Thursday, November 18, 2010

New Report: Marijuana Prohibition Doesn’t Work, Regulation Needed

by Mike Meno
October 7, 2010

A new report released today (10/7/2010) by the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy uses figures provided by the U.S. government to highlight the unquestionable failure of America’s marijuana prohibition to accomplish a single one of its goals. Reviewing 20 years of data, the report shows that despite drastically increased spending on enforcement efforts, including near record-level arrests and seizures, marijuana has become cheaper, more potent, and more available than ever. It concludes, “the legalization of cannabis, combined with the implementation of strict regulatory tools could help reduce cannabis-related harms, as research has demonstrated is successful in tobacco and alcohol control, when strictly enforced.”

Among the report’s findings:

* The annual overall budget for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy increased by more than 600%; growing from approximately $1.5 billion in 1981 to more than $18 billion in 2002 (the last year reliable figures were available).
* Between 1990 and 2006, marijuana-related arrests increased by 150%, while marijuana seizures increased by more than 400%.

* The estimated retail cost of marijuana decreased from $37 per gram in 1990 to $15 per gram in 2007.
* Marijuana has remained almost “universally available” to American youth during the last 30 years of prohibition.

The report is very clear in its endorsement of a regulated marijuana market over simply a decriminalized model, in which criminal penalties against users are removed, but the sale of marijuana would remain illegal, and therefore, in the hands of criminals. “Without regulatory controls allowing for limited distribution – as employed for other psychoactive substances such as alcohol and tobacco – organized crime groups continue to exercise control over the cannabis market,” the report states.

It goes on to explain that regulations could include “age restrictions, restricting driving or operating machinery while intoxicated, limiting hours of sale and outlet density, restricting bulk sales and limiting potency of legal cannabis.”

Boiled down, this is the same message that MPP and others have advocated for years: marijuana regulation is a far superior policy alternative to the chaotic and ineffective nature of prohibition.


billy pilgrim said...

i don't think we need any more reports. the evidence is irrefutable, pot should be legalized.

we need to bring the price down!

Mr. Charleston said...

Did someone pay for this dumbass report?

diane said...

Pot will never be legalized as long as the government uses slave labor (prison inmates).

texlahoma said...

Billy - I agree.

Mr. C - I don't know what makes it a dumbass report and I don't know if anybody paid for it or not.

Diane - You might be right.

Heff said...

Why do I suddenly have a craving for Cheetos ?!?

yellowdoggranny said...

well duh...

did I tell you of my recent bout with the nasty weed?..oh man...I never was much of a smoker..made me paranoid and sleepy..which is why when I couldn't sleep I got one of my friend to get me a joint...remember I haven't smoked in 30+ years...and it's a lot stronger than any thing I ever I take about 3-4 maybe more who can remember...hits and yup..I'm go to bed..where I lay awake thinking to myself 'what if I can't remember how to breathe?'...what if I can't remember how to swallow?....that's what I had forgot...I don't like to get high ...drunk yes, wired was pretty funny.a friend who will be remain nameless didn't have any problem with it ..ha

texlahoma said...

Heff _ I can't eat those, they turn my fingers and lips orange, must be some kind of allergy.

YDG - No wonder you don't like it, doesn't sound like much fun. I got like that with being wired, made me even more paranoid than usual,wasn't any fun, had to give it up.

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