Saturday, November 08, 2008

Massachusetts Passes Question 2

Question 2: Remove the threat of arrest or jail for possessing an ounce or less of marijuana, replacing it with a $100 fine, which could be paid through the mail without lawyers or court appearances, just like a speeding ticket.
Yes No


yellowdoggranny said...

some times them yanks can be really smart..

texlahoma said...

They make it look simple.
I bet there are some cops, lawyers and bail bondsmen that don't like it much.

billy pilgrim said...

i'm guessing that the guy selling you the oz will still go to jail.

a slight bottleneck in the process

texlahoma said...

You got a good point Billy.
Plus think how non-green it would be if they kind of followed the law and imported it 1 oz at a time.
It would be bad for the environment, using so much fuel and all.

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