Friday, October 29, 2010
Repost - Clues to the October Surprise
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Clues to the October Surprise
When - Before the November Elections (After 10/20/10?)
Bilderberger Shapiro says President Obama needs a new OKC or 9/11 as a way of "demonstrating that he is a leader" before November elections and reversing plunging approval numbers
Where -
Denver’s top terrorism expert says the US government needs to shift its focus from high-profile targets like the White House to Main Street.
Who to blame-
Tea Party Extremists
President Obama’s political advisers, looking for ways to help Democrats and alter the course of the midterm elections in the final weeks, are considering a range of ideas, including national advertisements, to cast the Republican Party as all but taken over by Tea Party extremists.
This link added 9/22/10will-obama-force-america-to-absorb-a-terror-attack-to-save-his-presidency/
This Link added 9/23/10abcnews
Posted by texlahoma at Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3 comments Links to this post
Labels: Clues to the October Surprise
Friday October 29 2010
Well looks like I missed the Where and the Who but I sure hit the When.
Obama Issues Fake Terror Alert On Eve Of Elections
Establishment media fearmongers about “mail bomb plot” despite no bombs being found
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, October 29, 2010
As we predicted on four separate occasions would happen, the Obama White House has deliberately contrived a fake terror scare on the eve of the mid-term elections in an effort to subdue the rampaging political appetite for anti-big government candidates that threatens to sweep aside establishment incumbents next week.
Despite the fact that the so-called suspicious package discovered on a flight in the United Kingdom tested negative for any explosive material, President Obama, after being informed of the apparent “threat” yesterday, directed U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and the Department of Homeland Security” to launch a full-scale security alert, according to a White House press release, which in turn was helpfully elevated to levels of hysteria by the corporate media today.
The scaremongering was focused around two UPS planes that landed at Philadelphia International Airport and another at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, but just like the incident in the UK, both were soon given the “all clear,” reports CNN, and no bombs were found.
Despite the fact that no explosives at all were found on any of the planes, the establishment media is still feverishly running with the story that this was a “mail bomb” plot targeting the United States and that it was run out of Yemen, which coincidentally is also the US Military-Industrial Complex’s number one target for attack.
Quite how a “mail bomb plot” can succeed without any actual bombs is something the hysterical press has failed to properly explain. Like every other single major terror scare targeting the United States that we have covered, this smacks of an engineered political ploy.
As the video at the top of this article highlights, the terror scare also arrives just days after British Airways Chairman Martin Broughton attacked US authorities for the continuation of “completely redundant” airport security checks. It also comes amidst an increasing backlash against naked body scanners.
Just as former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge admitted that fake terror alerts were issued by the Bush administration for political gain, Obama is taking a leaf out of the Neo-Con’s playbook – and his timing couldn’t be better – just four days before the mid-term elections on Super Tuesday.
Over the last few months, on four separate occasions, we warned that the Obama White House would pull a terror stunt on the eve of the election in an effort to corral an increasingly resentful and angry electorate into acquiescence.As we reported back in July, former Clinton advisor Robert Shapiro wrote that Obama was relying on an October surprise in the form of a terror scare to rescue his presidency.
“The bottom line here is that Americans don’t believe in President Obama’s leadership,” wrote Shapiro, adding, “He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.”
Last month we reported on how the Obama administration’s threat that a “small scale terror attack” was on the cards was just another political ploy to instill fear within Americans. In another subsequent article we again highlighted the probability of the government contriving a terror scare for political grist.
We repeated our warning about Obama seeking to exploit terror earlier this month in the aftermath of the supposed airport lobby bombing plot, which again turned out to be nothing but hot air.
We’d be loathe to forget that the media and the government have been totally discredited over and over again by their complicity in issuing phony terror alerts designed to manipulate elections and frighten the public into slavish obedience, accepting naked body scanners, an intensification of the police state and any other indignity in the name of the government protecting them from terrorists like Christmas Day bomber Farouk Abdulmutallab, who was allowed to board the airliner he tried to attack by order of the US State Department.
Within hours of this new terror scare breaking every indication, most notably the fact that Obama was informed last night and decided to go ahead with a full security alert despite the UK package being a dud, screams out that this is a contrived political stunt designed to sway the many key undecided voters in anticipation of next week’s mid-terms.
One positive thing I can say about Obama, his staged terror attacks are kinder and gentler than Bush's...thus far.
Clues to the October Surprise
When - Before the November Elections (After 10/20/10?)
Bilderberger Shapiro says President Obama needs a new OKC or 9/11 as a way of "demonstrating that he is a leader" before November elections and reversing plunging approval numbers
Where -
Denver’s top terrorism expert says the US government needs to shift its focus from high-profile targets like the White House to Main Street.
Who to blame-
Tea Party Extremists
President Obama’s political advisers, looking for ways to help Democrats and alter the course of the midterm elections in the final weeks, are considering a range of ideas, including national advertisements, to cast the Republican Party as all but taken over by Tea Party extremists.
This link added 9/22/10will-obama-force-america-to-absorb-a-terror-attack-to-save-his-presidency/
This Link added 9/23/10abcnews
Posted by texlahoma at Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3 comments Links to this post
Labels: Clues to the October Surprise
Friday October 29 2010
Well looks like I missed the Where and the Who but I sure hit the When.
Obama Issues Fake Terror Alert On Eve Of Elections
Establishment media fearmongers about “mail bomb plot” despite no bombs being found
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, October 29, 2010
As we predicted on four separate occasions would happen, the Obama White House has deliberately contrived a fake terror scare on the eve of the mid-term elections in an effort to subdue the rampaging political appetite for anti-big government candidates that threatens to sweep aside establishment incumbents next week.
Despite the fact that the so-called suspicious package discovered on a flight in the United Kingdom tested negative for any explosive material, President Obama, after being informed of the apparent “threat” yesterday, directed U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and the Department of Homeland Security” to launch a full-scale security alert, according to a White House press release, which in turn was helpfully elevated to levels of hysteria by the corporate media today.
The scaremongering was focused around two UPS planes that landed at Philadelphia International Airport and another at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, but just like the incident in the UK, both were soon given the “all clear,” reports CNN, and no bombs were found.
Despite the fact that no explosives at all were found on any of the planes, the establishment media is still feverishly running with the story that this was a “mail bomb” plot targeting the United States and that it was run out of Yemen, which coincidentally is also the US Military-Industrial Complex’s number one target for attack.
Quite how a “mail bomb plot” can succeed without any actual bombs is something the hysterical press has failed to properly explain. Like every other single major terror scare targeting the United States that we have covered, this smacks of an engineered political ploy.
As the video at the top of this article highlights, the terror scare also arrives just days after British Airways Chairman Martin Broughton attacked US authorities for the continuation of “completely redundant” airport security checks. It also comes amidst an increasing backlash against naked body scanners.
Just as former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge admitted that fake terror alerts were issued by the Bush administration for political gain, Obama is taking a leaf out of the Neo-Con’s playbook – and his timing couldn’t be better – just four days before the mid-term elections on Super Tuesday.
Over the last few months, on four separate occasions, we warned that the Obama White House would pull a terror stunt on the eve of the election in an effort to corral an increasingly resentful and angry electorate into acquiescence.As we reported back in July, former Clinton advisor Robert Shapiro wrote that Obama was relying on an October surprise in the form of a terror scare to rescue his presidency.
“The bottom line here is that Americans don’t believe in President Obama’s leadership,” wrote Shapiro, adding, “He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.”
Last month we reported on how the Obama administration’s threat that a “small scale terror attack” was on the cards was just another political ploy to instill fear within Americans. In another subsequent article we again highlighted the probability of the government contriving a terror scare for political grist.
We repeated our warning about Obama seeking to exploit terror earlier this month in the aftermath of the supposed airport lobby bombing plot, which again turned out to be nothing but hot air.
We’d be loathe to forget that the media and the government have been totally discredited over and over again by their complicity in issuing phony terror alerts designed to manipulate elections and frighten the public into slavish obedience, accepting naked body scanners, an intensification of the police state and any other indignity in the name of the government protecting them from terrorists like Christmas Day bomber Farouk Abdulmutallab, who was allowed to board the airliner he tried to attack by order of the US State Department.
Within hours of this new terror scare breaking every indication, most notably the fact that Obama was informed last night and decided to go ahead with a full security alert despite the UK package being a dud, screams out that this is a contrived political stunt designed to sway the many key undecided voters in anticipation of next week’s mid-terms.
One positive thing I can say about Obama, his staged terror attacks are kinder and gentler than Bush's...thus far.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Karzai: Blackwater behind terrorism
October 26, 2020
Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said US private security firms, including Xe Services LLC, formerly known as Blackwater, are being behind terrorism in the country.
At a press conference in Kabul, Karzai said that US security companies have been behind explosions that have claimed the lives of women and children.
The Afghan president added that they have caused “blasts and terrorism” in different parts of Afghanistan over the past months.
The Afghan president said his administration cannot even distinguish between the bomb blasts carried out by US security firms and those of the Taliban militants.
“In fact we don’t yet know how many of these blasts are by Taliban and how many are carried out by them (US security companies).”
Blackwater has been involved in the murder of several Afghan citizens over the past years. The company has also been struggling with a trail of legal cases and civil lawsuits, including one for killing 17 Iraqi civilians during a Baghdad shootout in 2007.
Earlier in June, the CIA reportedly admitted that Blackwater had been loading bombs on US drones that target suspected militants in neighboring Pakistan.
The Afghan president has also pointed out that American private security firms are corrupt and have fueled nine years of war.
“Deals under the name of private security companies are cut in the hallways of American government buildings. It involves 1.5 billion dollars,” he said.
Karzai has accused security companies of running what he called an economic mafia based on crooked contracts.
“The money, 1.5 billion dollars, is being distributed there (in the United States) on Blackwater [sic] and this and that.”
The developments come as the notorious Blackwater has been awarded a five-year State Department contract worth up to USD 10 billion for operations in Afghanistan.
In August, Karzai ordered all security firms to disband before the end of the year.
Some diplomats and military officials say Karzai has been under intense pressure to reconsider his decision.
However, Karzai says he is steadfast in his decision to dissolve foreign security firms in the country despite US pressure to reconsider the decision.
The private companies are said to be in charge of providing security for foreign officials and embassies as well as development projects in Afghanistan.
Karzai has blamed mercenaries for civilian deaths and corruption in the troubled region.
We, the tax payers, fund terrorism and the war against terrorism. We pay for the war on drugs and also pay to protect the opium fields in Afghanistan. Are we broke yet?
October 26, 2020
Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said US private security firms, including Xe Services LLC, formerly known as Blackwater, are being behind terrorism in the country.
At a press conference in Kabul, Karzai said that US security companies have been behind explosions that have claimed the lives of women and children.
The Afghan president added that they have caused “blasts and terrorism” in different parts of Afghanistan over the past months.
The Afghan president said his administration cannot even distinguish between the bomb blasts carried out by US security firms and those of the Taliban militants.
“In fact we don’t yet know how many of these blasts are by Taliban and how many are carried out by them (US security companies).”
Blackwater has been involved in the murder of several Afghan citizens over the past years. The company has also been struggling with a trail of legal cases and civil lawsuits, including one for killing 17 Iraqi civilians during a Baghdad shootout in 2007.
Earlier in June, the CIA reportedly admitted that Blackwater had been loading bombs on US drones that target suspected militants in neighboring Pakistan.
The Afghan president has also pointed out that American private security firms are corrupt and have fueled nine years of war.
“Deals under the name of private security companies are cut in the hallways of American government buildings. It involves 1.5 billion dollars,” he said.
Karzai has accused security companies of running what he called an economic mafia based on crooked contracts.
“The money, 1.5 billion dollars, is being distributed there (in the United States) on Blackwater [sic] and this and that.”
The developments come as the notorious Blackwater has been awarded a five-year State Department contract worth up to USD 10 billion for operations in Afghanistan.
