Friday, October 10, 2014

Details of How Mandatory Ebola Vaccines Will Soon Be a Reality

...Bill Gates

Vaccine Cards

Americans are going to be required to obtain a vaccine card which demonstrates that they have complied with the federal list of vaccines. DHS is lobbying to have the information to be included on one’s drivers license and it will be a pre-requisite to obtaining a drivers license. Admittance to movie theaters, sporting events, to make a purchase at a grocery store or a mall will soon require the showing of one’s card. I was lightheartedly told that a person will not even be able to get a pizza delivered to their home without giving their vaccination card number over the phone.
Does the marginalization of the people who do not have a vaccination card remind you of any other group in world history?
J Stamp J Stamp

The vaccination card will only be the beginning of the incremental practice of mass vaccinations in which my sources believe will leave much of the population in a debilitated condition. At one time, these allegations would have been considered to be lunacy. However, when one considers how Ebola is being allowed to spread by keeping both the borders open and our airports open to travelers from West Africa,  these allegations are very conservative.
The mandatory vaccine cares will be a pre-requisite for all employment, much like an I-9 card was intended to be.

As I have already reported, healthy people, in an impact zone (i.e. the term being used for a pandemic outbreak) will be assigned and relocated until such time as they have taken the soon-t0-be mandatory GSK Ebola vaccine.
vaccine roadblocksAs both Greg Evensen and myself have revealed, there will be vaccine roadblocks designed to arrest and transport, for detainment, individuals who refuse to be vaccinated. I was told that the lion’s share of the work will be performed by the militarized local police. However, integrated within the roadblock forces will be DHS personnel along with “UN observers” and foreign troops (i.e. Russian and Chinese military). Their presence at these roadblocks will be for the purposes of habituation only. In other words, the globalists want the American people to get conditioned to the idea of seeing UN troops on American soil.

Full Article at 

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