden shower is a hot shower, just maybe not the one you're looking for when you ask for a hot shower.

I just wouldn't want to get a carpet steamer mixed up with a Cleveland steamer...

texlahoma said...

Me too YDG!
Big Tex, I'm proud to say that I had to look up a Cleveland steamer...guess I should get out more.

Mr. Shife said...

I am glad I didn't have to explain Cleveland steamer. I can only imagine the look on some poor person's face when they got the golden instead of the hot. I think they would ready to head back home.

McRaven said...

hahahahahaha you always make me laugh. Where do you get these ideas? I love your mind. Your wife better appreciate your mind!

texlahoma said...

Mr. Shife, I guess we could post people willing to give golden showers at the borders.

McRaven, you should talk to my wife, she just thinks I'm nuts. :)

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