In August, Karzai ordered all security firms to disband before the end of the year.
Some diplomats and military officials say Karzai has been under intense pressure to reconsider his decision.
However, Karzai says he is steadfast in his decision to dissolve foreign security firms in the country despite US pressure to reconsider the decision.
The private companies are said to be in charge of providing security for foreign officials and embassies as well as development projects in Afghanistan.
Karzai has blamed mercenaries for civilian deaths and corruption in the troubled region.
We, the tax payers, fund terrorism and the war against terrorism. We pay for the war on drugs and also pay to protect the opium fields in Afghanistan. Are we broke yet?
New 9/11 Footage Reveals WTC 7 Explosions
Paul Joseph Watson
October 13, 2010
Newly obtained 9/11 eyewitness footage that NIST fought tooth and nail to keep secret contains what appears to be the sound of explosions coming from the vicinity of WTC 7 after the collapse of the twin towers, offering yet more startling evidence that the building, which was not hit by a plane yet collapsed demolition style, was deliberately imploded.
October 13, 2010
Newly obtained 9/11 eyewitness footage that NIST fought tooth and nail to keep secret contains what appears to be the sound of explosions coming from the vicinity of WTC 7 after the collapse of the twin towers, offering yet more startling evidence that the building, which was not hit by a plane yet collapsed demolition style, was deliberately imploded.
Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway Tips Off His Brother To Narcotics Investigation
By R. G. Dunlop • • October 23, 2010
A Jefferson County prosecutor was tipped off by Louisville narcotics detectives twice in the past two years that he was under investigation for possible drug use or trafficking, according to police records obtained by The Courier-Journal.
When investigators learned of the leaks and interrogated the two detectives and the prosecutor last March, all three initially gave false or misleading statements about what happened, those records show. The statements of Matthew C. Conway, the prosecutor, were made under oath.
Details of the compromised investigations are contained in nearly 700 pages of documents obtained from Louisville Metro Police under the state open-records law.
Conway, the brother of Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, had recently resigned from the Jefferson County attorney’s office to enter private practice when he learned of the first investigation in early 2008.
At the time of the second leak, in January of this year, Conway was an assistant commonwealth’s attorney, a position he still holds.
Ronald Russ and Scott Wilson, the two detectives accused of the leaks to Matthew Conway, have been placed in administrative jobs pending the outcome of an internal police inquiry into possible policy violations. Wilson told Conway of the first investigation, and Russ told him of the second one. The two investigations were prompted by separate allegations.
After a criminal investigation by police, the Jefferson County Attorney’s Office decided in August that no charges would be filed against Conway, Russ, Wilson or a third narcotics detective, Chauncey Carthan, who was not involved in the leaks but was overheard discussing the second investigation in a restaurant last March.
Carthan’s conversation was reported to Jack Conway, a candidate for the U.S. Senate, by a person supporting him. The brothers subsequently conferred with an attorney about the investigation of Matthew Conway, according to the investigative file.
The lawyer, Bart Adams of Louisville, then met with Police Chief Robert White to discuss Carthan’s conduct, according to the records
continues at courier-journal
A Jefferson County prosecutor was tipped off by Louisville narcotics detectives twice in the past two years that he was under investigation for possible drug use or trafficking, according to police records obtained by The Courier-Journal.
When investigators learned of the leaks and interrogated the two detectives and the prosecutor last March, all three initially gave false or misleading statements about what happened, those records show. The statements of Matthew C. Conway, the prosecutor, were made under oath.
Details of the compromised investigations are contained in nearly 700 pages of documents obtained from Louisville Metro Police under the state open-records law.
Conway, the brother of Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, had recently resigned from the Jefferson County attorney’s office to enter private practice when he learned of the first investigation in early 2008.
At the time of the second leak, in January of this year, Conway was an assistant commonwealth’s attorney, a position he still holds.
Ronald Russ and Scott Wilson, the two detectives accused of the leaks to Matthew Conway, have been placed in administrative jobs pending the outcome of an internal police inquiry into possible policy violations. Wilson told Conway of the first investigation, and Russ told him of the second one. The two investigations were prompted by separate allegations.
After a criminal investigation by police, the Jefferson County Attorney’s Office decided in August that no charges would be filed against Conway, Russ, Wilson or a third narcotics detective, Chauncey Carthan, who was not involved in the leaks but was overheard discussing the second investigation in a restaurant last March.
Carthan’s conversation was reported to Jack Conway, a candidate for the U.S. Senate, by a person supporting him. The brothers subsequently conferred with an attorney about the investigation of Matthew Conway, according to the investigative file.
The lawyer, Bart Adams of Louisville, then met with Police Chief Robert White to discuss Carthan’s conduct, according to the records
continues at courier-journal
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Automatic Voting in Nevada
Having trouble deciding who to vote for?
Maybe you should move to Clark County Nevada.
Joyce Ferrara said that when she tried to vote for Sharron Angle, Sen. Harry Reid’s name was already checked. Her husband and several other voters experienced the same problem.
Voting machine technicians in Clark County are members of the Service Employees International Union. The SEIU spent $63 million in elections in 2008 and is planning on spending $44 million more this election cycle -- nearly all of that on Democrats. White House political director Patrick Gaspard is formerly the SEIU's top lobbyist, and former SEIU president Andy Stern was the most frequent visitor to the White House last year.
Unions increasingly have a major financial stake in election outcomes, both as a matter of their own election expenditures, and as a function of what they stand to gain if their legislative agenda is enacted. Should they really be responsible for tabulating the votes? That's certainly something voters ought to think long and hard about.
Source - washingtonexaminer
Maybe you should move to Clark County Nevada.
Joyce Ferrara said that when she tried to vote for Sharron Angle, Sen. Harry Reid’s name was already checked. Her husband and several other voters experienced the same problem.
Voting machine technicians in Clark County are members of the Service Employees International Union. The SEIU spent $63 million in elections in 2008 and is planning on spending $44 million more this election cycle -- nearly all of that on Democrats. White House political director Patrick Gaspard is formerly the SEIU's top lobbyist, and former SEIU president Andy Stern was the most frequent visitor to the White House last year.
Unions increasingly have a major financial stake in election outcomes, both as a matter of their own election expenditures, and as a function of what they stand to gain if their legislative agenda is enacted. Should they really be responsible for tabulating the votes? That's certainly something voters ought to think long and hard about.
Source - washingtonexaminer
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Democrats - Prepare to Get Spanked
I was thinking about the Democrats and the election. I was remembering their attitude when they passed Obamacare. I couldn't believe it, they didn't care what the voters wanted. They were like, we've got the power and there's nothing you can do about it.
Now the elections are right around the corner and they somehow seem blindsided by the voter backlash.
I guess I can kind of relate.
When I was about four years old I was in a church play, I was an angel, I think. While on stage it occurred to me that I was untouchable, I could do whatever I wanted to. So I looked right at my mom and stuck my tongue out at her repeatedly. Then the play was over and my mom took me out to the car, pulled down my pants and gave me a good spanking.
Democrats, prepare to get spanked.
Now the elections are right around the corner and they somehow seem blindsided by the voter backlash.
I guess I can kind of relate.
When I was about four years old I was in a church play, I was an angel, I think. While on stage it occurred to me that I was untouchable, I could do whatever I wanted to. So I looked right at my mom and stuck my tongue out at her repeatedly. Then the play was over and my mom took me out to the car, pulled down my pants and gave me a good spanking.
Democrats, prepare to get spanked.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Do Intelligent People Drink More Alcohol?
Analysis by Liz Day
Wed Oct 20, 2010 03:17 PM ET
The next time you're inclined to enjoy an extra glass of wine, consider that it may be a reflection of your intelligence.
That is one of the findings from data from the National Child Development Study in the United Kingdom and the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health in the United States.
SEE ALSO: Darker Liquor Makes You Sicker
Childhood intelligence, measured before the age of 16, was categorized in five cognitive classes, ranging from "very dull," "dull," "normal," "bright" and "very bright."
The Americans were revisited seven years later. The British youths, on the other hand, were followed in their 20s, 30s and 40s. Researchers measured their drinking habits as the participants became older.
More intelligent children in both studies grew up to drink alcohol more frequently and in greater quantities than less intelligent children. In the Brits' case, "very bright" children grew up to consume nearly eight-tenths of a standard deviation more alcohol than their "very dull" cohorts.
Researchers controlled for demographic variables -- such as marital status, parents' education, earnings, childhood social class and more -- that may have also affected adult drinking. Still, the findings held true: Smarter kids were drinking more as adults.
discovery news
Wed Oct 20, 2010 03:17 PM ET
The next time you're inclined to enjoy an extra glass of wine, consider that it may be a reflection of your intelligence.
That is one of the findings from data from the National Child Development Study in the United Kingdom and the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health in the United States.
SEE ALSO: Darker Liquor Makes You Sicker
Childhood intelligence, measured before the age of 16, was categorized in five cognitive classes, ranging from "very dull," "dull," "normal," "bright" and "very bright."
The Americans were revisited seven years later. The British youths, on the other hand, were followed in their 20s, 30s and 40s. Researchers measured their drinking habits as the participants became older.
More intelligent children in both studies grew up to drink alcohol more frequently and in greater quantities than less intelligent children. In the Brits' case, "very bright" children grew up to consume nearly eight-tenths of a standard deviation more alcohol than their "very dull" cohorts.
Researchers controlled for demographic variables -- such as marital status, parents' education, earnings, childhood social class and more -- that may have also affected adult drinking. Still, the findings held true: Smarter kids were drinking more as adults.
discovery news
ADA study confirms dangers of fluoridated water, especially for babies
Ethan A. Huff
October 21, 2010
Advocates of fluoridated water insist that the chemical additive is good for teeth, but actual science routinely shows otherwise, including a new study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association confirming fluoride as a toxic substance that actually destroys teeth, particularly those of developing young children and babies.
When people are exposed to excessive levels of fluoride through sources like drinking water, foods and beverages and even swallowed toothpaste, it often results in a condition known as dental fluorosis. The internal uptake of fluoride into teeth over time causes their enamel to become mottled and discolored, the end result being damaged teeth that have essentially rotted from the inside out.
Article Continues
October 21, 2010
Advocates of fluoridated water insist that the chemical additive is good for teeth, but actual science routinely shows otherwise, including a new study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association confirming fluoride as a toxic substance that actually destroys teeth, particularly those of developing young children and babies.
When people are exposed to excessive levels of fluoride through sources like drinking water, foods and beverages and even swallowed toothpaste, it often results in a condition known as dental fluorosis. The internal uptake of fluoride into teeth over time causes their enamel to become mottled and discolored, the end result being damaged teeth that have essentially rotted from the inside out.
Article Continues
Have a weird Christmas with a bird-legged ornament
by Jacob Resneck on 11 October 2010
For a creepy Christmas, Conceptual artist Peter Eudenbach sculpted 100 of these pieces called "Chimera," a sort of traditional Christmas ornament-with-legs. Eudenbach formed the globe itself from turquoise glass, attaching a set of cast pewter bird feet; the decoration is the perfect accessory for a darker holiday.
Released through Artware and to be available online next month, each piece sells for $150, measures about 4" tall and is signed and numbered by the artist.
Eudenbach is an assistant professor of sculpture at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. His installations have appeared around the world and are detailed on his personal site .
by Jacob Resneck on 11 October 2010
For a creepy Christmas, Conceptual artist Peter Eudenbach sculpted 100 of these pieces called "Chimera," a sort of traditional Christmas ornament-with-legs. Eudenbach formed the globe itself from turquoise glass, attaching a set of cast pewter bird feet; the decoration is the perfect accessory for a darker holiday.
Released through Artware and to be available online next month, each piece sells for $150, measures about 4" tall and is signed and numbered by the artist.
