Friday, March 16, 2012 16:50 EDT
Jason Russell, 33, a filmmaker, was reportedly acting strangely when police picked him up off Ingraham Street in San Diego around noon on Thursday. Officers claim he was seen undressing as he ran through traffic, screaming all the way. Russell did not try to resist officers, the report notes, and was sent to a medical facility for treatment. It is not yet clear what substance he was on, if any.
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Kinda surprised they bothered to arrest him at all, that's almost normal behavior in the People's Republic of Californication...if you're political connections are good, anyway!
- Galt-in-Da-Box
Long time no see. =) Anyway this guy is such a public figure that they can't kill him that would be too lets discredit him is what I am thinking...
It really is one of those things that makes you say hmmmm.
Galt - Yeah almost anything goes there, I guess he just pushed it a bit too far.
McRaven? I thought the Hoot Owls done got ya. Glad to see you're still around. The whole Koni 2012 thing was a big fraud, I was glad to see it fall apart so quickly, people are wising up.
Diane - Hmmm, you're right, it does.
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