US (ChattahBox) – A former US Army Officer is suing Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and retired Air Force General Richard Myers former chairman of the joint chiefs, for what she says was a blatant lack of security measures and evacuation on the 9/11 attacks at the Pentagon, which seriously injured herself and her two month old son.
According to the details of the suit, a warning came in at 9:24 AM on September 11, 2001, that American Airlines Flight 77 was heading towards the Pentagon, and that unknown assailants had hijacked the plane. No evacuation was instigated, and at 9:43 AM the plane hit the building, causing injury to April Gallop, as well as severe brain damage to her then 2 month old son.
She also alleges that not only did they Pentagon officials fail to warn the people in the building, but that she heard two explosions, rather then a collision before the roof of her office toppled in on her and her son. Since making these claims directly after the event, she has been denied benefits from the US Army, which, as a former soldier injured in a conflict should have every right to receive.
Several other unnamed persons have also been named in the lawsuit.
“What they don’t want is for this to go into discovery,” Gallop’s attorney, Mr. Veale, told reporters. “If we can make it past their initial motion to dismiss these claims, and we get the power of subpoena, then we’ve got a real shot at getting to the bottom of this. We’ve got the law on our side.”
Seems to me a 9/11 survivor suing the vice president, an ex-Secretary of Defense and
a retired Air Force General would be a news worthy event, apparently not.
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Reporter Reddy talks to the groups that have been helping survivors of the 9/11 pentagon attacks and to other survivors like April Gallop who says "they didn't make it easy for injured survivors. WE'RE NOT ON THE RADAR. IT'S ALMOST LIKE BECAUSE YOU LIVED YOU'RE BEING PUNISHED."
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Has a human interest story about April Gallop from 2002 but no follow-up story or mention of the lawsuit.
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