Eudenbach is an assistant professor of sculpture at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. His installations have appeared around the world and are detailed on his personal site .
Buy Food
I could go into a bunch of details but screw that. Buy food, have water and cash. Buy gold or silver. Buy guns and ammo. Do this quickly and discreetly. It won't hurt anything to do this and I don't really see you kicking yourself if you do and nothing happens. On the other hand I can see you being very glad you did if something does happen. Just to be extra safe why not do it before next Tuesday?
Al-Qaeda Mastermind Invited To Pentagon After 9/11
Paul Joseph Watson
October 21, 2010
Al-Qaeda terror mastermind Anwar Al-Awlaki, the man who helped plot the aborted Christmas Day bombing, the Fort Hood shooting, the Times Square bombing attempt, and who also preached to the alleged September 11 hijackers, dined at the Pentagon just months after 9/11 documents obtained by Fox News show.
American-born cleric Awlaki’s role as a key figure in almost every recent terror plot targeting the United States and Canada, coupled with his visit to the Pentagon, only confirms our long stated position that Awlaki is a chief terrorist patsy-handler for the CIA – he is the federal government’s premier false flag agent.
“Documents exclusively obtained by Fox News, including an FBI interview conducted after the Fort Hood shooting in November 2009, state that Awlaki was taken to the Pentagon as part of the military’s outreach to the Muslim community in the immediate aftermath of the attacks,”
Article Continues at
October 21, 2010
Al-Qaeda terror mastermind Anwar Al-Awlaki, the man who helped plot the aborted Christmas Day bombing, the Fort Hood shooting, the Times Square bombing attempt, and who also preached to the alleged September 11 hijackers, dined at the Pentagon just months after 9/11 documents obtained by Fox News show.
American-born cleric Awlaki’s role as a key figure in almost every recent terror plot targeting the United States and Canada, coupled with his visit to the Pentagon, only confirms our long stated position that Awlaki is a chief terrorist patsy-handler for the CIA – he is the federal government’s premier false flag agent.
“Documents exclusively obtained by Fox News, including an FBI interview conducted after the Fort Hood shooting in November 2009, state that Awlaki was taken to the Pentagon as part of the military’s outreach to the Muslim community in the immediate aftermath of the attacks,”
Article Continues at
Quick Justice for a Midwest City Man
A Midwest City woman was in here home with two small children when she heard a loud noise at about 8am. She went to her bedroom and got her pistol then discovered two intruders a man and a boy. She smoked the man and wounded the boy who ran down the street and was later arrested and taken to the hospital. Funeral arrangements for the man are pending.
People against gun ownership probably don't like stories like this because it is a perfect example of why you should own a gun and know how to use it. If you don't want to own a gun I think that's up to you but please don't try to infringe on the right of others to own one.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Bluebeerriver Salutes Michael Roberts
Pilot Refuses Full-Body Scan, Says TSA Doesn’t Make Travel Safer
October 20, 2010 10:39 AM
cbslocal.comMEMPHIS, Tenn. (CBS/AP) — A Tennessee pilot who says he’s tired of being manhandled by security agents is waiting to see if he will lose his job because he refused a full body scan.
ExpressJet Airlines first officer Michael Roberts was chosen for the X-ray scan Friday at Memphis International Airport. The Houston-based pilot says he also refused a pat-down and went home.
The 35-year-old Roberts told The Commercial Appeal newspaper he wants to go to work and not be “harassed or molested without cause.”
Transportation Security Administration spokesman Jon Allen says a person was turned away after refusing to follow federal security procedures but declined to say if it was Roberts, citing privacy considerations.
Roberts says he has safety concerns, but called TSA a “make-work” program that doesn’t make travel safer.
“I just kind of had to ask myself ‘Where do I stand?’ I’m just not comfortable being physically manhandled by a federal security agent every time I go to work,” he told the Commercial Appeal.
Earlier this week, CBSNewYork reported that full-body scanners have not yet been installed at New York City area airports, despite plans that were in place to have them installed at Newark Liberty International, John F. Kennedy International, and LaGuardia airports by September.
The Transportation Security Administration told The Star-Ledger of Newark the installation is complex and the scanners would arrive “in the coming weeks.”
Passengers who prefer not to be scanned can choose to be patted down and pass through a metal detector.
LISTEN: WCBS 880′s Levon Putney with Rep. Bill Pascrell
TSA spokesman Ann Davis says passengers are no less safe. She says the scanners are designed to be faster and less physically intrusive than metal detectors and pat-downs.
The TSA has installed 259 scanners at 59 airports nationwide.
How Free is Your City or State?
Here is a list of shipping restrictions to cities and states, which is a good indication of how free you are. Some states or cities don't care if you are an adult, there are just some things Big Brother doesn't want you to get your hands on, you can't handle it little citizen. Dennis the Menace and Bart Simpson better not have a slingshot shipped to certain locales. You think you are allowed to have an empty gas can shipped in? Think again in some places. You're over 21, want a BB gun? Too bad, you're not allowed, you'll shoot your eye out.
Anniston, AL
- Spring-Assisted Knives
Jacksonville, AL
- Airguns
Mobile, AL
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Pepper Spray
- Ammunition
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Metal Knuckles
- Pepper Spray
Phoenix, AZ
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Brass Knuckles
- Slaps
- Pepper Spray over 150cc (5.07oz)
- Tracer Ammunition
- Lock Pick Sets
- Night Vision Scope
- Undetectable Knives
- Cane Swords
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Blow Guns
- Pepper Spray over 2.5oz.
- Airsoft
- Fuel Cans
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Spring-Assisted Knives
- Daggers
- Practice or Metal Replica Grenades
- Multi-Burst Trigger Activator
- Magazines over 10 rounds
- Folding Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Thumbhole Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Telescoping Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Protruding Pistol Grip on Rifles and Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Flash Suppressor/Hider and Muzzle Brakes
- Forward pistol grip
- Grenade or Flare Launcher
- Detachable SKS magazines
Beverly Hills, CA
- Ammunition
Colton, CA
- Airguns
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
Fontana, CA
- Airguns
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
Los Angeles, CA
- Ammunition
- Holsters
Los Gatos, CA
- Slingshots
Marin County, CA
- Ammunition
Milpitas, CA
- Airguns
Monte Sereno, CA
- Semi-Auto Shotgun mags over 6 rounds
Oakland, CA
- Ammunition
Sacramento, CA
- Ammunition
Salinas, CA
- Slingshots
San Francisco, CA
- Ammunition
- Slingshots
San Jose, CA
- Airguns
San Rafael, CA
- Slingshots
Tiburon, CA
- Ammunition
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Throwing Stars
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Denver County, CO
- Centerfire Rifle/Pistol Magazines over 20 Rounds
- Folding Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Thumbhole Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Telescoping Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Protruding pistol grip for Rifles and Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Bayonet mount
- Flash Suppressor/Hider
- Threaded barrel
- Grenade Launcher
- Fixed Semi-Auto Shotgun Magazines over 5 rounds
- Body Armor
- Fuel Cans
- 50 BMG Tracers, AP or Incendiary Rounds
Bridgeport, CT
- Airguns
- Airsoft
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Undetectable Knives
- Fuel Cans
- Airsoft
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Throwing Stars
Dover, DE
- Slingshots
- Bows
New Castle, DE
- Stun gun
Wilmington, DE
- Stun guns
- Slingshots
- Black Powder Guns
- Pepper Spray over 2oz
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Cutler Bay, FL
- Assisted-Opening Knives
DeLand, FL
- Bowie Knives
Haverhill, FL
- Slingshots
Jacksonville, FL
- Bowie Knives
Jupiter Inlet Colony, FL
- Airguns
- Slingshots
Miami, FL
- Airguns
- Airsoft
Miami-Dade County, FL
- Assited-Opening Knives
- Taser (probe-shooting)
South Miami, FL
- Black Powder Guns
St. Augustine, FL
- Airguns
- Slingshot
Starke, FL
- Bowie Knives
- Daggers
Sweetwater, FL
- Taser (probe-shooting)
West Palm Beach, FL
- Slingshots
Columbus, GA
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Bowie Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Sword Cane
Fitzgerald, GA
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Bowie Knives
- Metal Knuckles
- Sword Cane
Tifton, GA
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Sword Cane
Washington, GA
- Assisted-Opening Knives over 2"
- Black powder Guns
- Magazines over 10 rounds for pistols, or guns with pistol versions
- Ammunition
- Stun Guns
- Pepper Spray
- Pocket Knives
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Airguns (.22 caliber and larger)
- Airsoft
- Black Powder Guns
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Stun gun
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
Alsip, IL
- Slingshots
Aurora, IL
- Airguns
- Folding Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Telescoping Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Protruding pistol grip for Rifles and Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Flash Suppressors/Hiders
- Bayonet Mount
- Magazines over 15 rounds
- Semi-Auto Shotgun Magazine over 5 rounds
- Threaded Barrel
- Grenade Launcher
Buffalo Grove, IL
- Reloading Components - Bullets, Brass, etc.
Burnham, IL
- Slingshots
Byron, IL
- Bow & Arrow
- Crossbow
- Slingshots
Cicero, IL
- Reloading Components - Bullets, Brass, etc.
- Laser Sights
- Magazines over 15 rounds
- Slingshots
Cook County, IL
- Folding Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Thumbhole Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Telescoping Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Protruding pistol grip for Rifles and Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Flash Suppressor/Hiders and Muzzle Brakes
- Forward pistol grip for Rifles and Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Detachable SKS Magazines
- Magazines over 10 rounds
- Semi-Auto Shotgun Magazine over 5 rounds
- Threaded Barrel
- Laser Sight
- Slingshots
Elmhurst, IL
- Slingshots
Ford Heights, IL
- Slingshots
Hoffman Estates, IL
- Slingshots
Niles, IL
- Centerfire Magazines over 20 rounds
- Rimfire Magazines over 18 rounds
- Semi-Auto Shotgun Magazine over 6 rounds
- Slingshots
North Aurora, IL
- Slingshots
Peoria, IL
- Slingshots
Phoenix, IL
- Slingshots
Plainfield, IL
- Slingshots
Skokie, IL
- Slingshot
Thornton, IL
- Laser Sights
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
South Bend, IN
- Magazines over 15 rounds
- Bayonet Mount
- Flash Suppressor mount
- Folding Stock
- Stun guns
- Multi-Burst Trigger Activator
Cedar Rapids, IA
- Slingshots
Des Moines, IA
- Slingshots
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Topeka, KS
- Polymer-Tipped Ammunition
Wyandotte County, KS
- Sword Cane
- Assisted-Opening Knives
New Orleans, LA
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Stun guns
Pineville, LA
- Throwing Stars
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Fuel Cans
- Magazines over 20 rounds
- Fuel Cans
Annapolis, MD
- Stun Guns
Anne Arundel County, MD
- Stun Guns
Baltimore County, MD
- Stun Guns
Harford County, MD
- Stun Guns
Howard County, MD
- Stun Guns
Ocean City, MD
- Stun Guns
- Ammunition
- Reloading Components--Bullets, Casings
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Throwing Knives
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Stun Guns
- Magazines over 10 rounds
- Shotgun Mags over 5 rounds
- Pepper Spray
- Cane Sword
- Slingshot
- Black Powder Guns
- Blowguns
Cambridge, MA
- Machete
Chelsea, MA
- Machete
Everett, MA
- Machete
Lynn, MA
- Machete
Revere, MA
- Machete
- Airguns (.22 Caliber and larger)
- Airsoft
- Black Powder Guns
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Pepper Spray over 35 grams (1.23 oz.)
