Sunday, July 05, 2009


Besides being Gorgeous - it seems to have a powerful message in it, which is showing the degrees of where each planet is etc. Well, guess what date, all those planets positioned where they are comes out to be? Yep.... July 7th 2009.

Look for a coronal mass ejection from our medium sized star AKA the sun on July 6th or 7th.
Personally, I would fill up your car with gas, get some cash, food and water. Hey what's it going to hurt? You can have a good laugh afterward.


yellowdoggranny said...

I'm already stocking up for 12-21-12..
what a lovely picture...where is that?
you find the neatest stuff...

billy pilgrim said...

i want to believe.

texlahoma said...

YDG - Good!

Billy - Crop Circles don't lie.

joy said...

How about 7-8-09? Is anything terrifying supposed to happen?

texlahoma said...

Joy - Not that I know of.

yellowdoggranny said...

wer're still here, another theory shot down.ha..
yes we canabis..i like that..

texlahoma said...

I thought it would be like in (August?) 1999. I remember ATM's not working and you had to pay cash for gas because credit cards wouldn't work.
I guess crop circles DO lie.

Anonymous said...

What a knockout post. Boy Scout, be prepared and stay prepared.

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