Steve Watson
May 6, 2013
Appearing on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on WABC in New York, Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla. said that the Obama administration was attempting to “dry up the market” and deprive gun owners of bullets.
“We have in this country the Second Amendment that preserves the right to keep and bear arms, and the president doesn’t believe in that.” Inhofe said.
“President Obama has been doing everything he could to stop the private ownership of guns in America,” the Senator added. “Yet he’s been voted down in a big way by a large majority, and so my feeling is that he’s doing this to buy up [ammunition] so honest, law-abiding citizens here in the United States, like my son, can’t even buy ammunition because government is purchasing so much.”
“We had someone testify the other day the DHS has the ‘right’ – this is a bureaucrat who said this – they have the ‘right’ to buy as much as they want, and they’re planning to buy 750 million rounds,” Inhofe said, referring to a House committee hearing last week, during which the DHS’s chief procurement officer denied that the agency was stockpiling ammunition, while simultaneously admitting that the huge open orders had been submitted.
Inhofe pointed out that the amount of ammunition on order “is more than three times the amount our soldiers are using for training to defend our nation.”
As we recently reported, the DHS announced plans to purchase another 360,000 rounds of hollow point ammunition to add to the roughly 2 billion bullets already bought over the past year.
In addition, last week, The DHS released a market survey asking companies if they are able to provide 2 million rounds of ammunition within a short time period, increasing concerns that the federal agency is continuing its arms build up even further.
“I believe it’s intentional,” Inhofe said, describing the situation as “just another effort to restrict gun activity and ownership.”
“This has never happened in this country before. We’ve never had government trying to take that much control at the expense of law-abiding citizens. And we’re not going to let it happen.” Inhofe added.
Ammo shortages across the nation are now commonplace, with gun stores forced to resort to bullet rationing, and self production in an attempt to satisfy as many customers as they can, while some police departments are having to barter between themselves to meet demand.
Despite the official denials backed up by unquestioning media reports that the DHS is buying an abnormal amount of bullets, the Government Accountability Office announced last week that an investigation of the purchases is “just getting underway.”
Two weeks ago, Inhofe introduced legislation into the Senate that would limit such stockpiling of bullets by federal agencies.
The bill, known as the Ammunition Management for More Obtainability Act, or AMMO act for short, would stop short of limiting the Department of Defense on ammo purchases, but would prevent the DHS and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from purchasing or storing more ammunition than those agencies retained on average between 2001 and 2009.
Speaking about the legislation, Inhofe noted:
“It’s designed to have the Government Accounting Office inventory not the Defense Department but all other departments that use weaponry,” Inhofe said, “as to what they’re doing in terms of the amount of ammunition they have bought to dry up the market for honest, law-abiding citizens.”
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well, i guess they have to spend all that money the fed is printing on something. you can only give karzai so much.
Billy - Give a man a $100 dollar bill, and you feed him for a day, teach him to print $100 dollar bills, and you feed him for a lifetime.
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