- Stun Guns
Armada, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
Belding, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
Dearborn, MI
- Slingshots
Dearborn Heights, MI
- Airguns
- Slingshots
Detroit, MI
- Cane Swords
Grand Haven, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
Hudsonville, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
Lake Odessa, MI
- Airguns
- Slingshots
Pontiac, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Knives (overall length of 3" and longer)
- Throwing Stars
Port Huron, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
Richmond, MI
- Airguns
- Slingshots
Riverview, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Slingshots
Saline, MI
- Airguns
- Slingshots
South Rockwood, MI
- Airguns
- Slingshots
Swartz Creek, MI
- Daggers
- Knives (blade length over 3")
Taylor, MI
- Cane Sword
- Throwing Star
Woodhaven, MI
- Airguns
- Slingshots
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Multi-Burst Trigger Activator
Duluth, MN
- Slingshots
Willmar, MN
- Daggers
- Slingshots
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
- Blank Cartridges
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Metal Knuckles
ST Louis, MO
- Slingshot
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Pepper Spray over 2oz
Henderson, NV
- Daggers
- Fuel Cans
- Airguns
- Airsoft
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Magazines over 15 rounds
- Folding Rifle stocks
- Thumbhole Rifle stocks
- Telescoping Rifle stocks
- Protruding pistol grip
- Flash Suppressors/Hiders
- Threaded Barrel
- Bayonet Mount
- Detachable SKS Magazines
- Folding Semi-Auto Shotgun Stocks
- Telescoping Semi-Auto Shotgun Stocks
- Protruding Pistol Grip for Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Semi-Auto Shotgun mag capacity over 6 rounds
- Stun guns
- Slingshots
- Pepper spray over 3/4oz.
- Handcuffs
- Black Powder Guns
- Fuel Cans
- Crossbows
- Assisted-Opening Knives
Albuquerque, NM
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Alamagordo, NM
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Bloomfield, NM
- Metal Knuckles
Eunice, NM
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Airguns
- Airsoft
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Daggers
- Magazines over 10 rounds
- Stun guns
- Black Powder Guns
- Crossbows
- Fuel Cans
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Cane Sword
- Wrist-Brace Slingshots
- Folding Rifle stocks
- Thumbhole Rifle stocks
- Telescoping Rifle stocks
- Protruding pistol grip
- Flash suppressor/Muzzle Brakes
- Forward pistol grip
- Bayonet Mount
- Folding Semi-Auto Shotgun Stocks
- Telescoping Semi-Auto Shotgun Stocks
- Protruding Pistol Grip for Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Semi-Auto Shotgun mag capacity over 5 rounds
- Pepper Spray
New York City, NY
- Ammunition
- Folding Lock Knives with a blade 4" or longer
- Handcuffs, or Leg Irons
- All Magazines
- Crossbows
- Starter Pistols
- Pepper Spray over 2oz
Cherokee Indians Eastern Band, NC
- Blowguns
Moorehead City, NC
- Airguns
- Slingshots
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Centerfire Magazines over 31 rounds
Lawton, OK
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Folding Knives (overall length of 6" and longer)
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Slingshots
- Blow Guns
Muskogee, OK
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Bowie Knives
- Knives (blade length over 6")
- Cane Sword
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Slingshots
Nichols Hills, OK
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Knives (blade length over 4")
Oklahoma City, OK
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Folding Knives (blade length over 4")
Portland, OR
- Stun Guns
- Pepper Spray over 4oz
- Fuel Cans
- Airguns
- Airsoft
- Black Powder Guns
- Blowguns
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Bowie Knives
- Cane Sword
- Daggers
- Stun gun
- Slingshots
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
- Crossbow
Newport, RI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Pepper Spray over 1.69070 oz
Belton, SC
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Knives (overall length over 5")
Charleston, SC
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Slingshots
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
Greer, SC
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Columbia, SC
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Metal Knuckles
- Black Powder Guns
Knoxville, TN
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Daggers
- Bowie Knives
- Cane Sword
- Slingshots
Memphis, TN
- Airsoft
- Pepper Spray over 4oz
Salt Lake County, UT
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Assisted-Opening Knives (blade length 3" or more)
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Throwing Knives
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
- Fuel Cans
Falls Church, VA
- Slingshots
Prince Edward County, VA
- Folding Knives (blade length over 3.25")
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Airguns
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Seattle, WA
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Airguns
- Airsoft
- Ammunition
- Reloading Components - Bullets, Casings, etc.
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Fuel Cans
- Pepper Spray
Beckley, WV
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Knives (blade length over 4")
Charleston, WV
- Assisted-Opening Knives
Hurricane, WV
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Stun Guns
- Pepper Spray cannot look like another product (pen, lipstick, etc.) or be over 2oz or under 1/2oz
Antigo, WI
- Metal Knuckles
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
Madison, WI
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Slingshots
Mosinee, WI
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
Verona, WI
- Metal Knuckles
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
Waunakee, WI
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
West Milwaukee, WI
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Slingshots
- Blowguns
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
Cheyenne, WY
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Anniston, AL
- Spring-Assisted Knives
Jacksonville, AL
- Airguns
Mobile, AL
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Pepper Spray
- Ammunition
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Metal Knuckles
- Pepper Spray
Phoenix, AZ
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Brass Knuckles
- Slaps
- Pepper Spray over 150cc (5.07oz)
- Tracer Ammunition
- Lock Pick Sets
- Night Vision Scope
- Undetectable Knives
- Cane Swords
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Blow Guns
- Pepper Spray over 2.5oz.
- Airsoft
- Fuel Cans
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Spring-Assisted Knives
- Daggers
- Practice or Metal Replica Grenades
- Multi-Burst Trigger Activator
- Magazines over 10 rounds
- Folding Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Thumbhole Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Telescoping Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Protruding Pistol Grip on Rifles and Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Flash Suppressor/Hider and Muzzle Brakes
- Forward pistol grip
- Grenade or Flare Launcher
- Detachable SKS magazines
Beverly Hills, CA
- Ammunition
Colton, CA
- Airguns
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
Fontana, CA
- Airguns
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
Los Angeles, CA
- Ammunition
- Holsters
Los Gatos, CA
- Slingshots
Marin County, CA
- Ammunition
Milpitas, CA
- Airguns
Monte Sereno, CA
- Semi-Auto Shotgun mags over 6 rounds
Oakland, CA
- Ammunition
Sacramento, CA
- Ammunition
Salinas, CA
- Slingshots
San Francisco, CA
- Ammunition
- Slingshots
San Jose, CA
- Airguns
San Rafael, CA
- Slingshots
Tiburon, CA
- Ammunition
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Throwing Stars
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Denver County, CO
- Centerfire Rifle/Pistol Magazines over 20 Rounds
- Folding Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Thumbhole Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Telescoping Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Protruding pistol grip for Rifles and Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Bayonet mount
- Flash Suppressor/Hider
- Threaded barrel
- Grenade Launcher
- Fixed Semi-Auto Shotgun Magazines over 5 rounds
- Body Armor
- Fuel Cans
- 50 BMG Tracers, AP or Incendiary Rounds
Bridgeport, CT
- Airguns
- Airsoft
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Undetectable Knives
- Fuel Cans
- Airsoft
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Throwing Stars
Dover, DE
- Slingshots
- Bows
New Castle, DE
- Stun gun
Wilmington, DE
- Stun guns
- Slingshots
- Black Powder Guns
- Pepper Spray over 2oz
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Cutler Bay, FL
- Assisted-Opening Knives
DeLand, FL
- Bowie Knives
Haverhill, FL
- Slingshots
Jacksonville, FL
- Bowie Knives
Jupiter Inlet Colony, FL
- Airguns
- Slingshots
Miami, FL
- Airguns
- Airsoft
Miami-Dade County, FL
- Assited-Opening Knives
- Taser (probe-shooting)
South Miami, FL
- Black Powder Guns
St. Augustine, FL
- Airguns
- Slingshot
Starke, FL
- Bowie Knives
- Daggers
Sweetwater, FL
- Taser (probe-shooting)
West Palm Beach, FL
- Slingshots
Columbus, GA
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Bowie Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Sword Cane
Fitzgerald, GA
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Bowie Knives
- Metal Knuckles
- Sword Cane
Tifton, GA
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Sword Cane
Washington, GA
- Assisted-Opening Knives over 2"
- Black powder Guns
- Magazines over 10 rounds for pistols, or guns with pistol versions
- Ammunition
- Stun Guns
- Pepper Spray
- Pocket Knives
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Airguns (.22 caliber and larger)
- Airsoft
- Black Powder Guns
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Stun gun
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
Alsip, IL
- Slingshots
Aurora, IL
- Airguns
- Folding Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Telescoping Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Protruding pistol grip for Rifles and Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Flash Suppressors/Hiders
- Bayonet Mount
- Magazines over 15 rounds
- Semi-Auto Shotgun Magazine over 5 rounds
- Threaded Barrel
- Grenade Launcher
Buffalo Grove, IL
- Reloading Components - Bullets, Brass, etc.
Burnham, IL
- Slingshots
Byron, IL
- Bow & Arrow
- Crossbow
- Slingshots
Cicero, IL
- Reloading Components - Bullets, Brass, etc.
- Laser Sights
- Magazines over 15 rounds
- Slingshots
Cook County, IL
- Folding Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Thumbhole Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Telescoping Rifle and Semi-Auto Shotgun stocks
- Protruding pistol grip for Rifles and Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Flash Suppressor/Hiders and Muzzle Brakes
- Forward pistol grip for Rifles and Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Detachable SKS Magazines
- Magazines over 10 rounds
- Semi-Auto Shotgun Magazine over 5 rounds
- Threaded Barrel
- Laser Sight
- Slingshots
Elmhurst, IL
- Slingshots
Ford Heights, IL
- Slingshots
Hoffman Estates, IL
- Slingshots
Niles, IL
- Centerfire Magazines over 20 rounds
- Rimfire Magazines over 18 rounds
- Semi-Auto Shotgun Magazine over 6 rounds
- Slingshots
North Aurora, IL
- Slingshots
Peoria, IL
- Slingshots
Phoenix, IL
- Slingshots
Plainfield, IL
- Slingshots
Skokie, IL
- Slingshot
Thornton, IL
- Laser Sights
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
South Bend, IN
- Magazines over 15 rounds
- Bayonet Mount
- Flash Suppressor mount
- Folding Stock
- Stun guns
- Multi-Burst Trigger Activator
Cedar Rapids, IA
- Slingshots
Des Moines, IA
- Slingshots
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Topeka, KS
- Polymer-Tipped Ammunition
Wyandotte County, KS
- Sword Cane
- Assisted-Opening Knives
New Orleans, LA
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Stun guns
Pineville, LA
- Throwing Stars
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Fuel Cans
- Magazines over 20 rounds
- Fuel Cans
Annapolis, MD
- Stun Guns
Anne Arundel County, MD
- Stun Guns
Baltimore County, MD
- Stun Guns
Harford County, MD
- Stun Guns
Howard County, MD
- Stun Guns
Ocean City, MD
- Stun Guns
- Ammunition
- Reloading Components--Bullets, Casings
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Throwing Knives
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Stun Guns
- Magazines over 10 rounds
- Shotgun Mags over 5 rounds
- Pepper Spray
- Cane Sword
- Slingshot
- Black Powder Guns
- Blowguns
Cambridge, MA
- Machete
Chelsea, MA
- Machete
Everett, MA
- Machete
Lynn, MA
- Machete
Revere, MA
- Machete
- Airguns (.22 Caliber and larger)
- Airsoft
- Black Powder Guns
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Pepper Spray over 35 grams (1.23 oz.)
