Clem Britt/Associated Press
[Pat Robertson, center, has taken a surprising stance after his long career as an evangelical leader.]
“I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol,” Mr. Robertson said in an interview on Wednesday. “I’ve never used marijuana and I don’t intend to, but it’s just one of those things that I think: this war on drugs just hasn’t succeeded.”
Mr. Robertson’s remarks echoed statements he made last week on “The 700 Club,” the signature program of his Christian Broadcasting Network, and other comments he made in 2010. While those earlier remarks were largely dismissed by his followers, Mr. Robertson has now apparently fully embraced the idea of legalizing marijuana, arguing that it is a way to bring down soaring rates of incarceration and reduce the social and financial costs.
“I believe in working with the hearts of people, and not locking them up,” he said.
Mr. Robertson’s remarks were hailed by pro-legalization groups, who called them a potentially important endorsement in their efforts to roll back marijuana penalties and prohibitions, which residents of Colorado and Washington will vote on this fall.
“I love him, man, I really do,” said Neill Franklin, executive director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, a group of current and former law enforcement officials who oppose the drug war. “He’s singing my song.”
For his part, Mr. Robertson said that he “absolutely” supported the ballot measures, though he would not campaign for them. “I’m not a crusader,” he said.
That comment may invite debate, considering Mr. Robertson’s long career of speaking out — and sometimes in ways that drew harsh criticism — in favor of conservative family values. Recently, he was quoted as saying that victims of tornadoes in the Midwest could have avoided their fate by praying more.
But advocates of overhauling drug laws say Mr. Robertson’s newfound passion on their issue could help sway conservative voters and other religious leaders to their cause.
“Pat Robertson still has an audience of millions of people, and they respect what he has to say,” said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, which advocates for more liberal drug laws. “And he’s not backtracking. He’s doubling down.”
Mr. Robertson, 81, said that there had been no single event or moment that caused him to embrace legalization. Instead, his conviction that the nation “has gone overboard on this concept of being tough on crime” built up over time, he added.
“It’s completely out of control,” Mr. Robertson said. “Prisons are being overcrowded with juvenile offenders having to do with drugs. And the penalties, the maximums, some of them could get 10 years for possession of a joint of marijuana. It makes no sense at all.”
Such talk was welcomed by some other religious leaders, especially those in African-American communities who have long argued that blacks are unfairly targeted in drug cases.
Iva E. Carruthers, the general secretary for the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, the Chicago group that represents hundreds of black clergy members and lay leaders, said Mr. Robertson’s remarks suggested that he recognized that “if you’re a Hollywood exec with money, you’re treated differently than if you’re a poor kid getting off public transportation and get arrested.”
“I would hope and think that it would move the needle for the large constituencies of evangelicals he represents,” Dr. Carruthers added.
She said that she personally supported marijuana legalization, as did a growing number of conference members. But whether Mr. Robertson’s endorsement would have a lasting impact was unclear, even to Mr. Robertson.
“I think they would agree if they understood the facts as I do,” he said of other evangelical leaders. “But it’s very hard.”
He attributed much of the problem of overpopulated jails to a “liberal mindset to have an all-encompassing government.”
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I concluded some time ago that the "War on Drugs" was/is a total failure.
All these drugs need to be handled similar to how alcohol is.
-1) You have to be 21 to buy or use alcohol.
-2 Drink and drive, you go to jail. There are penalties for misuse.
-3) Only licensed outlets can sell the stuff.
-4)Quality is rigidly monitored. You won't go blind drinking Jim Beam.
-5) We get lots of tax revenue from the stuff.
With drugs, kids of any age can buy anything off the street. It can be laced with rat poisen, drain cleaner, or anything the pusher wants to stretch his supply.
A kid can get 25 years in prison for being curious and taking a puff offo a joint.
The illegal drug trade is causing more death than both our wars. It's turning our cops into ski-masked thugs.
Legalize drugs. Monitor them. Guarantee their quality. Sell them only from legal outlets, and only to legal buyers.
And then abolish the DEA.
Bob - I agree, I've been saying the same thing for years.
Yeah it would be like any legal product, if the drug was bad, you could sue the manufacturer.
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