Monday, September 08, 2008

Future Super State: Texlahoma


joy said...

This will just be so popular in both Texas and Oklahoma! You should probably change your name and move.

yellowdoggranny said... think okies and texans wouldn't like mexico would rather become part of mexico than part of texas...they really hate us...
great idea though.

Travis Erwin said...

Will I be able to buy a Shiner Bock in OKC without them charging me more for an import and they better not move that 3.2 beer to Texas.

texlahoma said...

Joy, you're right about that but this isn't Tex, I'm Sam from the great state of Montana. The whole super state thing was my idea.

YDG, we can exclude New Mexico, no big loss. BTW, Sam said that, not Tex.

Don't worry Travis, that won't happen truth be told, Oklahoma has Texas beer envy.

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