- Stun Guns
Armada, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
Belding, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
Dearborn, MI
- Slingshots
Dearborn Heights, MI
- Airguns
- Slingshots
Detroit, MI
- Cane Swords
Grand Haven, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
Hudsonville, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
Lake Odessa, MI
- Airguns
- Slingshots
Pontiac, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Knives (overall length of 3" and longer)
- Throwing Stars
Port Huron, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
Richmond, MI
- Airguns
- Slingshots
Riverview, MI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Slingshots
Saline, MI
- Airguns
- Slingshots
South Rockwood, MI
- Airguns
- Slingshots
Swartz Creek, MI
- Daggers
- Knives (blade length over 3")
Taylor, MI
- Cane Sword
- Throwing Star
Woodhaven, MI
- Airguns
- Slingshots
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Multi-Burst Trigger Activator
Duluth, MN
- Slingshots
Willmar, MN
- Daggers
- Slingshots
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
- Blank Cartridges
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Metal Knuckles
ST Louis, MO
- Slingshot
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Pepper Spray over 2oz
Henderson, NV
- Daggers
- Fuel Cans
- Airguns
- Airsoft
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Magazines over 15 rounds
- Folding Rifle stocks
- Thumbhole Rifle stocks
- Telescoping Rifle stocks
- Protruding pistol grip
- Flash Suppressors/Hiders
- Threaded Barrel
- Bayonet Mount
- Detachable SKS Magazines
- Folding Semi-Auto Shotgun Stocks
- Telescoping Semi-Auto Shotgun Stocks
- Protruding Pistol Grip for Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Semi-Auto Shotgun mag capacity over 6 rounds
- Stun guns
- Slingshots
- Pepper spray over 3/4oz.
- Handcuffs
- Black Powder Guns
- Fuel Cans
- Crossbows
- Assisted-Opening Knives
Albuquerque, NM
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Alamagordo, NM
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Bloomfield, NM
- Metal Knuckles
Eunice, NM
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Airguns
- Airsoft
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Daggers
- Magazines over 10 rounds
- Stun guns
- Black Powder Guns
- Crossbows
- Fuel Cans
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Cane Sword
- Wrist-Brace Slingshots
- Folding Rifle stocks
- Thumbhole Rifle stocks
- Telescoping Rifle stocks
- Protruding pistol grip
- Flash suppressor/Muzzle Brakes
- Forward pistol grip
- Bayonet Mount
- Folding Semi-Auto Shotgun Stocks
- Telescoping Semi-Auto Shotgun Stocks
- Protruding Pistol Grip for Semi-Auto Shotguns
- Semi-Auto Shotgun mag capacity over 5 rounds
- Pepper Spray
New York City, NY
- Ammunition
- Folding Lock Knives with a blade 4" or longer
- Handcuffs, or Leg Irons
- All Magazines
- Crossbows
- Starter Pistols
- Pepper Spray over 2oz
Cherokee Indians Eastern Band, NC
- Blowguns
Moorehead City, NC
- Airguns
- Slingshots
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Centerfire Magazines over 31 rounds
Lawton, OK
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Folding Knives (overall length of 6" and longer)
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Slingshots
- Blow Guns
Muskogee, OK
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Bowie Knives
- Knives (blade length over 6")
- Cane Sword
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Slingshots
Nichols Hills, OK
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Knives (blade length over 4")
Oklahoma City, OK
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Folding Knives (blade length over 4")
Portland, OR
- Stun Guns
- Pepper Spray over 4oz
- Fuel Cans
- Airguns
- Airsoft
- Black Powder Guns
- Blowguns
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Bowie Knives
- Cane Sword
- Daggers
- Stun gun
- Slingshots
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
- Crossbow
Newport, RI
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Pepper Spray over 1.69070 oz
Belton, SC
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Knives (overall length over 5")
Charleston, SC
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Slingshots
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
Greer, SC
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Columbia, SC
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Metal Knuckles
- Black Powder Guns
Knoxville, TN
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Daggers
- Bowie Knives
- Cane Sword
- Slingshots
Memphis, TN
- Airsoft
- Pepper Spray over 4oz
Salt Lake County, UT
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Assisted-Opening Knives (blade length 3" or more)
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Daggers
- Throwing Knives
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
- Fuel Cans
Falls Church, VA
- Slingshots
Prince Edward County, VA
- Folding Knives (blade length over 3.25")
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Airguns
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Seattle, WA
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Airguns
- Airsoft
- Ammunition
- Reloading Components - Bullets, Casings, etc.
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Baton
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Fuel Cans
- Pepper Spray
Beckley, WV
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Knives (blade length over 4")
Charleston, WV
- Assisted-Opening Knives
Hurricane, WV
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Stun Guns
- Pepper Spray cannot look like another product (pen, lipstick, etc.) or be over 2oz or under 1/2oz
Antigo, WI
- Metal Knuckles
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
Madison, WI
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
- Slingshots
Mosinee, WI
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
Verona, WI
- Metal Knuckles
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
Waunakee, WI
- Throwing Stars/Shuriken
West Milwaukee, WI
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
- Slingshots
- Blowguns
- Starter (Blanks) Pistols
Cheyenne, WY
- Assisted-Opening Knives
- Batons
- Nightsticks
- Billy Clubs
- Blackjacks
- Metal Knuckles
- Slaps
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
This is not the “Change” we believe in !
Saturday, October 23, 2010 – 12 Noon to 4:00 p.m.
U.S. CAPITOL – West Front
* The United States Constitution mandates the President of the United States must be a United States “natural born” Citizen – Article II, Section I;
* Obama was born in Mombasa, in what is now Kenya, Africa;
* Obama is an Indonesian Citizen as he was adopted/acknowledged by his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian Citizen;
* Obama’s legal name is Barry Soetoro; and
* The Healthcare bill (ObamaCare) signed into Law by Obama on March 23, 2010 is unconstitutional and voidable since he is “Constitutionally ineligible” to serve as President of the United States.
For these reasons, Philip J. Berg, Esquire, is sponsoring the “OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE / ELIGIBILITY / OBAMACARE” RALLY IN WASHINGTON, D.C. The Rally will be on Saturday, October 23, 2010 – 12 Noon to 4:00 p.m. at the U.S. CAPITOL – West Front.
All individuals participating are requested to bring a copy of their Birth Certificate.
The cost of the Rally on Washington is expensive. We must raise Fifty Thousand [$50,000] Dollars to cover the costs of the Rally including promoting this important event.
Donate today to help cover the expenses of the Rally and to defend our Constitution.
Saturday, October 23, 2010 – 12 Noon to 4:00 p.m.
U.S. CAPITOL – West Front
* The United States Constitution mandates the President of the United States must be a United States “natural born” Citizen – Article II, Section I;
* Obama was born in Mombasa, in what is now Kenya, Africa;
* Obama is an Indonesian Citizen as he was adopted/acknowledged by his stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian Citizen;
* Obama’s legal name is Barry Soetoro; and
* The Healthcare bill (ObamaCare) signed into Law by Obama on March 23, 2010 is unconstitutional and voidable since he is “Constitutionally ineligible” to serve as President of the United States.
For these reasons, Philip J. Berg, Esquire, is sponsoring the “OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE / ELIGIBILITY / OBAMACARE” RALLY IN WASHINGTON, D.C. The Rally will be on Saturday, October 23, 2010 – 12 Noon to 4:00 p.m. at the U.S. CAPITOL – West Front.
All individuals participating are requested to bring a copy of their Birth Certificate.
The cost of the Rally on Washington is expensive. We must raise Fifty Thousand [$50,000] Dollars to cover the costs of the Rally including promoting this important event.
Donate today to help cover the expenses of the Rally and to defend our Constitution.
Frack, Baby, Frack: The Insti-Environmental Nightmare
How scheme sold as pro-energy independence & climate-friendly unleashed environmental disaster in 5 years; From U.S. to Australia, Poland & India; Clean water as legal casualty; Green lesson from Bangladesh
Hydraulic fracturing - fracking. Click through to the "Gasland" website for more detailed explanation
The devil really is in the details: Fine print can kill. In 2005, as part of Bush/Cheney Energy Bill, a then obscure natural gas mining technique - hydraulic fracturing – was given an exemption from the Safe Drinking Water Act. Corporations were now allowed to keep the chemical contents of fracking fluid, used to break up shale deposits, a proprietary trade secret. Since Halliburton, where Dick Cheney had been CEO prior to becoming vice president, was one of the few producers of fracking fluid, the exemption became known as the “Halliburton loophole.”
Freed of any legal constraints, the fracking gold rush was on. It didn’t matter how many dozens of carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic compounds environmentalists discovered and documented in the “secret sauce,” the energy companies had the law on their side. Indeed, they had the law in the bag.sixtyminutes video
Within a matter of months, drilling began on the first of what would soon be tens of thousands of wells, mostly in the West - including wells on public BLM lands opened up under the patriotic banner of energy independence. Thousands of millions of gallons of water – 3 to 7 million per well – mixed with sand and fracking fluid were then injected under high pressure to create mini-earthquakes designed to release natural gas that had been sequestered in the rocks for millennia.
It worked. Released from its underground stone matrix prison, the gas surged to surface. And immediately began bubbling up in all sorts of unintended places, producing some pretty spectacular special effects such as flammable tap water.
Hydraulic fracturing - fracking. Click through to the "Gasland" website for more detailed explanation
The devil really is in the details: Fine print can kill. In 2005, as part of Bush/Cheney Energy Bill, a then obscure natural gas mining technique - hydraulic fracturing – was given an exemption from the Safe Drinking Water Act. Corporations were now allowed to keep the chemical contents of fracking fluid, used to break up shale deposits, a proprietary trade secret. Since Halliburton, where Dick Cheney had been CEO prior to becoming vice president, was one of the few producers of fracking fluid, the exemption became known as the “Halliburton loophole.”
Freed of any legal constraints, the fracking gold rush was on. It didn’t matter how many dozens of carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic compounds environmentalists discovered and documented in the “secret sauce,” the energy companies had the law on their side. Indeed, they had the law in the bag.sixtyminutes video
Within a matter of months, drilling began on the first of what would soon be tens of thousands of wells, mostly in the West - including wells on public BLM lands opened up under the patriotic banner of energy independence. Thousands of millions of gallons of water – 3 to 7 million per well – mixed with sand and fracking fluid were then injected under high pressure to create mini-earthquakes designed to release natural gas that had been sequestered in the rocks for millennia.
It worked. Released from its underground stone matrix prison, the gas surged to surface. And immediately began bubbling up in all sorts of unintended places, producing some pretty spectacular special effects such as flammable tap water.
Americans Buying Guns In Preparation For Civil Unrest
Paul Joseph Watson
October 18, 2010
Americans Buying Guns In Preparation For Civil Unrest
Americans are acquiring guns, silver and food stamps at record levels in reaction to the crumbling economy, trends indicative of a fearful public who are struggling financially and preparing for potential mass civil unrest in the aftermath of a total economic collapse.
FBI records and Google Trends research shows that firearms purchases are still at record highs, but that ammunition sales have leveled off, suggesting that a flood of first-time gun owners have rushed to protect themselves from the potential of higher crime and even civil unrest in the event of a widespread financial meltdown.
“That tells us that there are more first-time [gun] buyers coming in to buy firearms and that speaks to your worries about security. They buy a few rounds [of ammunition] first time, but they don’t buy more,” ConvergEx Group Chief Market Strategist Nicholas Colas told CNBC.
Interest in silver coins is also surging, with Americans looking for more affordable ways to protect their increasingly devalued dollar savings with many unable to afford soar away gold prices.
“Just two years ago, silver coin sales were on the magnitude of 1 million units a month, now it’s 3 million units a month,” said Colas.
Article continues
October 18, 2010
Americans Buying Guns In Preparation For Civil Unrest
Americans are acquiring guns, silver and food stamps at record levels in reaction to the crumbling economy, trends indicative of a fearful public who are struggling financially and preparing for potential mass civil unrest in the aftermath of a total economic collapse.
FBI records and Google Trends research shows that firearms purchases are still at record highs, but that ammunition sales have leveled off, suggesting that a flood of first-time gun owners have rushed to protect themselves from the potential of higher crime and even civil unrest in the event of a widespread financial meltdown.
“That tells us that there are more first-time [gun] buyers coming in to buy firearms and that speaks to your worries about security. They buy a few rounds [of ammunition] first time, but they don’t buy more,” ConvergEx Group Chief Market Strategist Nicholas Colas told CNBC.
