Friday, April 22, 2011

President Clueless as to Cause of High Gas Prices

President Obama started a war with an oil producing nation, without approval from congress, then announced Thursday that his administration will investigate to see if fraud or manipulation in oil markets is behind the sharp increase in gasoline prices.

Obama did not, however, consider the possibility that less oil on the world market, do to war with Libya, could have anything to do with the rise in gasoline prices.


Heff said...

Do you ever think he'll figure out that "Tax And Spend" & "Spread The Wealth" government also only puts the nation further in debt ?

Yeah, probably not...

texlahoma said...

Heff - Sometimes I don't know if he's paying dumb or if he's not playing.

TheWayfarer said...

"Sharp as a marble & twice as juicy!" - Mom

Kinda' nicer than I'd put it: Dumber than a friggin' box of rocks!

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