Interest in silver coins is also surging, with Americans looking for more affordable ways to protect their increasingly devalued dollar savings with many unable to afford soar away gold prices.
“Just two years ago, silver coin sales were on the magnitude of 1 million units a month, now it’s 3 million units a month,” said Colas.
Article continues
Monday, October 18, 2010
Prepare for a Fake Cyber Attack and a Rant
Ready for a fake cyber attack? Me too. Then the gov can come in and crack down on anyone criticizing them on the internet, I guess my blogging days will soon be over. Taking away another freedom, we're getting use to it now. The inside job 9/11 attack allowed them to start two wars and pass the patriot act which in turn basically gutted the constitution. I'm not sure what event will enable them to make a run at our guns, but I'm sure it's on the horizon. Ever notice how we are "ALLOWED" to vote on certain things but not others? Don't you wish we could vote on wars? I sure do, think how many lives could be saved. Think of how much money could be used for good things, not death and destruction. We don't even get to vote on "The war on drugs" do we? This would be a good place for a Constitutional Republic, I mean we went to all the trouble to take the land away from the Indians. Oops lost my Political correctness for a moment, native americans. What really sucks is that it's probably a bunch of white people that came up with political correctness in the first place. I bet most native americans would say "Call us what you want, just give us our land back!"
Vote Yes on State Question 756
State Question 756 would amend the state constitution to say a law cannot force any "person, employer or health care provider to participate in any health care system." It also will say Oklahomans "shall not be required to pay penalties or fines for paying directly for lawful health care services."
Personally, I think it should make a bolder statement and say something like "A law cannot force a person to buy anything."
I think this should stand for "NO WASHINGTON BULLSHIT'
Personally, I think it should make a bolder statement and say something like "A law cannot force a person to buy anything."
I think this should stand for "NO WASHINGTON BULLSHIT'
Wikileaks' 10 greatest stories
Wikileaks, the whistleblowing website, is preparing to release 400,000 files on the Iraq war in a publication that promises to eclipse the release in the summer of 70,000 classified US military files on the Afghanistan conflict. Here are 10 previous high-profile leaks.
Wikileaks, the whistleblowing website, is preparing to release 400,000 files on the Iraq war in a publication that promises to eclipse the release in the summer of 70,000 classified US military files on the Afghanistan conflict. Here are 10 previous high-profile leaks.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
President Will Die in Office - Vice President Will be Assassinated
I predict the President elected sometime between 2008 and 2020 will die in office from a heart attack. The Vice President who will finish their term will have an unpopular and mistaken intention to declare war on North Korea. By that time, North Korea will have weapons of mass destruction. In the middle of efforts to declare war, I predict the Vice President will be assassinated. Sylvia Browne
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Scientists classify solar flares according to their x-ray brightness in the wavelength range 1 to 8 Angstroms. There are 3 categories: X-class flares are big; they are major events that can trigger planet-wide radio blackouts and long-lasting radiation storms. M-class flares are medium-sized; they can cause brief radio blackouts that affect Earth's polar regions. Minor radiation storms sometimes follow an M-class flare. Compared to X- and M-class events, C-class flares are small with few noticeable consequences here on Earth.
M flare just took place 3:30pm, the dark filament looks like it collapsed onto region 1112 and let out a decent sized M flare.
M flare just took place 3:30pm, the dark filament looks like it collapsed onto region 1112 and let out a decent sized M flare.
The American People Have More Power Than They Realize
First let me say that I'm not showing this as a black vs white thing, I would have been just as proud of an old black man standing up to a white punk. I'm showing it to remind the American people of the power that they have, if they are brave enough to use it. In this scenario, the old white man represents the American people and the young black man represents an out of control government.
Vote Tue, Nov 02, 2010
Vote Tue, Nov 02, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Mercury - Good for You?
Remember this? I always thought that this study must be a complete fraud but when I looked up a mercury study (I only found one so far) it didn't say any of the stuff that the news person said. It basically just said that mercury levels fall back to normal in about ten days, after receiving a shot that was it. It drew no conclusions about what was going on inside your body during those ten days and it said nothing about it helping behavior or your brain. BTW the study that I looked at was funded by the World Health Organization, the people that brought you the unnecessary H1N1 shots, the folks that stand to lose money if you don't take their shots. But I'm sure no one would ever put profits above your safety. [Trying not to laugh]
Federal Vaccine Court Orders U.S. Government Pay an Estimated $20 Million for Lifetime Care to Child With Autism Just as New Book Exploring the Link Between Mercury-Containing Vaccines and Autism Is Released
By PR Newswire
September 13, 2010 06:00 AM EDT
SafeMinds says the new book to be published September 14th, The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine and a Man-made Epidemic, provides compelling evidence that mercury in vaccines and other products has caused an epidemic of autism and other neurological disorders.
ATLANTA, Sept. 13 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. government revealed last week that they will compensate a family millions of dollars for their daughter's injury related to her infant vaccines that contained mercury and the subsequent development of autism. Yet, the CDC continues to tell the public that there is no connection between vaccines and autism and that the mercury has been removed, although the flu shot recommended for all pregnant women, infants, and children continues to be preserved with mercury.
Obviously vaccines can be linked to autism and a ground-breaking book out tomorrow, The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine and a Man-made Epidemic by authors Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill, uncovers disturbing evidence of mercury's role in the origins of autism and other childhood neurological disorders that have now reached epidemic proportions in the U.S.
In 1999, the FDA discovered mercury in infant vaccines far exceeded Federal safety standards. Science documents that the mercury preservative, Thimerosal, is highly toxic and linked to injuries like those suffered by the child compensated last week when she received several vaccines containing mercury. Olmsted and Blaxill have uncovered new evidence that mercury, found in a host of products including vaccines, is not only driving the autism epidemic today, but is plausibly linked to the majority of the first eleven autism cases, first described in the 1930's.
The Age of Autism is a sweeping epic that exposes the largely hidden history of mercury poisoning in human beings by medicine and industrial pollution; from triggering the worst form of syphilis, to poisoning young women mistakenly diagnosed with "hysteria," from causing "pink disease" in infants using teething powders in the 1950's, to launching new auto-immune neurological diseases.
The book consists of interlaced facts which build the inescapable conclusion that mercury was the trigger for the age of autism - and that with enough courage, compassion and fearless science the medical establishment can bring it to an end. "Autism is man-made. Informed by this simple truth, we can stop triggering autism and start treating it for what it is," say the authors. "And we can learn lessons that may help crack the code of other modern plagues from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's to asthma and Lou Gehrig's disease."
Dan Olmsted is an Award-Winning Journalist and former UPI Investigative Reporter. Mark Blaxill is the father or a daughter with autism and the author of numerous autism publications. For more information please go to
Obama's half brother in Kenya says he married teen
By TOM ODULA, Associated Press Writer Tom Odula, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 3 mins ago
NAIROBI, Kenya – President Barack Obama's polygamist half brother in Kenya has married a woman who is more than 30 years younger than him.
The 19-year-old's mother told The Associated Press on Friday she is furious that her daughter quit high school and married the 52-year-old.
Mary Aoko Ouma says her daughter tried to marry Malik Obama two years ago, but the mother says she wouldn't give permission.
Malik Obama, who is Muslim, has two other wives. Polygamy is legal in Kenya if it falls under religious or cultural traditions.
In an interview broadcast by Kenya's NTV that was filmed without his knowledge, Malik Obama says he married the 19-year-old but didn't say when.
NAIROBI, Kenya – President Barack Obama's polygamist half brother in Kenya has married a woman who is more than 30 years younger than him.
The 19-year-old's mother told The Associated Press on Friday she is furious that her daughter quit high school and married the 52-year-old.
Mary Aoko Ouma says her daughter tried to marry Malik Obama two years ago, but the mother says she wouldn't give permission.
Malik Obama, who is Muslim, has two other wives. Polygamy is legal in Kenya if it falls under religious or cultural traditions.
In an interview broadcast by Kenya's NTV that was filmed without his knowledge, Malik Obama says he married the 19-year-old but didn't say when.
Car #7
1994 Escort GT
Mine wasn't lowered like this one but it had mags, tinted windows and racing stripes.
I was amazed at the quickness of this car. I got in a two block race with a new, full sized chevy pickup, I won, the pickup driver was more surprised than I was. (too bad there was no money on it.) It handled beautifully, I know a cop that was chasing somebody in an Escort Gt. He said as long as the guy was going in a straight line he could keep up to him but by turning lots of corners the Escort finally lost him. I always kept that in the back of my mind but never had to do it.
Mine wasn't lowered like this one but it had mags, tinted windows and racing stripes.
I was amazed at the quickness of this car. I got in a two block race with a new, full sized chevy pickup, I won, the pickup driver was more surprised than I was. (too bad there was no money on it.) It handled beautifully, I know a cop that was chasing somebody in an Escort Gt. He said as long as the guy was going in a straight line he could keep up to him but by turning lots of corners the Escort finally lost him. I always kept that in the back of my mind but never had to do it.
Car #6
1982 Ford Mustang GT
This was a great car, manual trans, rear wheel drive, very fun to drive.
I'd probably still have this one but I got a job about 70 miles away, so driving 140 miles a day in a 5.0 just wasn't going to cut it. I needed a car that would get good mileage, so I reluctantly sold it.
This was a great car, manual trans, rear wheel drive, very fun to drive.
I'd probably still have this one but I got a job about 70 miles away, so driving 140 miles a day in a 5.0 just wasn't going to cut it. I needed a car that would get good mileage, so I reluctantly sold it.
Moving You To Helplessness
Let's just say we are part of an evil group that sees people as "useless eaters" and we are heartless and ruthless and we want to enslave them. How can you go about doing this?
I don't know about you but I want to make sure they don't have any guns.
I would want to destroy their economy, so that they would lose their jobs and have to count on me for food. Speaking of food, I sure wouldn't want them growing their own food and I wouldn't want them to be able to sell it. What else could we do? Everyone needs power to heat and cool their dwellings. I'd try to raise the price of energy, so that they might need my assistance to pay their energy bills.
I would also want to greatly decrease their numbers, but slowly, so that they don't get mad, because we are way out numbered. Maybe I'd find a sweetener that was toxic and put it in everything I possibly could. Heck, I'd even put it in things that are already sweet, like sugared chewing gum. If they are so dumb that adding sweetener to something that is already sweet doesn't alarm them, don't they deserve what they get?
I'd spray toxic things into the sky, they could look up and see it, but know they could do nothing about it, kind of a psychological slap in the face. BTW an extra nice thing about the stuff we're spraying, it kills plants and makes the soil toxic. Let's see you try to grow a garden five years from now, only our aluminum resistant crops will grow now and you know what? They don't have any of those, only we do.
Luckily the people are so dumbed down that our fake terrorist attack (that a five year old should be able to see through) was bought hook, line and sinker.
We used that to take away many of their basic rights.
We are well on our way to enslaving them, but we still have one problem, they have guns.
How can we get their guns so that they are completely helpless?
Perhaps an event.
An event that will "justify" martial law.
But just what form should that event take?
I don't know about you but I want to make sure they don't have any guns.
I would want to destroy their economy, so that they would lose their jobs and have to count on me for food. Speaking of food, I sure wouldn't want them growing their own food and I wouldn't want them to be able to sell it. What else could we do? Everyone needs power to heat and cool their dwellings. I'd try to raise the price of energy, so that they might need my assistance to pay their energy bills.
I would also want to greatly decrease their numbers, but slowly, so that they don't get mad, because we are way out numbered. Maybe I'd find a sweetener that was toxic and put it in everything I possibly could. Heck, I'd even put it in things that are already sweet, like sugared chewing gum. If they are so dumb that adding sweetener to something that is already sweet doesn't alarm them, don't they deserve what they get?
I'd spray toxic things into the sky, they could look up and see it, but know they could do nothing about it, kind of a psychological slap in the face. BTW an extra nice thing about the stuff we're spraying, it kills plants and makes the soil toxic. Let's see you try to grow a garden five years from now, only our aluminum resistant crops will grow now and you know what? They don't have any of those, only we do.
Luckily the people are so dumbed down that our fake terrorist attack (that a five year old should be able to see through) was bought hook, line and sinker.
We used that to take away many of their basic rights.
We are well on our way to enslaving them, but we still have one problem, they have guns.
How can we get their guns so that they are completely helpless?
Perhaps an event.
An event that will "justify" martial law.
But just what form should that event take?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
UFO? NYC kids say no, mysterious floating orbs were escaped balloons from teacher's engagement party
BY Erica Pearson and Lukas I. Alpert
Thursday, October 14th 2010, 4:07 PM
All those theories about Wednesday's mystery UFO sightings over Manhattan are about to go "pop."
A Westchester elementary school believes the puzzling orbs floating over Chelsea were likely a bundle of balloons that escaped from an engagement party they held for a teacher.
"UFO? They're crazy - those are our balloons!" said Angela Freeman, head of the Milestone School in Mount Vernon. "To me it was the most automatic thing. But it's all over YouTube."
A parent was bringing about 40 iridescent pearl balloons to the school for language arts teacher Andrea Craparo when the wind spent a bunch away around 1 p.m.
"They looked big and they were all together, so it looked like one UFO," said fourth-grader Nia Foster, 9.
Awestruck gawkers began calling the NYPD and the FAA starting about an hour later when mysterious flying objects appeared over Manhattan.
Meteorologists with the National Weather Service said the wind was blowing south at 5 to 10 m.p.h. at the time which would make the engagement balloon theory possible.
Police have said they believe the puzzling objects were likely balloons.
The sky was very clear at the time, making high-flying objects extremely visible from the ground.
Also, helium-filled balloons tend to change shape at high altitudes as the gas expands - making them look abnormal from below, experts say.
As with anything related to the paranormal, other possibilities abound. Following with the balloon theory, some suspected an event in Times Square where a number of yellow balloons were released to celebrate a joint-tourism agreement between New York and Madrid.
Then there is author Stanley Fulham, a retired NORAD officer who recently published a book predicting the world's major cities would be visited by UFOs on Oct. 13.
He did not return calls - and there was no word on his whereabouts. nydailynews
Thursday, October 14th 2010, 4:07 PM
All those theories about Wednesday's mystery UFO sightings over Manhattan are about to go "pop."
A Westchester elementary school believes the puzzling orbs floating over Chelsea were likely a bundle of balloons that escaped from an engagement party they held for a teacher.
"UFO? They're crazy - those are our balloons!" said Angela Freeman, head of the Milestone School in Mount Vernon. "To me it was the most automatic thing. But it's all over YouTube."
A parent was bringing about 40 iridescent pearl balloons to the school for language arts teacher Andrea Craparo when the wind spent a bunch away around 1 p.m.
"They looked big and they were all together, so it looked like one UFO," said fourth-grader Nia Foster, 9.
Awestruck gawkers began calling the NYPD and the FAA starting about an hour later when mysterious flying objects appeared over Manhattan.
Meteorologists with the National Weather Service said the wind was blowing south at 5 to 10 m.p.h. at the time which would make the engagement balloon theory possible.
Police have said they believe the puzzling objects were likely balloons.
The sky was very clear at the time, making high-flying objects extremely visible from the ground.
Also, helium-filled balloons tend to change shape at high altitudes as the gas expands - making them look abnormal from below, experts say.
As with anything related to the paranormal, other possibilities abound. Following with the balloon theory, some suspected an event in Times Square where a number of yellow balloons were released to celebrate a joint-tourism agreement between New York and Madrid.
Then there is author Stanley Fulham, a retired NORAD officer who recently published a book predicting the world's major cities would be visited by UFOs on Oct. 13.
He did not return calls - and there was no word on his whereabouts. nydailynews
Troops to Deal With Rioting Americans
As we reported in 2008, U.S. troops returning from Iraq are now occupying America, running checkpoints and training to deal with “civil unrest and crowd control” under the auspices of a Northcom program that by 2011 will have no less than 20,000 active duty troops deployed inside America to “help” state and local officials during times of emergency.
The last time the the national guard and military worked with FEMA and local law enforcement on a large scale in the United States was during Hurricane Katrina, when they aided in the confiscation of privately owned firearms of citizens, even those who lived in the high and dry areas and were unaffected by the hurricane.
Collating all the evidence of how the military has been seamlessly ingrained into the daily lives of Americans by way of uniformed troops undertaking law enforcement duties, there can be no doubt that the U.S. is already under a condition of undeclared martial law.
This has nothing to do with Afghanistan or Iraq – this is about turning America into a militarized police state in anticipation of widespread rioting.
Only by becoming aware of how far America has sunk into a militarized police state can we begin to reverse the incremental conditioning that has led Americans to accept the sight of troops on the streets demanding their papers.
It is important to understand that we are witnessing a deliberate collapse of society where the shrinking middle class is left with no other option but to riot in a last ditch effort to salvage their rapidly evaporating wealth.
Full Article prisonplanet
"Car" #5
Times were hard, Ronald Ray-Gun was president and jobs were hard to find. I sold my cherished Challenger and bought a little pickup so that I could at least make some money mowing lawns. I only had to mow a few lawns before my old friend Sooner helped me get a job selling car parts, I could have kept the Challenger.
Mine was darker blue with white mags and a sliding back glass. About six months after I sold it, I spotted it broken down on a bridge on I-35 in OKC.
Mine was darker blue with white mags and a sliding back glass. About six months after I sold it, I spotted it broken down on a bridge on I-35 in OKC.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
4.5 Magnitude Earthquake hits Near Norman Oklahoma
It was felt from Tulsa to Clinton and South to Pauls Valley. My wife called, all excited, it was the first real earthquake that she has ever been in. I don't know if there was any damage yet.
I was down around Pauls Valley this morning and personally, I didn't feel it but I'm going to Norman this afternoon, maybe I'll get some aftershock action.
* Earthquakes
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Last Earthquake in ...
Preliminary Earthquake Report
Magnitude 4.5 OKLAHOMA
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 14:06:29 UTC
Magnitude 4.5
Date-Time Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 14:06:29 (UTC) - Coordinated Universal Time
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 09:06:29 AM local time at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
Location 35.21N 97.31W
Depth 5.0 kilometers
Distances 10 km (10 miles) E of Norman, Oklahoma
35 km (20 miles) SSE of OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma
35 km (25 miles) WSW of Shawnee, Oklahoma
60 km (35 miles) ENE of Chickasha, Oklahoma
Location Uncertainty Error estimate: horizontal +/- 7.1 km; depth fixed by location program
Parameters Nst=38, Nph=38, Dmin=42.2 km, Rmss=1.19 sec, Erho=7.1 km, Erzz=0 km, Gp=67.1 degrees
Event ID us2010ciay
Oklahoma earthquake felt by some in Dallas-Fort Worth
By BRUCE TOMASO / The Dallas Morning News
People in Dallas-Fort Worth this morning reported feeling aftershocks from an earthquake in Oklahoma.
Also Online
Link: Coverage from The Oklahoman
According to The Oklahoman , the daily newspaper in Oklahoma City, the 4.5 magnitude quake was centered 6 miles east of Norman, Okla.
It was first reported shortly after 9 a.m. There were no reports of injuries.
"It came in loud and strong on all of our seismic stations,” Randy Keller, director of the Oklahoma Geological Survey, was quoted as saying.
Locally, people reported feeling trembles in Irving, Lewisville, Dallas, Fort Worth, and other cities.
Nikki Belshe, a 24-year-old musician and music therapist who lives in Fort Worth, said she felt vibrations as she lay in bed this morning.
"My alarm clock was set for 9:17, and it was just a few minutes before that," she said.
"I'm a really light sleeper. It woke me up. At first, I thought it was my dogs jumping up on the bed. But then they came in and started getting all excited. I think they could feel it, too."
I was down around Pauls Valley this morning and personally, I didn't feel it but I'm going to Norman this afternoon, maybe I'll get some aftershock action.
* Earthquakes
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Last Earthquake in ...
Preliminary Earthquake Report
Magnitude 4.5 OKLAHOMA
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 14:06:29 UTC
Magnitude 4.5
Date-Time Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 14:06:29 (UTC) - Coordinated Universal Time
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 09:06:29 AM local time at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
Location 35.21N 97.31W
Depth 5.0 kilometers
Distances 10 km (10 miles) E of Norman, Oklahoma
35 km (20 miles) SSE of OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma
35 km (25 miles) WSW of Shawnee, Oklahoma
60 km (35 miles) ENE of Chickasha, Oklahoma
Location Uncertainty Error estimate: horizontal +/- 7.1 km; depth fixed by location program
Parameters Nst=38, Nph=38, Dmin=42.2 km, Rmss=1.19 sec, Erho=7.1 km, Erzz=0 km, Gp=67.1 degrees
Event ID us2010ciay
Oklahoma earthquake felt by some in Dallas-Fort Worth
By BRUCE TOMASO / The Dallas Morning News
People in Dallas-Fort Worth this morning reported feeling aftershocks from an earthquake in Oklahoma.
Also Online
Link: Coverage from The Oklahoman
According to The Oklahoman , the daily newspaper in Oklahoma City, the 4.5 magnitude quake was centered 6 miles east of Norman, Okla.
It was first reported shortly after 9 a.m. There were no reports of injuries.
"It came in loud and strong on all of our seismic stations,” Randy Keller, director of the Oklahoma Geological Survey, was quoted as saying.
Locally, people reported feeling trembles in Irving, Lewisville, Dallas, Fort Worth, and other cities.
Nikki Belshe, a 24-year-old musician and music therapist who lives in Fort Worth, said she felt vibrations as she lay in bed this morning.
"My alarm clock was set for 9:17, and it was just a few minutes before that," she said.
"I'm a really light sleeper. It woke me up. At first, I thought it was my dogs jumping up on the bed. But then they came in and started getting all excited. I think they could feel it, too."
“Don’t ask, don’t tell” is now subject to a federal court injunction
(ChattahBox US News)—- The odious and discriminatory policy of “Don’t ask, don’t tell” is now subject to a federal court injunction ordering the U.S. and the Department of Defense to immediately stop enforcement of the military policy. U.S. District Court Judge Virginia A. Phillips, ruled last month that the DADT policy was not only unconstitutional, but it had a “direct and deleterious effect’’ on the military.
As ChattahBox previously reported, the Justice Department appealed Judge Phillips’ ruling, arguing that an injunction would disrupt the nation’s armed forces during a time of two wars. The federal government further argued that the Pentagon, the White House and Congress “are actively examining” the DADT issue, for an eventual repeal.
But Phillips was not persuaded by the government’s arguments, ordering an immediate ban on the policy that has resulted in thousands of qualified men and women being booted from the service, because of their sexual orientation.
As ChattahBox previously reported, the Justice Department appealed Judge Phillips’ ruling, arguing that an injunction would disrupt the nation’s armed forces during a time of two wars. The federal government further argued that the Pentagon, the White House and Congress “are actively examining” the DADT issue, for an eventual repeal.
But Phillips was not persuaded by the government’s arguments, ordering an immediate ban on the policy that has resulted in thousands of qualified men and women being booted from the service, because of their sexual orientation.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Car # 4
1973 Dodge Challenger

I kick myself over this one, should have kept it
Mine had a white top instead of black, it looked surprisingly good.
Ran into a brick wall one time, destroyed the wall, just a few scratches on the car.
I always thought it was funny how a perfectly good hood goes flying across the screen.
After he ran into a bulldozer at 140 mph!

I kick myself over this one, should have kept it
Mine had a white top instead of black, it looked surprisingly good.
Ran into a brick wall one time, destroyed the wall, just a few scratches on the car.
I always thought it was funny how a perfectly good hood goes flying across the screen.
After he ran into a bulldozer at 140 mph!
RDR: Boggy Depot Bigfoot Conference coming to Atoka
By Andrew W. Griffin
Red Dirt Report, editor
Posted: October 8, 2010
OKLAHOMA CITY -- If you have an interest in the mysterious and paranormal then you may want to head down to Atoka on October 22 and 23 for the annual Boggy Depot Bigfoot Conference.
The Boggy Depot Bigfoot Conference is not only a chance for folks to learn more about the elusive cryptozoological creature but it is also an opportunity for money to be raised for the Children's Miracle Network.
Among the activities taking place includes the 5k Bigfoot Charity Run/Walk and Bigfoot Movies in the park.
And among the amazing speakers at the conference attendees will hear from cryptozoologists/authors Nick Redfern (Science Fiction Secrets, There's Something in the Woods), Ken Gerhard (Big Bird: Modern Sightings of Flying Monsters), Cullan Hudson (Strange State: Mysteries and Legends of Oklahoma), as well as Scott Nelson, who will talk about a Sasquatch language, Choctaw storyteller Olin Williams, New Zealand-based guest Daniel Falconer, and Robert Swain, writer/artists of "Laughsquatch."
And beyond discussions about Bigfoot, author Cullan Hudson and Kendall Rubio, with Paranormal Investigations of North Texas, will discuss their investigations in Oklahoma and Texas.
Additionally, there will be activities for children, including facepainting, Choctaw-related learning opportunities (basket making, stickball, pottery making, bow and arrow usage, etc.), and the Sick Reality Car Club, which will feature "some of the coolest cars ever assembled."
There will be plenty of vendors on hand selling foods, drinks, and neat Sasquatch-related merchandise.
Admission for the Boggy Depot Bigfoot Conference is $10 for adults and children under 13 are admitted for free.
For more information go to
And to read a story that your Red Dirt Reporter wrote nearly six years ago related to Bigfoot sightings and research, here is an Alexandria-Pineville, La. Town Talk news article I wrote headlined "Bigfoot hunter gets airtime on Canadian children's TV show." This was one of many articles I wrote on Bigfoot during the six years I worked as a reporter for The Town Talk.
Copyright 2010 West Marie Media
Red Dirt Report, editor
Posted: October 8, 2010
OKLAHOMA CITY -- If you have an interest in the mysterious and paranormal then you may want to head down to Atoka on October 22 and 23 for the annual Boggy Depot Bigfoot Conference.
The Boggy Depot Bigfoot Conference is not only a chance for folks to learn more about the elusive cryptozoological creature but it is also an opportunity for money to be raised for the Children's Miracle Network.
Among the activities taking place includes the 5k Bigfoot Charity Run/Walk and Bigfoot Movies in the park.
And among the amazing speakers at the conference attendees will hear from cryptozoologists/authors Nick Redfern (Science Fiction Secrets, There's Something in the Woods), Ken Gerhard (Big Bird: Modern Sightings of Flying Monsters), Cullan Hudson (Strange State: Mysteries and Legends of Oklahoma), as well as Scott Nelson, who will talk about a Sasquatch language, Choctaw storyteller Olin Williams, New Zealand-based guest Daniel Falconer, and Robert Swain, writer/artists of "Laughsquatch."
And beyond discussions about Bigfoot, author Cullan Hudson and Kendall Rubio, with Paranormal Investigations of North Texas, will discuss their investigations in Oklahoma and Texas.
Additionally, there will be activities for children, including facepainting, Choctaw-related learning opportunities (basket making, stickball, pottery making, bow and arrow usage, etc.), and the Sick Reality Car Club, which will feature "some of the coolest cars ever assembled."
There will be plenty of vendors on hand selling foods, drinks, and neat Sasquatch-related merchandise.
Admission for the Boggy Depot Bigfoot Conference is $10 for adults and children under 13 are admitted for free.
For more information go to
And to read a story that your Red Dirt Reporter wrote nearly six years ago related to Bigfoot sightings and research, here is an Alexandria-Pineville, La. Town Talk news article I wrote headlined "Bigfoot hunter gets airtime on Canadian children's TV show." This was one of many articles I wrote on Bigfoot during the six years I worked as a reporter for The Town Talk.
Copyright 2010 West Marie Media
Government Prepares To Seize Private Pensions
Paul Joseph Watson
October 12, 2010

The government is preparing to seize the private 401(k) pensions of millions of Americans while enforcing an additional 5 per cent payroll tax as part of a new bailout program that will empower the Social Security Administration to redistribute pension funds in a frightening example of big government gone wild.
Public pension plans have been so aggressively looted already by the government that cities and counties face a $574 billion funding gap, according to a CNBC report.
That black hole is set to be filled by a new proposal that will “fairly” distribute taxpayer-funded pensions to everyone, by confiscating the private wealth of millions of Americans. Its proponents express staggering arrogance in thinking that they can just steal money people have worked for decades to accrue as if it’s their own.
Not only would the government confiscate 401(k) pensions, it would also impose a mandatory 5 per cent payroll tax payable by everyone, according to a hearing chaired last week by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee.
“This would, of course, be a sister government ponzi scheme working in tandem with Social Security, the primary purpose being to give big government politicians additional taxpayer funds to raid to pay for their out-of-control spending,” writes Connie Hair.
The hearing was a platform for advocates of Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRAs), a program authored by Teresa Ghilarducci, professor of economic policy analysis at the New School for Social Research in New York. Back in November 2008, Ghilarducci testified to Congress that 401(k)s and IRAs should be confiscated and converted into universal Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRAs) managed by the Social Security Administration.
“You don’t hold hearings on something you don’t intend to do,” points out the Market Ticker blog. “I hate it when I’m right. I hate it even more when tens of millions of Americans are going to get reamed to pay for the crimes of the handful on Wall Street, and their crony enablers in Washington DC.”
The GRAs would be enforced by means of a mandatory savings tax equating to 5 per cent of an individual’s annual paycheck deposited to the GRA. Social Security and Medicare taxes would still be payable, employers would no longer would be able to write off their contributions and capital gains would be taxable year-on-year. In addition, workers could bequeath only half of their account balances to their heirs, unlike full balances from existing 401(k) and IRA accounts.
During a Seattle radio interview in October 2008, Ghilarducci explained the motive behind the plan, stating, “I’m just rearranging the tax breaks that are available now for 401(k)s and spreading – spreading the wealth” (emphasis mine).
However, as we painfully learned in the immediate aftermath of the original $700 million dollar bailout, which was originally sold on the basis that it would be used to pay off bad debt, governments that propose “spreading the wealth” under socialist-style financial reforms almost always collect the wealth under the pretext of being the saviors before greedily hoarding it all for themselves.
The GRA program is being pushed by the Economic Policy Institute, an organization housed on the third floor of the building occupied by the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress. The Center for American Progress is a think tank headed by Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff John D. Podesta, who was also head of Barack Obama’s presidential transition team after the 2008 election.
In preparing to seize private pensions, the United States is going the same way as Argentinean government, which in 2008 nationalized the country’s private pension plans, known as AFJPs, confiscating the wealth of millions.
“We have no doubt that here the right to private property is being violated. Not just for us but for society and the world, this is a clear confiscation,” said opposition Radical Party’s Ernesto Sanz at the time.
How will Americans react to having not only their wealth but their nest egg for future generations brazenly confiscated by the government in one fell swoop? If this doesn’t prompt widespread rioting and civil disobedience in America on behalf of the besieged middle class then nothing will.
Fresh food that lasts from eFoods Direct (Ad)
Don’t be under any illusions, if you don’t have a private pension and think this won’t affect you – think again. Once the pretext has been created that the state can simply confiscate privately earned wealth, they can then come after anything, your gold, your home, your kids and eventually your very freedom. Once the vampire of big government gets a taste for blood, the teeth will only sink in further, and America’s resemblance to third world tyrannies will rapidly accelerate.
October 12, 2010

The government is preparing to seize the private 401(k) pensions of millions of Americans while enforcing an additional 5 per cent payroll tax as part of a new bailout program that will empower the Social Security Administration to redistribute pension funds in a frightening example of big government gone wild.
Public pension plans have been so aggressively looted already by the government that cities and counties face a $574 billion funding gap, according to a CNBC report.
That black hole is set to be filled by a new proposal that will “fairly” distribute taxpayer-funded pensions to everyone, by confiscating the private wealth of millions of Americans. Its proponents express staggering arrogance in thinking that they can just steal money people have worked for decades to accrue as if it’s their own.
Not only would the government confiscate 401(k) pensions, it would also impose a mandatory 5 per cent payroll tax payable by everyone, according to a hearing chaired last week by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee.
“This would, of course, be a sister government ponzi scheme working in tandem with Social Security, the primary purpose being to give big government politicians additional taxpayer funds to raid to pay for their out-of-control spending,” writes Connie Hair.
The hearing was a platform for advocates of Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRAs), a program authored by Teresa Ghilarducci, professor of economic policy analysis at the New School for Social Research in New York. Back in November 2008, Ghilarducci testified to Congress that 401(k)s and IRAs should be confiscated and converted into universal Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRAs) managed by the Social Security Administration.
“You don’t hold hearings on something you don’t intend to do,” points out the Market Ticker blog. “I hate it when I’m right. I hate it even more when tens of millions of Americans are going to get reamed to pay for the crimes of the handful on Wall Street, and their crony enablers in Washington DC.”
The GRAs would be enforced by means of a mandatory savings tax equating to 5 per cent of an individual’s annual paycheck deposited to the GRA. Social Security and Medicare taxes would still be payable, employers would no longer would be able to write off their contributions and capital gains would be taxable year-on-year. In addition, workers could bequeath only half of their account balances to their heirs, unlike full balances from existing 401(k) and IRA accounts.
During a Seattle radio interview in October 2008, Ghilarducci explained the motive behind the plan, stating, “I’m just rearranging the tax breaks that are available now for 401(k)s and spreading – spreading the wealth” (emphasis mine).
However, as we painfully learned in the immediate aftermath of the original $700 million dollar bailout, which was originally sold on the basis that it would be used to pay off bad debt, governments that propose “spreading the wealth” under socialist-style financial reforms almost always collect the wealth under the pretext of being the saviors before greedily hoarding it all for themselves.
The GRA program is being pushed by the Economic Policy Institute, an organization housed on the third floor of the building occupied by the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress. The Center for American Progress is a think tank headed by Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff John D. Podesta, who was also head of Barack Obama’s presidential transition team after the 2008 election.
In preparing to seize private pensions, the United States is going the same way as Argentinean government, which in 2008 nationalized the country’s private pension plans, known as AFJPs, confiscating the wealth of millions.
“We have no doubt that here the right to private property is being violated. Not just for us but for society and the world, this is a clear confiscation,” said opposition Radical Party’s Ernesto Sanz at the time.
How will Americans react to having not only their wealth but their nest egg for future generations brazenly confiscated by the government in one fell swoop? If this doesn’t prompt widespread rioting and civil disobedience in America on behalf of the besieged middle class then nothing will.
Fresh food that lasts from eFoods Direct (Ad)
Don’t be under any illusions, if you don’t have a private pension and think this won’t affect you – think again. Once the pretext has been created that the state can simply confiscate privately earned wealth, they can then come after anything, your gold, your home, your kids and eventually your very freedom. Once the vampire of big government gets a taste for blood, the teeth will only sink in further, and America’s resemblance to third world tyrannies will rapidly accelerate.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Black Sunshine
My first car was 1966 Ford Mustang with a 289 engine, I bought it for $800.
If I had thought of it, I would have named her Black Sunshine.
If I had thought of it, I would have named her Black Sunshine.
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